Conditions of Occupancy. The Resident may not occupy a Room, unless (i) the Resident is currently enrolled and maintaining status as a full- time student in good standing at the Institution; (ii) this Agreement is executed by all parties; (iii) all Residence Fees then due and payable are paid in full as stated in section 2.03; (iv) the Manager has designated a Room for the Resident and (v) the Resident meets any additional conditions to occupancy established by the Institution, including any vaccination conditions.
Conditions of Occupancy. 1. Your assigned apartment shall be occupied by only you and/or other assigned residents. A Resident may not sublease or rent a room assignment or permit another person to share a private room assignment. Any attempt to do so is considered a breach of this Contract and will result in expulsion from University housing.
2. Occupancy for more than two (2) consecutive days, or more than three (3) nights total in any 30 day period, by any other person shall constitute a breach of this Contract unless prior written consent from OHRL is obtained.
3. The Resident is responsible for keeping the apartment sanitary and safe. The Resident agrees to report any deteriorated conditions or maintenance needs of his/her apartment or furnishings to OHRL. Resident agrees to pay for damages or missing furniture and damages to the apartment caused by Resident, Resident’s visitors, or Resident’s guests.
4. The Resident shall not move any OHRL furnishings out of the room, apartment, or building. Furnishings may not be stored anywhere else other than the apartment and common area.
5. Resident shall not modify, or allow the modification of, the assigned room/apartment or other parts of the building. Constructing structures such as lofting systems is not allowed.
6. When Resident vacates his/her apartment, Resident agrees to return the furniture to its original position; to leave the apartment in a clean, orderly condition, reasonable wear and tear expected; and to follow published check out procedures.
7. Resident agrees to use public areas in a way that maintains the orderliness and cleanliness of all areas used by Residents and guests.
Conditions of Occupancy. Your occupancy of a Housing Facility is conditioned upon the following additional terms and conditions:
a. To reside and remain in a Housing Facility, you must be enrolled as a Full-Time Student at the University or BCTC and have paid all tuition and other academic charges due, in addition to amounts due under this Contract.
b. You must check-in with the Resident Director or House Director of the Housing Facility to which you have been assigned on or before the first day of classes of each semester. If you will be delayed, you must notify the Housing Office in writing. Such written notification should be made at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the first day of classes. Failure to give notice of a delay in checking in may result in reassignment or loss of assignment and significant financial penalty. If you are deemed a “no show”, we may cancel this Contract, in which case you will be subject to all applicable cancellation charges.
c. You must complete and sign a Room Condition Report Form prior to occupancy of your assigned Housing Facility certifying the condition of the room, apartment, or house assigned to you as of the date you begin occupancy. At the termination of this Contract, Landlord may inspect the room, apartment, or house assigned to you and assess you for any damages to your room, apartment, or house, its fixtures or any appliances and furniture not identified in the Room Condition Report Form completed at the beginning of your occupancy.
d. You must keep your assigned room, apartment, or house clean and orderly and in good condition. You shall pay Landlord for loss of Landlord property and the cost of replacement or repair for any breakage or damage to your assigned room, apartment, or house; its fixtures or any appliances and furniture; plus, any damages caused by you, or your guests, to other parts of the residence hall, apartment, or house, including, but not limited to, special cleaning necessitated by improper care of rooms, furnishings, or appliances.
e. You shall exercise care in the use of the Housing Facility; shall care for and clean your room, apartment, or house; and shall abide by (i) all rules and regulations for Housing Facilities as described in the Official Guide to Living on Campus, including the University Housing Community Standards set forth therein, and (ii) the University Code of Student Conduct. Commission of acts described in these documents may result in referral to the student conduct process. Certain and rep...
Conditions of Occupancy. Your occupancy of a Housing Facility is conditioned upon the following additional terms and conditions:
a. University Students: To reside and remain in a Housing Facility, you must be confirmed/enrolled as a Full-Time Student at the University. BCTC Students: To reside and remain in a Housing Facility, you must be confirmed/enrolled as a Full-Time Student (in 12 or more credit hours with 75% of classes on-site) at BCTC and remain in good academic and financial standing including all tuition and other academic charges due, in addition to amounts due under this Contract.
b. You must check-in with the Resident Director or House Director of the Housing Facility to which you have been assigned on or before the first day of classes of each semester. If you will be delayed, you must notify the Housing Office via email. Such written notification should be made at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the first day of classes. Failure to give notice of a delay in checking in may result in reassignment or loss of assignment and significant financial penalty. If you are deemed a “No-Show”, a student who is enrolled, but does not check in with the Housing Office to live in a Housing Facility, we may cancel this Contract, and you will be subject to the applicable cancellation charges set forth below. Students who are not enrolled at UK or BCTC will forfeit the non-refundable Application Fee, but will not be charged any other cancellation fees unless subsequently re-enrolled for the academic term.
c. You must complete and sign a Room Condition Report Form prior to occupying your assigned Housing Facility certifying the condition of your assigned unit as of the date you begin occupancy. At the termination of this Contract, Licensor may inspect your assigned unit and assess you for any damages to your unit, its fixtures or any appliances and furniture identified in the Room Condition Report Form completed at the beginning of your occupancy.
d. You must keep your assigned unit clean, orderly, and in good condition. You shall pay Licensor for loss of Licensor property and the cost of replacement or repair for any breakage or damage to your assigned unit; its fixtures or any appliances and furniture; plus, any damages caused by you or your guests, to other parts of the unit, including, but not limited to, special cleaning necessitated by improper care of rooms, furnishings or appliances.
e. You must exercise care in the use of the Housing Facility; care for and clean your un...
Conditions of Occupancy. Completion of any portion of the check-in procedure (i.e. accepting of key, placing personal belongings in residence halls, completing an inventory sheet, etc.) shall constitute occupancy. A student assumes responsibility for the condition of the unit upon occupancy. Residence hall reservations will not be held beyond 6 p.m. the night before classes begin unless the student notifies the Residence Life Department in writing of the student’s intention to occupy the space at a later date. No credit will be given for the period the space is held unoccupied. Non-occupancy of residence hall space does not terminate any contractual obligation. Registered students who do not check into their assigned room and who do not notify the Residence Life Department in writing by the first class day may lose their preference to the space assigned to them, but will still be responsible for room charges if required to reside on campus. All housing residents must remain enrolled in classes each semester to remain eligible to reside in campus housing. Students enrolled for eight hours or less may live off campus if they are granted an off-campus permit; see Cancellation Provisions (Section 17). Residents are responsible for payment of entire contract period. Residence halls are closed during official university holidays and between semesters.
Conditions of Occupancy. Agent may enter Owner's apartment, and Agent may remove such personal effects as Agent determines appropriate to be moved, storing the same for reinstallation at the end of the rental period, provided, however, that nothing herein shall obligate Agent to so remove such personal effects or create any liability against Agent for the failure to remove such personal effects. Agent will cause the apartment to be cleaned and prepared for rental occupancy and so maintained during rental occupancy. At the termination of rental occupancy, Agent will remove linens and supplies utilized for such occupancy and will replace linens and any personal effects of Owner, leaving the premises for re-occupancy by Owner.
Conditions of Occupancy. All students living in a University residence hall are subject to the provisions of the University’s policies governing student conduct and discipline. Students are responsible for knowing and observing the University’s regulations and procedures, as set forth in official publications. Students must note that as citizens they are subject to all federal and state laws in addition to all University regulations governing student conduct and responsibility. Copies of pertinent official University publications are available on-line.
Conditions of Occupancy. 10.1 Leaseholder shall be responsible for ensuring that the apartment is used solely for residential purposes by Leaseholder and the other authorized, eligible individuals. Leaseholder may not host an overnight guest for more than one month during any single lease term.
10.2 Leaseholder must occupy the apartment during the Lease term. With the exception of Co-Tenants, no other people may inhabit an apartment when Leaseholder is not residing there.
10.3 Maximum apartment occupancy is specified in the Lease Offer. Leaseholder shall notify University in writing within 15 calendar days of any changes in family size or number of occupants. Leaseholder may not host overnight guests for more than three consecutive nights if the presence of the guest causes the maximum apartment occupancy to be exceeded.
Conditions of Occupancy. Student occupancy in University Housing facilities is conditioned upon continued full-time registration and attendance in good standing as a student of the University, payment of all tuition, fees, charges, and assessments and compliance with all rules and regulations of the University. A University Housing space is provided only when the University is in session. When the University is not in session, residents must vacate their living space. This includes Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break, Summer and when otherwise stipulated by the Department of Residence Life and Housing. Students with a legitimate academic need or students with severe or extenuating circumstances should contact the Associate Director of Residence Life and Housing, or their designee, to request an exception. All requests for exceptions must be in writing and turned in at least 5 business days before the applicable break. At the end of each semester, residents are required to leave no later than 24 hours after their last final or at the official time all residence halls close, whichever time comes first. University Housing Facilities will close as announced by the Department of Residence Life and Housing via posted notice/University email. Students must vacate their living space by the time indicated in the posted "closing" notice. Failure to vacate and properly close the room may result in a fine and/or conduct review. Opening times will be announced in writing in advance. Residents are not permitted to enter University Housing facilities prior to the opening of the residence halls. Request for exceptions for personal reasons must be presented in writing no later than 5 days prior to the opening of the residence halls to the Department of Residence Life and Housing. Only cases of personal hardship will be considered, and students are placed on notice that exceptions to the above policy are infrequent. Students who are granted exceptions to come early, stay late or stay during a break period will generally be assessed a fee of $50.00 per night of occupancy. Those residents who arrive early without permission from the Department of Residence Life and Housing will be required to leave immediately, be assessed as above, and/or will be processed through the University Student Conduct System.
1. Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedure for student living in on-campus residence halls
Conditions of Occupancy. Occupancy of VSU housing facilities is contingent upon the exhibition of behaviorwhich is compatible with maintenance of order and propriety. Additionally, the following specific requirements must be met:
A. VSU cannot make a housing assignment until the resident has been officiallyaccepted by VSU. Full-time VSU students are given priority with housing.
B. The resident must be a VSU student enrolled for at least six credit hours a semester.Preference for housing assignments will be given to students who are enrolled as full-time, face- to-face students. Dual enrolled high school students are not eligible for housing. Students that drop below 6 hours at any time during the academic year cannot continue in campus housing and must reapply.
1. Students receiving permission to live on campus with a completely onlineschedule are still required to pay all mandatory University fees. Once the housing contract is signed for a completely online student, they may not be approved for exemption or release of contract on basis for an online schedule. Students participating in the VSU Entry Program through South Georgia State College are also eligible to live on campus in the designated program building. SGSC students must adhere to the same contract and policies as VSU Students.
C. First year students are required to live on campus unless they apply for and are grantedan exemption from the Freshman Residency Requirement. The freshman residency exemption forms can be completed and submitted online via the Housing Web page. These forms must be completed and signed before the signing of a Housing contract. Therefore, an exemption does not constitute cause for release of contract.
X. Xxxxxxxxx is specifically limited to those persons who have signed this housingcontract with VSU, and violations of this regulation will result in immediate termination of this agreement by VSU.
E. The space may be occupied only by the contracting resident(s). No transfer, assignment or subletting of the license granted by this Contract is permitted. Roomsshall not be occupied at any time by more residents than the room is designed to accommodate. Residents may only occupy the space assigned to them and may not occupy both spaces in a room. An open space may be assigned to a student at any time, therefore the space should be occupiable at any time. Residents who are found to be occupying (this includes spreading belongings out to both sides of a room, both beds, or both closets) both sides of a ...