SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. 6.1 This clause refers to the salary schedules appearing in Appendix 1: Parity
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. Pay rates depend upon many factors, such as knowledge, training, special skills, and the responsibilities of the job. Constant effort is made to maintain a fair wage or salary range for each job and a fair relationship between the job levels. Salary and wage adjustments will generally be implemented, when an equity or administrative adjustment is deemed necessary and provided performance warrants the adjustment. Adjustments may be in the form of merit increases or administrative adjustments, and developed in conjunction with the budget development process. All salary and wage adjustments are contingent upon available funding. Wages can also be adjusted downward under certain circumstances such as demotion, transfer, etc. All salary and wage adjustments are subject to USG and Xxxxxxx State salary and wage administration guidelines.
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. Pay rates depend upon many factors, such as knowledge, training, special skills, and the responsibilities of the job. Constant effort is made to maintain a fair wage or salary range for each job and a fair relationship between the job levels. Salary and wage adjustments will generally be implemented, when an equity or administrative adjustment is deemed necessary and provided performance warrants the adjustment. Adjustments may be in the form of merit increases or administrative adjustments, and developed in conjunction with the budget development process. All salary and wage adjustments are contingent upon available funding. Wages can also be adjusted downward under certain circumstances such as demotion, transfer, etc.
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. 8.1 This clause refers to the salary schedules appearing in Appendix 2:
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. This clause has been renumbered. It was previously clause 8. The current clause 7 Hours has been removed. The clause is to the same effect in that it deals with Salary and Wage Adjustments. It provides that applicable rates for pay increases are as prescribed in Appendix 2: Salaries and Wages, which come into effect from the first full pay period (ffpp) to commence on or after 1 August 2021, 1 August 2022, 1 August 2023 and 1 August 2024 respectively.
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. 15.1 This clause refers to the wage and salary schedules appearing in Appendix 1A: Salaries Schedule and Appendix 1B: Wages Schedule.
15.2 Except as provided by this clause, the salaries and wages payable to employees are those detailed in Appendix 1A: Salaries Schedule and Appendix 1B: Wages Schedule, which provide for salaries and wages which will operate from the first full pay period to commence on or after the dates specified (the “applicable date”) namely: 1 October 2017 1 October 2018 1 October 2019 respectively.
15.3 The salary payable to an employee as at the applicable date shall not reduce by reason of a salary schedule in this Enterprise Agreement.
15.4 This sub-clause applies to “pegged employees.” A “pegged employee” is an employee who is in receipt of a wage rate which has been pegged at a rate above that which is generally payable in relation to the employee’s classification or position.
15.4.1 A pegged employee will not be entitled to any percentage or other increase in wage rate by reason of this Enterprise Agreement, unless the increase to the substantive rate of pay for an employee’s classification, or position, brings that rate up to an amount higher than the pegged rate. In that event, the increase payable will be the difference between the new substantive rate and the pegged rate.
15.4.2 Once the rate of pay for a pegged employee’s classification equals or exceeds the employee’s pegged rate, the employee will, for all purposes, be regarded as not being subject to a pegged rate of pay.
15.5 Where applicable, a reference in Appendix 1A and Appendix 1B to date of approval will be taken to mean the first pay period to commence on or after the date on which the SAET approves this Enterprise Agreement.
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. This clause refers to the salary schedule appearing in Appendix B: Pay rates by classification. For the date and period of operation, refer to clause 1.5. The salary payable to an employee as at the applicable date shall not be reduced by reason of a salary schedule in this Agreement. This clause applies to a ‘pegged employee’. A ‘pegged employee’ is an employee who is in receipt of a wage rate which has been pegged at a rate above that which is generally payable in relation to the employee’s job classification or position. A pegged employee will not be entitled to any percentage or other increase in wage rate by reason of this Agreement, unless the increase to the substantive rate of pay for an employee’s job classification, or position, brings that rate up to an amount higher that the pegged rate. In that event, the increase payable will be the difference between the new substantive rate and the pegged rate. Once the rate of pay for a pegged employee’s job classification equals or exceeds the employee’s pegged rate, the employee will, for all purposes, be regarded as not being subject to a pegged rate of pay.
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. 16.1 The salary and wage adjustments provided by this Agreement are based on recognition of past productivity and efficiency improvements as well as ongoing implementation of any productivity measures for the life of the Agreement.
16.2 Increases are calculated as increases on final wages contained in the previous relevant Enterprise Agreement.
16.3 Rates of pay will be as follows:
16.3.1 Increase 1 of 4.0% will occur from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2007
16.3.2 Increase 2 of 4.0% will occur from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2008
16.3.3 Increase 3 of 4.0% will occur from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2009
16.4 New rates of pay are as set out in Schedule One of this Agreement.
16.5 ACH Group is committed to ongoing efforts to achieve wage parity with other industry sectors in which nurses are employed. This objective will occur in relation to relevant legislative and funding changes affected at a Federal level. Efforts to positively influence the key stakeholders in this area will be a joint and collaborative arrangement between Management, employees and relevant industry bodies.
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. This clause is largely the same as the current clause except as follows. It refers to the applicable dates for the 2 x 3% pa increases detailed in Appendix 1: Parity Salaries and Wages, coming into effect from the first full pay period (ffpp) on or after 1 October 2012 and 1 October 2013. It includes a provision in relation to incremental progression. Employees will continue to progress to the next incremental step as currently occurs unless, in the course of implementing an agency’s performance management and/or development system, the employee is assessed either as not performing at a satisfactory level or as not meeting performance standards. If that is the case, the clause details the process that will apply in order for the employee to progress. In effect, such an employee will only subsequently progress (6 months or at the applicable anniversary date) if assessed as performing at a satisfactory level or as meeting performance standards. This does not apply to an age or qualification based increment and is not intended to preclude a process that may occur pursuant to the Public Sector Act 2009.
SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS. 5.10.1. The salary and wage adjustments provided by this Agreement are based on recognition of past productivity and efficiency improvements as well as ongoing implementation of productivity measures for the life of the Agreement.
5.10.2. Wage adjustments will be paid to the employee in the first full pay period commencing on or after the nominated date of increase.
5.10.3. During the life of this agreement no further salary increases will be sought and any adjustments provided by the Australian Fair Pay Commission will be absorbed by this agreement’s salary rates.
5.10.4. Salary and Wage rates are prescribed in Schedule A of this Agreement.