PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. 1.1 The Company and the Union each agree that the purpose and intent of this Agreement is to promote co-operation and harmony, to recognize the mutual interest of the Parties, to provide proper means through which information may be transmitted from one to the other, to formulate rules and policies to govern the relationship between the Union and the Company, to promote the efficiency of operations and service to the public, to establish rates of pay, hours of work, safe and satisfactory working conditions and other terms and conditions of employment as set out herein, and to set forth a procedure to be followed by the Parties hereto and by the employees covered by this Agreement for the expeditious and proper settlement of any dispute which may arise on the administration of the terms of this Agreement.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the State of Michigan and its principal Departments and Agencies (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer"), through the Office of the State Employer, and the Michigan Corrections Organization, Service Employees International Union, Local 526M, CTW, as exclusive representative of employees employed by the State of Michigan (as set forth specifically in the recognition clause) hereinafter referred to as the "Union". It is the purpose and intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement:
1. Implements the provisions of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, as explicitly waived, amended, or superseded by the Civil Service Commission or other appropriate authority;
2. Promotes harmonious relations between the Employer and the Union;
3. Provides for an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences over matters addressed herein;
4. Establishes conditions of employment which are subject to good faith negotiations between the parties;
5. Recognizes the continuing joint responsibility of the parties to provide efficient services to the public. The Agencies and Departments, and the corresponding Chapters of the Union, are set forth in Appendix A of this Agreement. Additions or deletions to such schedule may be made by either party. This Article shall not be the subject of a grievance except when cited in conjunction with another Article of this Agreement.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. The Employer and the Union agree that the purpose and intent of this Agreement is to promote and establish harmonious collective bargaining relations between the Employer and its’ employees; to govern the relationship between the parties; to promote efficiency and service; to establish rates of pay and other working conditions as set out herein and to set forth a procedure to be followed by the parties to this Agreement and by the employees covered by this Agreement for the expeditious and proper settlement of any dispute which may arise out of the administration of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. WHERAS the Parties acknowledge that their primary purpose is to provide quality health care, and believe this purpose can be achieved most readily when harmonious relations exist between the Employer and its Employees.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) is made and entered into upon approval of the Civil Service Commission at Lansing, Michigan, by and between the State of Michigan and its principal departments and agencies (hereinafter referred to as the Employer) represented by the Office of the State Employer, and Michigan AFSCME Council 25, AFL-CIO and its appropriate affiliated locals, as exclusive representative of employees employed by the State of Michigan (as set forth specifically in the recognition clause) hereinafter referred to as the Union. It is the purpose and intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement:
1. Implements the provisions of Michigan Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations;
2. Promotes harmonious relations between the Employer and the Union;
3. Provides for an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences;
4. Establishes conditions of employment which are subject to good faith collective bargaining negotiations between the parties;
5. Recognizes the continuing joint responsibility of the parties to provide efficient and uninterrupted services and satisfactory employee conduct to the public. The present agencies and departments, and the corresponding Local Unions and Chapters are set forth in Appendix A of this Agreement. Additions or deletions to such schedule may be made by either party.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. This Agreement is made between the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters (herein referred to as the Union), and members of the Northwest Wall & Ceiling Contractors Association (herein referred to as the Employer). The Union and the Employer recognize and agree that the discrimination against and/or the harassment of an employee as defined by local, state and federal laws is adverse to the interest of both the Union and the Employer. The parties agree that such discrimination and/or harassment is strictly prohibited. The purposes of this Agreement are to establish harmonious relations and uniform conditions of employment; to promote the settlement of labor disagreements by consultation and arbitration; to prevent, where possible, strikes and lockouts; to utilize more fully the facilities of the Apprenticeship and Training Program; to promote efficiency and economy in the performance of all work covered by this Agreement and encourage a spirit of helpful cooperation between the Employer and Employee to their mutual advantage and the protection of the investing public.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. This Agreement, entered into by and between the City of Bellevue, hereinafter referred to as “Employer” and Ohio Council 8 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local #2571, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as “Union,” has as its purpose: • the promotion of harmonious relations between the parties; • the establishment of equitable and peaceful procedures for the resolution of differences in the application and interpretation of this contract; and • the establishment of salaries, wages, hours of work; and all other terms and conditions of employment as provided herein for all employees in the bargaining unit as defined herein.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. In order to enhance the relationship between the City of Cincinnati, hereafter referred to as the City, the Cincinnati Organized and Dedicated Employees, hereafter referred to as CODE, and the members of the CODE bargaining unit, the City and CODE have jointly agreed to the following statement of purpose for this Agreement. It is in the best interests of the City and CODE to jointly:
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. MacEwan University is an engaged university at the heart of the city where creativity and innovation thrive, and a unique student experience opens diverse pathways for achievement and growth. We inspire students with a powerful combination of academic excellence and personal learning experiences. We provide a transformative education in a creative, collaborative and supportive environment.
PREAMBLE AND PURPOSE. This Policy applies to intellectual property (IP) created by members of the RRU community. This Policy is written within the context of a vital academic community and its values, which include openness, sharing of ideas, collegiality, research, academic freedom and support for students. RRU recognizes its role in generating benefits for society through the creation, preservation, and transfer of knowledge, dissemination of research findings and creative activities, and where appropriate, encouraging the application of its research and creativity in tangible ways. This Policy is a vehicle by which the application of research and creative results are encouraged and facilitated. RRU supports the principles of creator owned IP whenever possible/feasible. Accordingly, this Policy is designed to establish and promote those principles and provide a supportive climate for the development of IP and the provision of services based on mutually beneficial partnerships that respect the interests of researchers and creators, RRU, and the wider community. In establishing this Policy, consideration has been given to: (a) the historical practices of RRU and its goals as an institution for the future; (b) the current thinking on IP within other Canadian post-secondary institutions and at the federal level; (c) the standards and traditions in diverse academic disciplines; and (d) the need to maintain consistency with other RRU policies and procedures. More specifically, the purpose of this Policy is to:
B.1.1 Provide a supportive climate and incentives for intellectual and creative development, innovation, and entrepreneurship by members of the RRU community, including students;
B.1.2 Acknowledge that RRU has an obligation, within a framework of respect for copyright and patent principles, to disseminate the products of scholarly activity to benefit the creators, the institution, and the public;
B.1.3 Provide a framework for effective development and utilization of discoveries for the economic benefit of British Columbia and Canada which would be in the interests of the public and RRU;
B.1.4 Provide the potential for gaining funds and other resources to be used to promote and aid research and creative activities, employee and student entrepreneurism, and technology transfer at RRU;
B.1.5 Ensure RRU meets its obligations to funding sponsors and assist RRU members in fulfilling the terms of grants or contracts with respect to intellectual property (as defined in Section B.2);