Unit Member Initiated Transfer. 1. Unit member initiated transfers are those in which a unit member requests a transfer from one building to another.
2. A unit member may initiate a transfer by making application for a posted vacancy.
3. A teacher of a self-contained special education classroom with three
Unit Member Initiated Transfer. Any full-time unit member who was hired through AP 7217 may request a transfer by submitting such request to the Human Resources Office in writing and, if requested by the unit member, the request for transfer shall remain confidential to the Human Resources Office until such time as the request is given administrative consideration. Upon a suitable vacancy and prior to official announcement of that vacancy, a copy of the request will be sent to the current and prospective immediate administrators, Academic or Student Service(s) Vice President, and the Association President. A notice of the decision on the request will be made by Human Resources within sixty
Unit Member Initiated Transfer. 10.6.1 A permanent unit member may apply for transfer to another position by filing a written request with the Human Resources Department.
10.6.2 To be considered for a unit member-initiated transfer, a unit member must have permanent status and performed his/her work in a satisfactory manner during the twelve (12) month period prior to the date of the vacancy occurring. Any employee who has not been evaluated during the previous twelve (12) month period shall be deemed as having a satisfactory performance evaluation, unless the reason for the delayed evaluation is due to the absence or conduct of the employee.
10.6.3 Employees in a classification in which there is a vacancy shall be given first right of refusal to the position as long as the vacant position is not more than thirty (30) minutes per day more than the employee’s current hours and that the employee has been in his/her current position for at least eighteen (18) months. If more than one employee requests a transfer to the position, the most senior employee in the classification shall be placed in the position.
Unit Member Initiated Transfer. 9.5.1 A unit member may request a transfer to take effect during the school year or at the beginning of the next school year.
9.5.2 When a request is made for a transfer to take effect during the school year, the unit member shall be notified of the disposition of the request as soon as possible. If a receipt for the request to transfer is desired, the request is to be made to the personnel office of the district in person.
9.5.3 When the request is made for a transfer to take effect at the beginning of the next school year, it shall be made no later than April 1 of the school year preceding the effective date. Thereafter, if a new position is posted, the application shall be in by the posted deadline.
9.5.4 A unit member-requested transfer shall not be granted if such a transfer would result in the layoff of another unit member.
9.5.5 Upon request, unsuccessful applicants shall be given an oral explanation by the responsible administrator.
Unit Member Initiated Transfer. (VOLUNTARY)
17.3.1 A unit member may request a voluntary transfer (unit member initiated transfer) to take effect at the beginning of the following school year or during the current school year when an opening becomes available. Transfer requests for the following school year will be accepted between April 1 and May 31. No transfer requests for the following school year will be accepted after May 31. The request shall be made on a “Request for Transfer Form” and sent to the Human Resources Department.
17.3.2 A unit member's request for transfer shall bear the signature of that unit member's present administrator. Such signature is an acknowledgment only that the administrator has been informed of the unit member's desire for transfer consideration. Such signature does not necessarily imply approval or disapproval of the administrator nor may the acknowledgment be withheld by the administrator. The filing of a request for transfer is without prejudice to the unit member. A request for transfer may be withdrawn by the unit member in writing at any time prior to official notification of transfer approval. The Human Resources Department shall give the affected unit member and appropriate administrator(s) official written notification of transfers approved.
17.3.3 All requests for voluntary transfers shall be considered in order on the priority basis:
Unit Member Initiated Transfer. 12.5.1 Unit members may file a request for transfer for general consideration in the District Personnel Office. Submission of a request for transfer may be made at any time on the appropriate District form. Properly filed transfer requests shall be valid for twelve (12) months from the date of submission to the Personnel Office. If the District determines to interview for a particular position, all unit members who have a transfer request on file for that position shall be invited to interview.
12.5.2 The Superintendent or designee shall notify the appropriate administrator(s) of the transfer request. Thereafter, administrative consideration shall be given to requests as positions develop.
12.5.3 If the unit member so requests a conference will be held with the Superintendent or designee to discuss the denial of the transfer request.
Unit Member Initiated Transfer. A unit member may submit a request for transfer or request to exercise Retreat Rights for the upcoming academic year (July 1 – June 30) to the District office at any time, whether or not a vacancy exists. Such requests shall remain on file until September 1 of the upcoming school year and will be considered as vacancies occur. A unit member may also submit a request for transfer or Retreat Rights in response to the posting of a vacancy pursuant to the procedures of this Article. After receiving all unit member requests for transfer to a specific assignment, the unit member with the most District seniority (of those who have submitted a written request) shall receive the transfer.
Unit Member Initiated Transfer. The provisions for unit member initiated transfers set forth below shall not apply to transfer applications to Deciles 1, 2 or 3 schools. Unit members may apply for transfers to Deciles 1, 2 or 3 schools, but discretion regarding selection shall reside with the site administrator.
8.4.1 Unit members shall request a voluntary transfer to a specific posted vacancy within the posted time limit (“close date”) for the position.
8.4.2 Unit members applying for transfer shall be given first consideration. Such consideration shall include paper screening for appropriate credentials. It shall be the responsibility of the unit member to have current information regarding credentials and authorizations on file with the Human Resources office.
8.4.3 Unit members shall be provided an interview. Should the number of requests for transfer be unmanageable for the timeline, unit members shall be selected for interview after the application of the transfer criteria in 8.1.2.
8.4.4 The interview process shall be based on a weighted checklist of the criteria listed in 8.1.2, with the points assigned to Seniority at least equal to the other criteria with the highest point value. The results shall be recorded on the District Teacher Transfer Rating Sheet. The Association may review the weights placed on each criterion.
8.4.5 Unit members considered for transfer may be observed by the principal or designated staff from the worksite where the vacancy exists. If an observation is to be conducted, the unit member shall be notified prior to the day of the observation.
8.4.6 Unit members who are not selected for the vacancy shall be notified by phone or in writing within one working day after the vacancy is filled.
8.4.7 In the event a transfer is denied, upon request by the unit member, the administrator shall provide specific reason(s) for the denial in writing.
Unit Member Initiated Transfer refers to a transfer which occurs as a result of a unit member's request.
2.1 Any unit member may apply for posted vacancies provided he/she is credentialed and qualified for the position.
2.2 A unit member shall first notify and upon request discuss the possible transfer with his/her immediate supervisor.
2.3 Any unit member applying for a transfer under this section who is appropriately credentialed is guaranteed an interview for the position(s) in question.
2.4 The filing of a request for a unit-member initiated transfer does not jeopardize the employee's current position, but reflects only a desire for professional growth.
2.5 A unit member who transfers under this section shall not be transferred under a district- initiated transfer the following year.
2.6 The Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, or designee, shall grant the unit member one (1) day without instructional duties to effect such transfer if the transfer occurs during the school year. An additional day may be granted if needed.
Unit Member Initiated Transfer will be considered a Level 3 Transfer under Section 3 of this article and refers to a transfer which occurs as a result of a unit member's request.
2.1 Any unit member may apply for posted vacancies at Level 3 provided he/she is credentialed and qualified for the position.
2.2 A unit member shall first notify and upon request discuss the possible transfer with his/her immediate supervisor.
2.3 Any unit member applying for a transfer under this section who is appropriately credentialed is guaranteed an interview for the open position(s).
2.3.1 Prior to the deadline for applying, the unit member may request a copy of their District seniority within the seniority list of the school to which they may wish to transfer. The seniority list will include seniority dates of the unit members already assigned to the school.
2.4 The filing of a request for a unit-member initiated transfer does not jeopardize the employee's current position, but reflects only a desire for professional growth.
2.5 The Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, or designee, shall grant the unit member one (1) day without instructional duties or equivalent sub pay to effect such transfer if the transfer occurs during the school year. An additional day may be granted if needed.