Sick Leave Exhaustion. In the event an employee’s accumulated sick leave is exhausted, but more sick leave is required by the employee pursuant to the provisions set out above, the employee may request and the District shall grant a leave without pay for the period of time needed to return to work or the end of the school year, whichever is sooner. The employee shall advise the District of the expected duration of the leave at the time of request for the leave.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. Sick leave used must not exceed the amount accrued by the employee. If an employee is ill and has exhausted all sick leave credits, other accrued leave may be used.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. When an employee has exhausted all accumulated sick leave, he/she shall have the option of using vacation time or leave without pay for absences due to illness. The employee must notify the department of employee's option prior to payroll action; otherwise vacation time will be used. When requested by the employee, Management will restore vacation by making the appropriate payroll adjustment in the next payroll period.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. At the exhaustion of an employee's sick leave, an employee who is unable to continue to perform his/her duties because of illness, maternity, or injury as verified by a written statement from a licensed physician so stating shall be granted extended leave without pay for a period no longer than the current contracted year. If the condition giving rise to the need to have time off persists and the employee's doctor verifies the need for an extension of the leave without pay, the amount of the additional time off, if any, shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld; however, the Superintendent shall have the right to substantiate the first doctor's statement by having the employee submit to another examination at the expense of the District, with the choice of the other doctor to be mutually agreed upon by the Superintendent and employee. After the total accumulated sick leave days have been used, the District will deduct the appropriate contract salary for each day of additional absence.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. Any illness or disability extending beyond the accrued sick leave shall be considered a leave of absence without pay unless covered by the pooling of sick leave with other employees as designated by this contract.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. An employee who has exhausted their sick leave but has a legitimate and demonstrated need for the use of sick leave may use their accrued vacation or CTO in place of the exhausted sick leave.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. In the event an employee is absent more than the period of accumulated sick leave, he/she shall have his salary deducted equal to his/her pay per contract day. Such deductions shall be made from the month of August check, unless other arrangements can be worked out through the business office to deduct pay more evenly in the months prior to August. Should an employee need more leave, the employee may request a long-term leave, according to the terms of Article VII, Section G.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. Any illness or disability extending beyond the accrued sick leave shall be considered a leave of absence without pay unless covered by the pooling of sick leave with other employees as designated by this contract. S ection B. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): A leave of absence, under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), shall be granted to a certificated staff member upon request for: • The birth, adoption, or xxxxxx care placement of a child • The care of a spouse, child, stepchild, or parent with a serious health condition • The employee’s own serious health condition
Sick Leave Exhaustion. In the event of a long-term illness, serious injury, disability, maternity or family illness and after sick leave benefits have been exhausted, the teacher shall upon request and upon verification by a physician licensed to prescribe or, in the case of psychological disability, a licensed psychologist, be granted a leave of absence without pay. This leave would be for the remainder of the school year or less, based on the teacher's ability to return to work as determined by a physician licensed to prescribe or, in the case of psychological disability, a licensed psychologist. The leave of absence without pay may, at the discretion of the Board, be renewed for one additional, complete school year. Application for leave and application for renewal of a leave of absence for such conditions shall be made in writing to the Superintendent. The District will make every effort to place a teacher returning from leave in a position similar to that previously held.
Sick Leave Exhaustion. An employee who is unable to perform the duties because of personal illness or other disability shall, upon request, be granted Leave of Absence without pay at the exhaustion of Sick Leave. Leaves for these conditions must be renewed annually and are at the discretion of the Board at the conclusion of the initial grant of the Leave of Absence. Application for Leave of Absence or renewal of such Leave of Absence shall be made in writing to the Superintendent. An employee who has been granted emergency leave not in excess of sixty (60) calendar days, may return to service during the period of the leave after giving ten