Title IX Training Sample Clauses
Title IX Training. SUNY System and/or each SUNY campus will continue to provide regular in-person or online training to all staff responsible for recognizing and reporting incidents of sexual harassment and staff with Title IX compliance and implementation responsibilities, which may include Title IX Coordinators, deputy coordinators, residential assistants, and campus police. By December 31, 2013, and by the same date in 2014 and 2015, SUNY will demonstrate that training was provided by SUNY System Administration and/or by each SUNY campus and covered, at a minimum: the grievance procedures; how to recognize and appropriately address allegations and complaints pursuant to Title IX; identifying sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence; SUNY’s responsibilities under Title IX to address such allegations; and the relevant resources available. The training for Title IX Coordinators and designees will include instruction on how to conduct and document adequate, reliable, and impartial Title IX investigations. During the training, SUNY will provide copies of revised nondiscrimination notices and Title IX grievance procedures, as these become available, to all attendees or refer them to their location within the publications they already possess.
Title IX Training. A. The Law School will continuc to provide regular in-person or online training to all staff responsible for recognizing and reporting incidents of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence) and staff who will be involved in processing, investigating, resolving and/or reviewing complaints of sex discrimination or who will otherwise coordinate the Law School's compliance with Title IX. This will include Title IX Coordinators and deputy coordinators. This will also include Law School faculty if faculty participate in any adjudication or review of , xxxx://xxx .Iaw,harvard.cdu/ncndem icslhandbook/lcgnl/20 13-14120 13- t 4.j, -notice-o f-non-discrim ination. hlml Page 7. Resolution Agreement, Harvard Law School, OCR Complaint No. 01-11-2002 complaint dccisions. The content of this training will include, at a minimum: the handling of complaints or other reports of sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual violence, the University's grievance procedures, and confidentiality requirements. The University will provide training to IlUPD consistent with the requirements of this section.
B. By May 1.2015, the Law School will schedule and provide training for all administralors, professors, instructors, residential staff, and other staff who interact with students on a regular basis. The training v,111provide attendees with essential guidance and instruction on recognizing, appropriately addressing and reporting allegations and complaints of sex discrimination, including the differenccs betwccn sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence, the University's responsibilities undcr Title IX to address allegations of sexually inappropriate behaviors, including the availability of interim steps and confidentiality. In addition, the training will cover the New Law Sehool Proccdures, and/or, as applicable, the Interim Policy and Procedures, and information about the Title IX Coordinator and resources available to survivors and complaimmts.
C. By October I, 20 IS, and by the same datc annually thcreafter, the Law School will provide a Title IX training program for new slaffwho interact with students on a regular basis that addresses thc training information covered above. This training shall be provided to all such ncw staff within 90 days of being hired for any such position. Reporting Requirement
I. By June 30, 2015, and by the same date annually thereafter, the Law School and the University will pro...
Title IX Training. The University will continue to provide annual training regarding the University’s obligations pursuant to Title IX to respond to all incidents of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, of which the University has notice (including incidents that the University knew or reasonably should have known about). The training will also cover Title IX’s prohibition against retaliation and will specifically reference the University’s OCR approved Title IX procedures. The above training will be provided to the following groups, and may be differentiated to their specific roles and responsibilities under Title IX: (1) Title IX Coordinators and investigators, University police, Student Conduct Hearing Board Members, and other staff directly involved in processing, investigating, adjudicating and/or resolving Title IX complaints; (2) all other staff responsible for recognizing and reporting incidents of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and violence, including but not limited to resident assistants, faculty, administrators, counselors, general counsel, athletic personnel, health personnel, and any other responsible employees; (3) University students; and (4) University athletes. Training for employees directly involved in processing, investigating, adjudicating and/or resolving Title IX complaints will include instruction on how to conduct and properly document adequate, reliable, and impartial investigations into any complaints or reports made pursuant to the procedures. The training will also cover the right of a victim to simultaneously pursue a criminal complaint with law enforcement and a complaint with the University regarding the same incident. Further, the training will cover the importance of accountability for individuals found to have engaged in sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence; but will also emphasize the need for remedies for the complainant, and others, as necessary, to address the discrimination or harassment, when it is found to have occurred. The University shall continue to offer mandatory training for all new University students and to offer a variety of voluntary training opportunities to all students. Reporting Requirement 1: By June 30, 2017, the University will submit to OCR for review and approval information regarding the training program specific to each of the above groups, including documentation of any materials to be used, the names and title(s) of any trainers. Reporting Requireme...
Title IX Training. Within 30 days of the successful completion of Items 2 and 4, the District will make selected staff, including administrators, teachers, and those who investigate complaints of harassment, available for training by OCR on recognizing, reporting, and preventing sex-based harassment by students against other students, the District’s revised policies, grievance and complaint procedures. Such OCR training session(s) will be video recorded by the District for use by the District as mandatory training material which shall be provided to other district staff responsible for receiving and investigating complaints of harassment. The District will also provide annual training thereafter on this subject and training on its system for tracking and reviewing Title IX complaints described in Item 7. Such annual training will be performed for at least five years from the date of this agreement or as long as the complaint remains in monitoring, whichever is longer.
Title IX Training. Within 60 calendar days of OCR’s approval of the policies and procedures, the District will provide training to all its employees on the revised policies and procedures, including the District’s obligation to prohibit retaliation and maintain recordkeeping under Title IX, and to ensure that its employees can accurately identify situations that requires a response under Title IX. The District will provide additional training that complies with 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(1)(iii) to Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process; the training will include the definition of sexual harassment in 34 C.F.R. § 106.30, the scope of the recipient’s education program or activity, how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, appeals, and informal resolution processes, as applicable, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias. For decision- makers, the training will also include any technology to be used at a live hearing, if applicable, and on issues of relevance of questions and evidence, including when questions and evidence about the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant. For investigators, the training will also include issues of relevance and how to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence. Training materials must not rely on sex stereotypes and must promote impartial investigations and adjudications of formal complaints of sexual harassment.
Title IX Training. The District will provide Title IX training to the District’s Title IX Coordinator/Human Rights Officer, the Superintendent, the building principals, and guidance counselors. The training will include the District’s obligations regarding the investigation of reports or complaints alleging discrimination based on sex in its programs and activities (including interscholastic athletics).
1. By May 15, 2023, the District will provide, for OCR’s review and approval, a copy of the training materials it will use, as well as the credentials of the trainer/presenter.
2. By October 1, 2023, the District will provide to OCR:
a. A list of the individuals who attended the training and their positions;
b. The date the training was conducted; and
c. Copies of any training materials disseminated.
Title IX Training. By June 15, 2015, the District will ensure that the Title IX Coordinator and District officials and staff, including but not limited to, administrators or officials, activities directors, athletic coaches, teachers, and any other individuals the District deems appropriate receive training on the legal requirements of Title IX, including the provision of ensuring equity for male and female student-athletes in the District’s athletics programs. The training will be provided by a person knowledgeable of the Title IX regulation and requirements.
Title IX Training. Within one-hundred and eighty days (180) days of the execution of this Agreement, the Institute shall train the Title IX Coordinator and any staff involved in receiving or investigating Title IX complaints. The training shall instruct participants on the Institute’s Title IX obligations and how to conduct investigations, including (i) the intake of complaints either oral or written, (ii) notice to the accused regarding the allegations,
Title IX Training. By March 1, 2021, the Division will develop and provide training1 to all Division personnel responsible for responding to, investigating, or otherwise resolving reports of sexual harassment, as well as all XXXXX School (the School) employees, regarding the obligations under Title IX, including to provide a prompt and equitable resolution with respect to reports of sexual harassment. The memorandum shall outline Title IX requirements that comply with the Title IX regulations promulgated by the Department on May 19, 2020, at 85 FR 30026, and will discuss, at a minimum, the obligations to:
Title IX Training. Title IX training will be offered to members of the bargaining unit as required by law. Training will include current Xxxxx State University policies and procedures, and applicable state and federal laws.