Section Grievance Procedure Sample Clauses
Section Grievance Procedure. Whenever any dispute arises between the Company and the Union, or between the Company and one or more employees, the men shall continue to work and the dispute shall be adjusted in accordance with the following procedures. Time limit to institute this Grievance Procedure:
Section Grievance Procedure. There shall be an xxxxxxx effort on the part of both parties to settle such grievances promptly through the following steps:
Section Grievance Procedure. The to this Agreement shall attempt to resolve grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance shall be considered where the circumstances giving rise to occurred or more than full calendar days before the filing of the grievance or days from date the grievant became aware of the alleged violation. An employee or the Union shall discuss problems orally with the supervisor in an attempt to seek a solution prior to the commencement of the formal grievance procedure. A grievance may be filed by an or the Union. Formal grievances will be processed promptly using the following procedure: (In Writing) Between the aggrieved employee, the Union Xxxxxxx and the Department Supervisor. The Company will give its answer within calendar days. Between the aggrieved employee, the Union Xxxxxxx, the Supervisor or his representative. The Company will provide an answer in writing to the Union within calendar days. the President, Chief Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxxx, and the Department Supervisor, the Plant Manager or a representative of the President of the Company. A Union Staff Representative may also be present. The Company representative will give the Union written decision within calendar days following the Step meeting. Section Arbitration Procedure A If the grievance has been with and either party desires to arbitrate a grievance relating to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of the provisions of the Agreement, the procedure outlined below shall be followed. The parties shall select an arbitrator by exchanging lists reflecting the names of five (5) arbitrators. The individual whose name appears on both lists be accepted by the parties as the arbitrator. If parties do not succeed in selecting an arbitrator on the exchange of lists, this procedure will be repeated. If a second exchange of lists the parties do not succeed in selecting an arbitrator, the appointment shall be made by the Minister of Labour at the request of either party. C The arbitrator selected shall set a convenient date and place for the hearing and hear both sides of the dispute before rendering a decision. D The Arbitrator shall not be authorized lo make any decision inconsistent with the of this Agreement, nor to alter, modify or amend any part of this Agreement. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Company, the Union and the employees. E Each party shall pay its own expenses incurred in arbitration, including the expense of its witnesses and repres...
Section Grievance Procedure i Step One In the event that a written grievance is submitted arising out of the operation of this Agreement, except in the cases of discharge or suspension, the employee shall continue to work as per the conditions existing prior to the time that the grievance arose, and any formal meetings to discuss the grievance shall be held in the presence of the shop xxxxxxx. If there is no satisfactory resolution at first step then may within seven (7) days, advise the department supervisor that the employee intends to proceed with the grievance. The department superintendent and Area Vice President will then have fourteen (14) days from the date of notification I to deal with, and answer the grievance. Grievances other than those of individual employees may be initiated at Step Two either party. Step Three If there is no satisfactory resolution at second step then either party may, within seven (7) days, refer the question to the Standing Committees by advising chairmen of the Standing Committees of the intention to proceed with the grievance. The Standing Com- mittees will then have thirty (30)days to deal with, and answer the grievance. Step Four If there is no satisfactory resolution at third step then the question may, within seven (7) days upon written request of either Standing Committee he referred to the President of the Local and the Mill Manager who will then have thirty (30) days to deal with, and answer the grievance. Either party may elect to involve outside help at this step such as a regional Union representative and/or a Management representative from outside Specialties. If there is no satisfactory resolution at fourth step then the matter may, within thirty (30) days, be referred to an Arbitrator. The time periods may he extended mutual agreement Management and the Local Union. Where a grievance arising from the discharge of an employee progresses to arbitration, either party may elect, in writing, to utilize the procedure outlined in Section below as an alternative to the arbitration procedure set out in Section It is understood that in all discussions concerning grievances, any National Officer may Union Standing Committee in their meetings and the National Officer may call if the Union Standing Committee or any other officials.
Section Grievance Procedure. Whenever any dispute arises between the Company and the Union or between the Company and one or more Employees or Dependent Contractors, the men shall continue to work and the dispute shall be adjusted in accordance with the following procedures. Time limit to institute this Grievance Procedure: Termination or lay-off ten calendar days. All other grievances -twenty (20) calendar days. In any dispute over a pay cheque or pay statement or any matter thereon the time limit shall be calculated from the date the Employee received the pay cheque or pay statement Steps to the Grievance process are as follows:
Section Grievance Procedure. The parties to this Agreement shall attempt to resolve grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance shall be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it occurred or originated more than full calendar days before the filing of the grievance. An employee or the Union may discuss problems orally with the supervisor in an attempt to seek a solution prior to the commencement of the formal grievance procedure. A grievance may be filed by an or the Union. Formal grievances will be processed promptly using the following procedure: (In Writing) Between the aggrieved employee, the Union Xxxxxxx and the Plant Superintendent. The Company will give its answer within calendar days. Between the aggrieved employee, the Union Xxxxxxx, the Plant Superintendent and the Plant Manager. The Plant Manager will give his answer in writing to the Union within calendar days. Note: Disciplines with time off shall commence at Step Between the Union Xxxxxxx, a of Local and the Plant Superintendent, the Plant Manager or his representative and a representative of the President of the Company. The Company representative will give the Union the Company's written decision within calendar days following the Step meeting.
Section Grievance Procedure. There shall be an xxxxxxx effort on the part of both parties to settle such grievances promptly through the following steps: By a conference between the aggrieved employee and the Branch Manager or his designate. Failing settlement, the grievance must be submitted in writing within seven (7) calendar days the date of the alleged violation of the Agreement or the date that the alleged violation became known to the but in no case more than (30) days. The seven
Section Grievance Procedure. There shall be an xxxxxxx effort on the part of both parties to settle such grievances promptly through the following steps: Section I Department or Designate By a conference between the aggrieved employee and the Department Manager or his designate. Failing settlement, the grievance must be submitted in writing within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the alleged violation of the Agreement or from the date that the alleged violation became known to the but in no case more than thirty (30)days. The seven (7) days and thirty (30)days limitations provided above shall not deprive an employee or the Union of the right to register a retroactive claim for Health and Welfare, and premiums or the monies accruing from the cost of living allowance, where such premiums, contributions or allowances have not been paid in line with the provisions of this Agreement. Nor shall the limitations apply to laid off employees claiming that they have not been recalled in line with the provisions of Article The shall be accompanied by a Union Xxxxxxx and if deemed necessary by the Union, he shall also be accompanied by a business representative of the Union. Section or Failing settlement at the above step, the Department Manager shall render his decision in writing and shall refer the grievance to and arrange a meeting between the Union and the Operations Manager or his designate within seven (7) days of the date that the grievance was registered in writing. This meeting shall be held in the locale of the terminal involved unless otherwise agreed. The Operations Manager or his designate shall render his decision in writing within seven (7) days from the date that the grievance was referred to him.
Section Grievance Procedure. The Commission and the Union agree that it is in the best interest of both parties that complaints and grievances shall be adjusted promptly. It is specifically agreed that before a complaint becomes a grievance, the supervisor involved must be given full opportunity to investigate and adjust the complaint. In order for a complaint to be considered valid an employee must bring a complaint to the attention of the supervisor within five working days of an incident. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within working days, the employee may choose to have recourse twenty-one calendar days to the grievance procedure as follows: five within The employee shall submit the grievance in writing on forms provided by the Commission to the supervisor. The employee may choose to have the assistance of a Union official. If a settlement satisfactory to the employee concerned is not reached within five working days or a time period mutually agreed upon, the grievance may at the end of this period and within five working days proceed to Step Security Claims Department grievances are exempt from the Step 2 procedure and proceed directly to Step The employee or the Union shall present the grievance to the Division Manager, The employee may choose to have the assistance of a Union official If a settlement of the Division Manager or his or her delegate satisfactory to the employee concerned is not reached within five working days or a time period mutually agreed upon, the grievance may at the end of this period and within five working days proceed to Step to The employee or the Union shall present the grievance to the General Manager. The employee or the Commission may choose to have the Union Executive in attendance at a meeting with the General Manager or his or her delegate. If a settlement satisfactory the employee concerned or the Union is not reached within five working days or a time period mutually agreed upon, the grievance may at the end of this period and within one month be referred to a Board of Arbitration.
Section Grievance Procedure. The parties to this Agreement shall attempt to resolve grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance shall be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it occurred or originated more than full calendar days before the filing of the grievance. An employee or the Union shall discuss problems orally with the supervisor in an attempt to seek a solution prior to the of the formal grievance procedure. The Company will attempt to meet within working days of the Union's request to meet. A grievance may be filed by an or the Union. Formal grievances will be processed promptly using the following procedure: (In Writing) Between the aggrieved employee, the Union Xxxxxxx and the Department Supervisor. The Company will give its answer within calendar days. Between the aggrieved employee, the Union Chief Xxxxxxx, the Department Supervisor and the Plant Manager or his representative. The Plant Manager will give his answer in writing to the Union within calendar days. Between the Union Grievance Committee, a of Local and the Department Supervisor. the Plant Manager or his representative and a representative of the President of the Company. The Company representativewill give the Union the Company'swritten decision within calendar days following the Step meeting.