Workplace Inspections. The committee shall conduct workplace inspections at intervals it deems advisable, and shall notify the Employer in writing of any unsafe conditions found. The Employer shall promptly undertake suitable corrective measures, and will report in writing to the Committee of the action he has taken.
Workplace Inspections. 4.1 YusApuY members of the Joint Committee shall inspect the physical condition of a portion of the YusApuY workplace once per month. A manager shall be notified and may, where and when possible, accompany YusApuY representatives. Refer to OHS Act sec.9(3.2) for details. Workplace inspection schedules shall be established by the Joint Committee, with the entire YusApuY workplace being inspected at least annually.
Workplace Inspections a) The JSHC will conduct monthly inspections of the workplace. Members will di- vide into teams which will conduct inspections of separate areas of the plant to avoid over-lap and duplication of effort. It is agreed that the inspection will not interfere with regularly scheduled work of any employees or interfere with pro- ductivity.
Workplace Inspections. It is the policy of the District, when deemed necessary by management, for authorized persons to search and inspect both District-owned or District-controlled property, equipment and/or areas as well as property brought on to District property by employees, contractors, vendors or others. A refusal to cooperate in an inspection may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Workplace Inspections. 2.2 YUSA/APUY members of the Joint Committee shall designate one of their number or alternate to inspect the physical condition of a portion of the YUSA/APUY workplace. Where and when possible, a manager shall accompany the YUSA/APUY representative. The YUSA/APUY workplace, or part thereof, shall be inspected once per month. Workplace inspection schedules shall be undertaken in accordance with a schedule established by the Joint Committee, with the entire YUSA/APUY workplace being inspected at least annually.
Workplace Inspections. The Supervisor or designate shall forward copies of their inspection reports and the Health and Safety portion of the staff meeting minutes to the CJHSC co-chairs no later than the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Workplace Inspections. The employer shall facilitate arrangements for members of the committee to conduct health and safety inspections of the places of employment at reasonable intervals to be determined by the committee. Upon written notification by the committee of an unsafe condition found during an inspection, the employer shall promptly undertake suitable corrective measures, and inform the committee in writing of the action taken. Committee Investigations Special meetings of the committee may be called by either
Workplace Inspections. Members of the Committee who represent workers shall designate a worker member to inspect the physical condition of the workplace If a workplace does not have a then the health and safety representative shall conduct the inspections. The member shall be certified if possible As a minimum, inspectors shall receive inspection and hazard identification training. Workplace inspections will be done monthly It is expected that the whole workplace will be covered during each inspection. Monthly inspections will include high risk areas such as storage rooms, Science Labs, kitchens and Tech and gym areas. Dates for regular monthly inspections during the next school year will be determined by the This information will be forwarded to the appropriate Superintendent of Schools by the end of September for placement on Docushare. It is recommended that during the inspection of any workplace, the worker member conducting the inspection be accompanied by the workplace supervisor or designate and the head custodian or designate. However, if these people are not available, the worker inspector will continue with the planned inspection. All concerns identified during an inspection shall be recorded on the electronic Inspection Report. The workplace inspector is responsible for e-mailing or faxing this report to the Health and Safety Coordinator within two working days after the completion of the inspection. A copy is given to the workplace supervisor and placed in the Inspection Binder stored in the supervisor’s office or another location easily accessible when needed. Another copy is posted on the Health and Safety Bulletin Board. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring issues addressed on the Inspection Report are forwarded to those who can rectify the problems:
Workplace Inspections. (a) A system of regular workplace inspections; regular hazard audits of work areas and work practices which include reference to relevant legislation standards and codes of practice shall be instituted in the workplace. These will be carried out with the involvement of OHS representatives.
Workplace Inspections. (d) (1) In each department the Department Chief Health and Safety representative and a Supervisor shall be assigned to conduct a monthly inspection of the physical condition of the workplace as set out by the Departmental JHSC Co-Chairpersons. The inspections may focus on any other criteria, or activity, pertaining to Health and Safety or the environment as agreed to by the Departmental JHSC Co-Chairpersons.