Specialty Assignments.
A. Selection for a specialty assignment will be treated as a reassignment and will not be considered a promotion. To assist the Chief in selecting the best-qualified candidate for the assignment, minimum qualifications may be established for specialty assignments.
Specialty Assignments. Whenever the College intends to create a specialty assignment within the Police Department, such as, but not limited to, investigations, community outreach, and diversity awareness, a written announcement soliciting interested applicants will be sent through an internal email. The Chief of Police may assign duties based on education, knowledge, competencies for the role, skills, and abilities. The progress of the specialty assignments will be monitored throughout the duration of the assignment. The annual renewal of specialty assignments are subject to the discretion of the Chief of Police.
Specialty Assignments. Section 40.1. Sergeants and Lieutenants who have successfully passed their probationary period shall be assigned specialty assignments based upon the following criteria. Criteria to be considered shall be experience as a police officer, Sergeant, and/or Lieutenant and any training associated with the posted position. To distribute opportunities among the workforce, sergeants and lieutenants who have not had specialty assignments, for at least two (2) years shall be given equal consideration for a specialty assignment. After every other criteria mentioned in this Article is considered, seniority shall prevail.
Specialty Assignments. All qualified employees are eligible to participate in the following specialty assignments as outlined in Appendix D: EMS Quality Improvement Leader (QIL)* Fire Investigation Program Leader (FIPL)* Hazardous Materials Program Leader (HMPL)* Water Rescue Team Member Technical Rescue Team Member Public Information Officer (XXX) Image Trend Administrative Program Leader (ITAMPL) Fleet Maintenance Leader (FML) Employees designated to assignments with an (*) above shall be paid a flat rate maintained at a value equivalent to five percent (5%) of top-step Firefighter/Paramedic each pay period. Employees designated to any other assignment listed above shall be paid a flat rate of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) each pay period ($500 per month). In no case shall an employee receive pay for more than one of the above assignments at a time. Employees with more than one assignment shall be compensated based on the assignment receiving the highest pay.
Specialty Assignments. (Side Letter of Agreement, June 9, 2014) Specialty assignments within the Police Department shall be permanent assignments with tenure in those assignments based on merit. Removal from those assignments shall be for cause, in accordance with the individual sworn employee’s rights under City Policy, Police Department Rules and Regulations, and the Peace Officer’s Xxxx of Rights. Exceptions to this policy are stated below. There shall be an exception to the above for five (5) Career Enrichment Officer positions. These five positions shall be one each in the Detective Unit, the Special Enforcement Section, the Special Problems Section, the Special Enforcement Section, and the Traffic Unit (excluding Motor Officer). These five positions shall be temporary assignments for the length of two Patrol Deployment Periods. No assignment pay shall accompany the Career enrichment assignments. At the end of the second Deployment Period, the employee shall return to Patrol for at least one Deployment Period before becoming eligible for more than one assignment to each of the Career Enrichment positions. Assignment to any Career enrichment position shall not exclude that employee from consideration for assignment to a permanent specialty assignment in any area nor from consideration for promotion. Those Officers interested in assignment to a Career Enrichment position shall notify their Watch Commander in writing of their interest. The Operations Division Deputy Chief, with input from his staff shall present three (3) names of eligible Officers to the affected Unit Manager who shall then choose which employee shall be so assigned. Due to the short duration and nature of the assignment, a testing or interview process is not required, but is permissible. All assignments shall coincide with Shift Change. Evaluations shall be completed at the end of each deployment period during the assignment and shall be placed in the employee’s Personnel File. An employee assigned to a Career Enrichment position may be removed from that position and returned to Patrol by the affected Unit Manager at any time with the concurrence of the Division Deputy Chief and the Chief of Police. In addition to the above-designated Career Enrichment positions, one position of Sergeant within the Administrative Services Unit may be designated by the Chief of Police as a Career Enrichment assignment and tenure in that assignment shall be for a period of one year. In the event that no Sergeants apply for the...
Specialty Assignments. A provisional assignment to fill a special need such as School Resource Officer (SRO) and DARE. These assignments are within the employee’s official position classification and does not require additional compensation. Assignment selection, length and/or removal, is at the Chief’s discretion, per the needs of the department.
Specialty Assignments. This section applies to officers who are assigned by the Chief of Police to positions such as SRO and DARE. The Chief of Police reserves the right to maintain, eliminate or modify these positions and/or duties as determined to best fit the needs of the department.
Specialty Assignments. 12.1: All selections to an assignment that has a duration of more than one year shall be based on the candidate's past performance, work history, qualifications, training, and oral interview results among the employees expressing an interest in filling the position.
12.2: The assignment to specialized duties that remove an officer from their patrol duties shall last not more than 3 years and not less than 1 year.
12.3: The posting of any vacancies to an assignment shall contain the following:
A. Ideal qualifications of a candidate.
B. Length of the assignment.
C. Shall be posted for fourteen (14) days.
12.4: If no one signs up the least senior officer (non-probationary) will be given the assignment.
Specialty Assignments. Section 40.1 Officers shall be assigned specialty assignments based upon the following criteria. The officer selected shall be a post University Law Enforcement Officer 3. If no qualified ULEO 3 applied, the Chief may assign the next lower level qualified officer to the assignment. Criteria to be considered shall be experience as a police officer and any training associated with the posted position, and aptitude for the position as determined by the police chief after an interview process. Specialty assignments shall last no longer than four (4) years. If the Chief determines that an extension is desired, and the officer agrees, the assignment will be extended up to four (4) years. After the extension is completed, the assignment must be listed as an open assignment.
Specialty Assignments. In the event that an employee has been working in a specialty position for more than three (3) months, and the employee requests to be removed from that position, the Police Chief will review the reasons for the request and give due consideration to the request.