EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. The parties agree to establish and maintain a joint Employee Relations Committee, which shall consist of three (3) representatives of the Association appointed by the President of the Association and three (3) management representatives appointed by the Board of Higher Education acting through the Council of Presidents. The representatives of the parties may be accompanied by advisors of their choosing at any meeting of the Employee Relations Committee. The purposes of this committee shall be (1) to xxxxxx good labor-management relations through the implementation of the terms of this Agreement; (2) to seek to resolve, consistent with this Agreement, problems or disputes arising under this Agreement; (3) where appropriate, to seek the resolution of grievances consistent with the terms of this Agreement; and, (4) where appropriate, subject to the provisions of this Section, to enter into mutual agreements to effectuate the terms of this Agreement. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, no person or body referenced in this Section C(2) shall have the authority to alter, amend, extend or revise any term of this Agreement. The Association and the Board of Higher Education acting through the Council of Presidents shall each designate a spokesperson who shall be the authorized agent of each party in the discharge of its responsibilities under this Section. Meetings of the Employee Relations Committee will be scheduled monthly, and on the call of either party, through its spokesperson. Special meetings shall be scheduled at mutually agreeable times, but not later than five (5) working days from the date of receipt of the request. Special meeting requests may be made orally or in writing by the spokesperson of either party to the other and shall specify the reasons for which such special meeting is requested. The spokesperson of the Association shall serve and preside as Chair at the first meeting; thereafter, the role of Chair will alternate between the spokesperson of the Association and the spokesperson of the Council of Presidents. A representative of the party not chairing the meeting will take minutes of the meeting. The parties agree that their representatives shall have the authority and power to reach agreements, settlements, and other adjustments on their behalf. Minutes of each meeting should be signed within forty-five (45) days after such meeting. The Committee shall sponsor and arrange for a contract orientation meeting to be held...
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. The parties agree to an Employee Relations Committee (E.R.C.) to address issues of concern to both employees and the Employer. The meetings will be held as needed at the store or at an otherwise mutually agreed location. The Union Representative and up to two (2) bargaining unit employees or their designates. Subjects addressed may include health and safety, housekeeping and maintenance.
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. An Employee Relations Committee shall be formed upon ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Committee shall consist of an equal number of participants, not to exceed four (4) in each respective party. Each respective party shall select its own representatives. The Committee shall have no authority to modify or interpret the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Committee shall generally be responsible for maintaining open communications between the parties and work as a catalyst to resolve issues. The Committee shall be recognized as a recommending body only with the sole purpose of making recommendations on labor/management issues to the Director of the Division in order to provide mutual resolution as often as possible. The County and the Union shall select a neutral third party to provide training to the committee and to facilitate meetings, as mutually agreed upon. The Committee will meet as necessary, and requested by either party, but in no event shall meetings occur more frequently than once per month unless mutually agreed upon. The Committee will disband effective one year from ratification of this Agreement unless both parties mutually agree to continue.
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. The parties agree to establish and maintain a joint Employee Relations Committee, which shall consist of three (3) unit members appointed by the Association, acting by the MSCA, and three (3) management representatives appointed by the Board, acting by the Council of Presidents. The representatives of the parties may be accompanied by advisors of their choosing at any meeting of the Employee Relations Committee. The purpose of this committee shall be: i. to xxxxxx good labor-management relations through the implementation of the terms of this Agreement; ii. to seek to resolve, consistent with this Agreement, problems or disputes arising under this Agreement; iii. where appropriate, to seek the resolution of grievances consistent with the terms of this Agreement; and iv. where appropriate, but subject to the provisions of this section, to enter into mutual agreements to effectuate the terms of this Agreement. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, no person or body referenced in this Section C shall have the authority to alter, amend, extend or revise any term of this Agreement. The Association (acting by the MSCA) and the Board (acting by the Council of Presidents) shall each designate a spokesperson who shall be the authorized agent of each party in the discharge of its responsibilities under this section. Meetings of the Employee Relations Committee will be conducted at least four
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. 7.01 The Parties agree to establish a Joint Employee Relations Committee to discuss matters of mutual interest related to Employees covered by Subsidiary Agreement #002 - Administrative and Program Services. (a) The Committee shall be composed of: (i) Four (4) Government representatives to be appointed by the Public Service Commissioner. (ii) Four (4) Union representatives to be appointed by Local 002. (iii) The Parties may each appoint alternates to serve in the absence of a regular member. (iv) The Parties shall each appoint a Co-Chairperson. (b) Salary and expenses pertaining to the operation of the Committee shall be borne by the respective Parties. (c) The Committee shall meet as it deems necessary to discuss matters of mutual interest to Local 002. The Committee shall develop Terms of Reference. The Terms of Reference shall incorporate a method to achieve recommendations. (d) If the Parties, by mutual agreement, give the Committee authority to formulate recommendations within its Terms of Reference, the Committee will make recommendations for the consideration of the Public Service Commissioner and the Union.
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. 28.01 There shall be an Employee Relations Committee consisting of up to three (3) members appointed by the Board and up to three (3) members appointed by the Bargaining Unit. 28.02 The committee shall meet as required at the request of either Party to discuss matters of common concern.
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. There shall be an Employee Relations Committee comprised of representatives of the Hospital, one of whom shall be the Director of Human Resources or designate, and representatives of the Union, one of whom shall be the Local President, or designate. The number of representatives from each party shall be up to four (4) but may be altered by mutual agreement. The committee shall meet monthly unless otherwise agreed. Meetings can be cancelled, where there are no issues for the agenda. The duties of Chairperson and Secretary shall alternate between the parties. Where possible, agenda items will be exchanged in writing at least five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting. A record shall be maintained of matters referred to the Committee and the recommended disposition, if any, unless agreed to the contrary. Copies of the record shall be provided to the Committee members. Approved and signed Minutes will be posted on the bulletin boards. The purpose of the Committee includes:
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE a) There shall be an Employee Relations Committee comprised of an equal number of representatives from both the Union and the Employer. The number of representatives on the Committee shall be mutually determined by the Employer and the Union. b) The Committee will hold meetings not more often than once every two (2) months at the request of either party, and more frequently on urgent matters by mutual agreement of the parties. The meeting will be held at a mutually convenient time and date. The meeting minutes shall alternate between the Employer and Union's representatives at each meeting. The meeting minutes for the previous meeting and the upcoming meeting's agenda shall be distributed to the committee members one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting date. Additional agenda items may be added on the day of the scheduled meeting if needed by the Employer or Union's representatives. Once the meeting minutes are approved by both the Union and Employer's representatives, the meeting minutes shall be distributed to all staff no more than thirty (30) days after the meeting. c) The purpose of the meetings will be to discuss matters of mutual concern. It is expressly understood that such meetings are not intended to replace or interfere with the established Collective Bargaining Procedures or the Grievance and Arbitration Procedures of this Agreement. d) Members of the Union Committee required to attend such meetings will be compensated for time lost from their regular working hours at their regular rate. A member of a committee shall be deemed to be at work during the times described above and shall be compensated for this time in accordance with the collective agreement. If a meeting is scheduled during a Union Committee's workday but during their non•working hours, the member's shift will be adjusted to include the meeting time. e) Within two (2) weeks of the implementation of a Board policy or decision that materially affects Employees within the bargaining unit, the Employer agrees to provide a written copy of the same to the union. f) Prior to effecting any changes in rules or policies which materially affect Employees within the bargaining unit, the Employer will discuss the changes with the Union. g) The Employer and the Union agree that the Employee Relations Committee shall be utilized for the purpose of reviewing workload issues including individual workload concerns and systemic workload issues and making recommendations for addressing workload c...
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. 27.1 The parties agree to establish a joint Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of maintaining open communications between the parties, working as a catalyst to resolve issues, and providing input to the Sheriff on matters of mutual interest. 27.2 The Committee shall have no authority to modify or interpret the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 27.3 The Committee shall meet at such dates and times as may be mutually agreed. The topics for discussion shall be exchanged at least seven (7) days prior to any meeting, unless waived by mutual agreement, and either party may refuse to discuss any matter.
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEE. The County and the Union will form an Employee Relations Committee that shall meet on a quarterly basis, and shall consist of four (4) union members and four (4) members of management. Union members are to be selected by AFSCME Local 173 and Management members shall be selected by the County. Members of the Committee (union or management) may request a meeting with the Administrative Services Director two weeks prior to the date of the committee’s regularly scheduled meeting date to prepare an agenda, at which time, they can request that the appropriate participants be made available and prepared for the upcoming committee issues and discussions. Committee meetings will be an hour in duration, and are to be held to assist with policy interpretation/clarification, workload issues, and other concerns related to the daily work routines of union members and management.