Security Staff Sample Clauses
Security Staff. Seven (7) days after the notice of closures are provided to staff, the Agency and Association shall meet individually with Sergeants at the affected facility, in order of classification seniority, to receive the Sergeant’s election. Sergeants shall elect from the following options:
1. Voluntarily accept a layoff and be placed on the recall list;
2. Elect to transfer to another institution where the Sergeant has greater classification seniority than another Sergeant; or
3. Bump down to any lower salary range classification in which the Sergeant would have previously accumulated classification seniority if the Sergeant has greater seniority than another employee in that lower classification. In the event of bumping under option 3, the Sergeant may utilize his/her employment seniority as compared to the classification seniority of those employees in the lower paid classification. Any employee who bumps down to a lower salary range classification may request at that time to be paid for all accrued compensatory time at the rate it was being earned prior to the bumping in lieu of layoff. In the event a Sergeant exercises option 2 above, the Sergeant with the least classification seniority at the receiving institution shall have the same three (3) options above. If that Sergeant has the least classification seniority in their classification, they shall be laid off, unless they exercise their bumping rights as explained in option 3 above. At the conclusion of the Sergeant election process, the Agency and Association shall repeat the process with Corporals. At the conclusion of the Corporal election, the parties shall repeat the process with Officers.
Security Staff. 1. The Agency may designate security staff and bodyguards authorized within the buildings, premises and land used by it.
2. The Agency’s security staff using security equipment shall do it in full compliance with Austrian law.
Security Staff. You must be compliant at all times and provide Security Staff with requested details such as name, Xxxxxx number as and when requested to do so. • University security staff regularly patrol student developments. You can find details of how and when to contact them in your flat. • Please understand that security staff are there to protect you and your property, so you should treat them with respect. We will take disciplinary action against anyone using physical abuse, offensive language or otherwise unacceptable behaviour towards Security Staff.
Security Staff. The displacement rights for regular, regular-seasonal or probationary security staff will be as follows:
1. A regular or probationary employee will displace the junior employee in an equal classification at the same site.
2. If 1. above is not available, a regular or probationary employee will displace the junior employee in the next lower classification in descending order at the same site.
3. If 2. above is not available, a regular, probationary or a regular-seasonal employee can displace a temporary employee in an equal or lower classification in his/her occupational group at the same site.
4. If 3. above is not available, a regular, probationary or a regular-seasonal employee can displace an agency employee in an equal or lower classification in his/her occupational group at the same site.
5. If 4. is not possible, the employee is laid off with recall and severance options. Regular security staff shall be entitled to recall as per 11.14 except that recall shall be limited to their location for equal and lower classifications within their OGL's. Severance pay shall be paid in accordance with 11.11.
Security Staff. The displacement rights for regular, regular seasonal-A, regular-seasonal-B or probationary security staff will be as follows:
1. A regular or probationary employee will displace the junior employee in an equal classification at the same site.
2. If 1. above is not available, a regular or probationary employee will displace the junior employee in the next lower classification in descending order at the same site.
3. If 2. above is not available, a regular, probationary or a regular-seasonal-A employee can displace a temporary employee in an equal or lower classification in his/her occupational group at the same site.
4. If 3. above is not available, a regular, probationary or a regular-seasonal-A employee can displace an agency employee in an equal or lower classification in his/her occupational group at the same site.
5. If 4. is not possible, the employee is laid off with recall and severance options.
Security Staff. 9 Security staff (excluding Nurses) shall use reasonable best efforts to screen patients, 10 visitors, and all belongings every time they enter the Hospital, either by metal detector, 11 xxxx, xxx down. Security staff (excluding Nurses) will use reasonable best efforts to 12 physically search all belongings. This includes any patient/visitor that arrives via 13 emergency medical services (EMS). All people who have been screened will have a 14 visual identification (i.e., xxxxxxxx) to assure others that the screening has occurred. 15 Anyone who has not been screened upon entry will be screened as soon as reasonably 16 possible. The Employer shall provide 24/7 staffing at all metal detector screenings 17 locations. 19 In addition to security staff stationed at metal detectors, the Employer shall provide a 20 minimum of four security staff available to make rounds and respond to incidents 21 throughout the hospital. 23 Nurses assigned to the Emergency Departments and the Family Birthing Center will 24 receive enhanced in-person de-escalation training that includes advanced physical 25 skills. Enhanced in-person de-escalation trainings will be offered to all Nurses annually. 27 Nurses will be able to make recommendations to improve safety in their departments.
Security Staff. The District shall schedule inservice training a minimum of two (2) times per year, unless agreed to otherwise by the parties, for security staff on matters of student discipline and other campus security issues relevant to the duties performed by the security staff.
Security Staff. The Employer will supply full-time security staff three
Security Staff. The Employer will supply full-time security staff three (3) uniform shirts and part-time staff with two (2) uniform shirts and relief staff with one (1) uniform shirt. One new shirt for all designated positions per year will be issued.
Security Staff. The Venue may require additional security staff for the Event where a higher than normal risk is identified by the Venue and will notify the Hirer in advance of such a requirement and associated costs to the Hirer.