Rotating Shift Sample Clauses
Rotating Shift. (SB1, SC1, and SD1 only) When a unit member is assigned to a regular rotating shift schedule, that unit member shall be paid one dollar and eleven ($1.11) cents per hour for each hour worked in the schedule. For the purposes of this Section, “Rotating Shift Schedule” is defined as a work schedule that rotates the assigned work days and work hours more frequently than once every six (6) weeks, with one of the regular schedules being a swing or graveyard shift, as part of an overall schedule covering related unit members.
Rotating Shift. When a represented employee is assigned to a regular rotating shift schedule, the represented employee shall be paid ninety-two cents ($.92) per hour for each hour worked in that work schedule. “Rotating Shift Schedule” is defined, for the purposes of this section, as a work schedule that rotates the assigned work days and work hours more frequently than once every six (6) weeks, with one of the regular schedules being a swing or graveyard shift, as part of an overall schedule covering related represented employees.
Rotating Shift. A member shall be deemed to be employed on a rotating shift when the member's regular hours of work change from day to day, or week to week, or any combination thereof, in order that service may be provided twenty-four (24) hours a day for each day of the year or part of the year as may be necessary.
Rotating Shift. Food Services Department Scheduling Shift Schedule- in accordance with past practice agreed upon by the parties. If there are any shifts segregated from the rotation, fill-ins for those shifts shall be offered by seniority. The Company will ensure that rotation is done in a fair and equitable manner for all those available to work in this department.
Rotating Shift. The Board and the Association agree that effective January positions covered by the Unit “A“Collective Agreement on which work is regularly performed on a Day and Afternoon Shift on a rotating basis shall be hour work week positions. It is also agreed that if a Rotating Shift is re-assigned to a 35-hour work week position, the Association will be advised prior to the re-assignment of any member. The Parties acknowledge that as a result of this change a redeployment of surplus personnel which may develop in some units may be necessary; however, no members will be laid off as a result of this change. The Parties agree that all of those positions in Unit “A” which are currently performed solely on the Day Shift will be hour work week positions. Members who currently occupy hour work week positions for work performed solely on the Day Shift may, at their option, continue to work a hour work week as long as they occupy such positions. In the event that there is a proposal to change a day shift from Monday-Friday to some other schedule, the proposal will be referred to the Committee.
Rotating Shift. A Rotating Shift is any base schedule which includes different start times within either the afternoon or night shifts within a work week. Employees will receive rotating shift premium for shifts that qualify for afternoon or night shift premium as follows: Shift Differential Afternoon $.53 Night $.57
Rotating Shift shift work which requires an employee to change from days to afternoons to nights (or variations on these) on a regular and rostered basis;
Rotating Shift. The County will establish rotating shift that shall allow officers to rotate to other shifts during the scheduled periods of every three (3) months. This will consist of one (1) officer per shift and shall be of volunteer nature. Officers electing to work a rotating shift shall indicate so during the shift bidding period. Officers electing to work a rotating shift shall work one (1) month on each shift during the three (3) month period. Officers who elect to work a rotating shift shall be paid one dollar ($1.00) per hour differential pay on all shifts assigned. If there are no volunteers, this section shall not be applicable.
Rotating Shift. Eight (8) consecutive hours, excluding up to thirty (30) minutes taken for the mid- shift meal, shall constitute a rotating shift. Rotating shifts shall overlap by that length of time designated for the mid-shift meal. Unless otherwise designated, the normal hours for rotating shifts shall be:
(1) Energy Northwest may establish a working lunch which may be discontinued at any time with thirty
(2) When a working lunch is in effect, these rules shall apply. For shift overlap and tie-in purposes, as part of a working lunch schedule, two-tenths (.2) of an hour per day of overtime compensation will be added to the post assignments at Columbia Generating Station. Columbia Generating Station post assignments do not include:
1) of an hour. (The 18 minutes will be paid at time and one half (1.5x) and any additional overtime at the appropriate overtime rate.)
(3) Any additional "one-tenth (.
1) of an hour" shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate. This provision shall be deemed appropriate and total compensation for normal routine shift overlap.
Rotating Shift. 40 hours, (5) consecutive days from Monday to Friday. Employees work one week on a day shift and one week on an evening shift in a repeating pattern. While on day shift, employees will work an 8-hour shift with no scheduled breaks. While on evening shift, employees will work an 8 ½ hour shift with a half hour unpaid meal break. Shift start and end times will vary based on the flying operation changes.