Title IX Grievance Procedures Sample Clauses
Title IX Grievance Procedures. In collaboration with the consultant, the District will revise and implement grievance procedures (Procedures) for addressing possible incidents of sexual and gender-based harassment. The District will ensure that the Procedures provide an easily accessible and user-friendly system for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging sexual or gender-based harassment. At a minimum, the Procedures will:
a. state that the Procedures apply to complaints alleging sexual and gender-based harassment as described in the Policy referred to in Paragraph III above, by employees, students, or third parties.
b. provide instructions on how to initiate a complaint under the Procedures, such as by (1) orally reporting allegations of sexual and/or gender-based harassment to specifically identified staff at the District level (e.g., the Title IX Coordinator) or site level (e.g., Principal/Vice Principal) or (b) submitting a letter or written form describing the allegations of sexual and/or gender-based harassment at the site level or to the District. (This form may be the District’s existing Harassment/Discrimination Incident Report form.)
c. describe the District’s obligation to:
1. identify, investigate and document incidents and alleged incidents of possible sexual and gender-based harassment, including information that comes to the attention of school or District staff without a formal complaint;
2. provide for the adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of all complaints within a reasonably prompt timeframe, including the opportunity for parties to present witnesses and other evidence. The Procedure will clarify when complaints will be handled at the school site level and when they will be handled at the District level, and clarify the specific roles of school staff, including School Resource Officers, District staff, and law enforcement in the investigation. The District will assign school site administrators or staff with appropriate knowledge and experience with responsibility for conducting the investigation. The designated individual will interview all relevant witnesses, including the alleged harasser, the student allegedly harassed and others with knowledge of the incident, and will document all interviews. The investigation will determine, based on a preponderance of the evidence, whether the alleged harassment did or did not occur; the identity of the student who engaged in the conduct; and the harm to the student subject to the harassment, ...
Title IX Grievance Procedures. By February 29, 2012, the College will submit to OCR for its review and comment its Title IX grievance procedures referenced in action step #4 above.
Title IX Grievance Procedures. By February 29, 2012, the College will submit to OCR for its review and approval draft Title IX grievance procedures to address complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence), as required by Title IX’s implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. § 106.8(b). The College will ensure that these procedures provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging sex discrimination and will include, at a minimum, the following:
Title IX Grievance Procedures. A. By March 1, 2018, the District will develop and/or revise, for OCR’s review and approval, Title IX grievance procedures designed to address complaints of discrimination on the basis of sex (including sexual harassment and sexual assault) so that such procedures provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints by students, employees, and third parties alleging all forms of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment and sexual assault) against students, employees, and third parties, and otherwise fully comply with Title IX and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. § 106.8(b). The procedures will include, at a minimum:
1. notice that the procedures apply to complaints alleging all forms of sex discrimination against employees, students, and third parties;
2. notice of the grievance procedures and how to file a complaint that is easily understood, easily located and widely distributed; such notice must include the contact information (name or title, office address, e-mail address, and telephone number) for each individual with whom complaints may be filed;
3. the name, title, and contact information (phone number, office address, and e-mail address) for the District’s Title IX coordinator and notice regarding the role and duties of the Title IX coordinator in the processing of sex discrimination complaints;
4. a statement that all District employees are expected to promptly report incidents of sex discrimination that they observe or learn about;
5. provisions for the prompt, adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints, including the opportunity for the parties to identify witnesses and other evidence;
6. designated and reasonably prompt timeframes for the major stages of the grievance process, including any provisions for extensions of time, that apply equally to the parties;
7. written notice of the outcome of the complaint, and any appeals, to all parties, including the respondent, the alleged victim and, if different, the complainant;
8. an assurance that the District will take prompt and effective steps to end sex discrimination found to have occurred; eliminate any hostile environment; prevent its recurrence; and remedy the discriminatory effects on the victim and others as appropriate;
9. appropriate definitions and examples of what types of actions may constitute sex discrimination;
10. a provision notifying complainant, and the complainant’s parents/guardians if the complainant is a minor, that they may pursue ...
Title IX Grievance Procedures. The University currently has in place the following Title IX policy, grievance procedures and related materials: the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy; the Equity Complaint Process for Resolving Complaints of Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Other Forms of Discrimination; the Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure, which sets forth the University Hearing Board Accountability Hearings for disciplinary hearings involving complaints of sexual harassment (contained in the Student Handbook); the Student Conduct Procedures, which set forth the University’s appeal process applicable to sexual harassment complaints that reach the accountability hearing stage (contained in the Student Handbook); the Sexual Harassment Misconduct Resource Guide; and the online Nondiscrimination Resource Center. The University’s “Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy” and its corresponding grievance procedure entitled “Equity Complaint Process for Resolving Complaints of Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Other Forms of Discrimination” which were made effective by the University in January 2014, as currently written, include provisions for an adequate and reliable investigation of all complaints, interim measures to be taken for both parties to a sexual harassment complaint, use of a preponderance of the evidence standard, and reasonable timeframes for all the major stages of the investigation. Accordingly, the University, in revising its Title IX materials as outlined below, will retain these elements in the policy and procedure. By July 7, 2014, the University will revise the aforementioned policy procedure and related materials to ensure that they fully comply with the Title IX implementing regulation and provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints filed by faculty, staff, and students and will revise, as necessary, any related publications to ensure that they are consistent. The University will submit its revised, Title IX grievance procedure(s), and any related materials, to OCR for review and approval prior to making them effective. At a minimum, the revised documents will include:
Title IX Grievance Procedures. The Institute will submit for OCR’s review and approval draft Title IX grievance procedures to address complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment, sexual bullying, and sexual violence), as consistent with the revised Title IX implementing regulation, which became effective on August 14, 2020, at 34 C.F.R. §§ 106.8(c) and 106.45.
Title IX Grievance Procedures. 1. By May 29, 2015, the College will revise and submit to OCR for review and approval its policies and procedures regarding all forms of sex discrimination covered by Title IX, including sex-based harassment. The revised policies and procedures will include, at a minimum, the following provisions:
a. A requirement that College personnel who witness any conduct that may be sex discrimination or who receive any complaint or report that sex discrimination may have occurred or may be occurring, must promptly report the incident to their immediate superior or the College’s Title IX Coordinator. If not reported directly to the Title IX Coordinator, the superior will ensure that the Title IX Coordinator receives prompt notice of the complaint.
b. An explanation of how to report discrimination based on sex and/or how to file a complaint. This explanation will include specific information as to the correct name or title and contact information (including office and email address and telephone number) for the College employee(s) responsible for receiving and/or investigating reports of sex-based discrimination, including harassment (i.e., the Title IX Coordinator).
c. A statement that the College’s policies and procedures, including any complaint procedures, apply to behavior by employees, students, and third parties.
d. Clarification that the College’s Title IX Coordinator is the same individual as the College’s Civil Rights Coordinator, and consistent use of terms and contact information to identify this person throughout the documents, including any policies prohibiting sex discrimination, the College’s non-discrimination statement, and any complaint processes that the College will continue to publish and use to address complaints of sex discrimination.
e. If the College continues to include an informal process in the procedures, notice that the informal process is voluntary, a statement that complainants are never required to confront the individual alleged to have discriminated against before they can file a formal complaint, and a requirement that the complainant will be informed of his/her right to end the pre-complaint process at any time and access the formal grievance process.
f. A description of the College’s complaint procedures, including, at a minimum:
i. a description of the various steps the College will take to conduct adequate, reliable and impartial investigations of reported incidents,
ii. designated and prompt timeframes for each major stage of ...
Title IX Grievance Procedures. The District will submit draft Title IX grievance procedures for OCR’s review and approval. The grievance procedures will address complaints of sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, as required by Title IX’s implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. § 106.8(b). The District will ensure that its Title IX grievance procedures are consistent with all other Board Policies and that they provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of every report alleging sex-based discrimination received by any District employee and will include, at a minimum, the following: • Notice to students, parents, guardians, and employees of the grievance procedures, including how and where complaints may be filed; • Application of the grievance procedures to complaints filed by students, or on their behalf, alleging discrimination or sexual harassment, including sexual violence, carried out by District employees, other students, or third parties; • Provisions for the adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints, including the opportunity for the complainant and respondent to present witnesses and evidence; • Designated and reasonably prompt timeframes for the major stages of the complaint process; • Notice to both the complainant and respondent of the outcome of the investigation; and • Assurance that the District will take steps to prevent recurrence of any sexual harassment, including sexual violence, and remedy discriminatory effects on the complainant and others, if appropriate. disseminate the procedure, which will include, at a minimum: notification through the District’s website, electronic mail messages to employees and students, updates to student and employee handbooks, and by any other additional means of notification the District deems effective to ensure that the information is widely disseminated.
Title IX Grievance Procedures. The District will revise its Nondiscrimination Board Policy 103 to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging sex discrimination. The revised Policy will include the following:
Title IX Grievance Procedures. To ensure that the University is providing an adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment or sexual violence, the University will revise its Title IX/Sexual Misconduct policy and procedure to include clearly defined roles for the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, Judicial Affairs Director, investigators, Administrative Hearing Panels (if applicable), Hearing Officer(s), and Judicial Advocates. The University will identify the role and responsibilities of each member when a complaint of sex discrimination has been filed and will ensure that no conflict of interest is present during the handling of such complaints.