TERMINATION. Buyer may terminate this Order at its discretion and without cause, in whole or in part, independent of any prior notice and by written notice at any time. If this Order is terminated without cause, any claim of the Supplier shall be settled on the basis of reasonable costs incurred for compliance with this Order with labor and materials that are not usable by Supplier for other goods it manufactures. The materials for which the Supplier is reimbursed will become property of the Buyer and will be delivered to it upon request. Supplier shall protect and not destroy such materials except with the consent of the Buyer. If there is reasonable cause, Buyer may also terminate the contract, not being accountable to the Supplier for any amount in respect of costs, reimbursement, transportation, etc.
TERMINATION. 14.1. The Purchase Order may be terminated, without right to compensation, under any title, by both parties and without cause, provided that a written communication is provided, with prior written notice of thirty (30) consecutive days;
14.2. The Purchase Order may be automatically terminated due to default on the obligations agreed in this instrument.
TERMINATION. Either party may terminate the Individual Contract, in whole or in part, upon giving written notice to the other party. The period of notice shall be five (5) days in the case of Individual Contracts for a total period of less than two (2) months and fourteen (14) days in the case of contracts for a longer period. The initiation of conciliation or arbitral proceedings, as provided below, shall not be deemed to be a “cause” for or otherwise to be in itself a termination of the Individual Contract. UNDP may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to it, terminate the Individual Contract forthwith in the event that:
(a) the Individual contractor is adjudged bankrupt, or is Article II, section 7, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations provides, inter alia, that the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs, is exempt from all direct taxes, except charges for public utility services, and is exempt from customs restrictions, duties and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles imported or exported for its official use. In the event any governmental authority refuses to recognize the exemptions of the United Nations from such taxes, restrictions, duties or charges, the Individual contractor shall immediately consult with UNDP to determine a mutually acceptable procedure. UNDP shall have no liability for taxes, duties or other similar charges payable by the Individual contractor in respect of any amounts paid to the Individual contractor under this Individual Contract, and the Individual contractor acknowledges that UNDP will not issue any statements of earnings to the Individual contractor in respect of any such payments. liquidated, or becomes insolvent, applies for moratorium or stay on any payment or repayment obligations, or applies to be declared insolvent; (b) the Individual contractor is granted a moratorium or a stay or is declared insolvent; the Individual contractor makes an assignment for the benefit of one or more of its creditors; (c) a Receiver is appointed on account of the insolvency of the Individual contractor; (d) the Individual contractor offers a settlement in lieu of bankruptcy or receivership; or (e) UNDP reasonably determines that the Individual contractor has become subject to a materially adverse change in its financial condition that threatens to endanger or otherwise substantially affect the ability of the Individual contractor to perform any of its obligations under th...
TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated at any time, by either party, by means of a 180-day prior written termination notice.
TERMINATION. This agreement shall remain in force so long as the Conditional Fee Agreement between the Claimant and the Solicitors also remains in force. Termination of the Conditional Fee Agreement, in accordance with the terms therein, shall similarly terminate this Agreement. Upon termination of the Conditional Fee Agreement and this Agreement, the Claimant must account to the Claims Manager for 20% of the proceeds of the Claim upon receipt of the Proceeds of the Claim.
(1) The Client
(2) SPG Law (a trading name of Excello Law)of 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx, XX0X 0XX a firm of solicitors regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, regulation number 515 898 (the Solicitors).
TERMINATION. 15.1. If the Customer is in breach of any of these Terms including without limitation, a provision relating to the payment of money or if the Customer becomes subject to one of the following events: it suspends or threatens to suspend payment of its debts or is or becomes unable to pay its debts when they are due, or its financial position deteriorates to such an extent that in Xxxxxxx’x opinion the Customer’s capability to adequately fulfil its obligations under the Contract has been placed in jeopardy, takes any step in connection with having any external manager or controller appointed (including any receiver, administrator, liquidator of any kind) or informs any person that it is, presumed to be, insolvent or if the Customer ceases or threatens to cease to carry on business or any guarantee or security given to Sandvik in relation to the Customer is revoked or unenforceable (“Insolvency Event”) then Sandvik may, at its sole discretion, upon written notice to the Customer:
15.1.1. Immediately withdraw any purchase or credit facilities which may have been extended to the Customer and require immediate payment of all moneys owed to Sandvik by the Customer, whether or not they were due for payment in the future;
15.1.2. Immediately suspend performance or terminate without penalty the Contract (including any license granted pursuant to Clause 9.2) in force between Sandvik and the Customer;
15.1.3. Immediately take all possible action to protect its Goods and Intellectual Property; and/or
15.1.4. Recover all costs and losses associated with such termination action.
15.2. Termination (including pursuant to Clause 2.2) shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of either party at the termination date.
15.3. If a Force Majeure event prevents, hinders or delays a party’s performance of its obligations for a continuous period of more than three (3) months, then either party may terminate this Contract by giving two (2) weeks' written notice to the other Party.
15.4. Sandvik agrees to store and allow the Customer to download or otherwise retrieve, Customer specific Input Data and/or Output Data provided such request has been made to Sandvik in writing, and maximum thirty (30) days following the termination of the Contract.
15.5. Sandvik shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for convenience upon 30 days’ prior written notice to Customer. Customer acknowledges and accepts that such period of prior written notice is fair and compatibl...
TERMINATION. We reserve the right to suspend and/or block your access to the Service in the event of detecting uses of the service in breach of these terms. We will try where appropriate to give you reasonable notice or warning before we do this. However, we may immediately and without notice suspend and/or block your access to the Service where there is a real risk of loss or harm to us or our other customers (for example, where there is a reasonable suspicion of fraud or other abuse). The duration of our agreement is limited to the time in which you remain connected to the Service.
TERMINATION. In addition, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Supplier, if the Buyer is in breach of any obligations under these Conditions of Sale the Supplier shall be entitled to serve on the Buyer a notice requiring the Buyer to remedy the alleged breach within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the notice. If the Buyer Se a Compradora não sanar o alegado incumprimento no prazo dos catorze (14) dias corridos, a Fornecedora terá o direito de resolver o contrato, de suspender novas entregas, e/ou de cessar qualquer encomenda ou orçamento pendentes sem incorrer em qualquer responsabilidade, por qualquer forma, como consequência desta acção.
TERMINATION. 10.1.O Contrato de Licenciamento entrará em vigor na Data de Início e, salvo especificação em contrário na Encomenda, terá uma duração inicial de 12 meses, continuando em vigor por períodos iguais e sucessivos de doze meses. Cada uma das partes pode fazer cessar o Contrato de Licenciamento com efeitos a partir do fim do período em vigor através de notificação por escrito da outra parte de tal cessação com a antecedência mínima de 60 dias antes do termo do período em vigor. 10.1 The Licence Agreement shall enter into force on the Commencement Date and unless otherwise specified in the Order shall have an initial duration of 12 months, continuing in force thereafter for further periods of twelve months. Either party may terminate the Licence Agreement with effect from the end of the then-current period by giving the other party written notice of such termination not less than 60 days before the expiry of the then-current period. 10.2.O Contrato de Licenciamento pode cessar, com efeitos imediatos, através de notificação por escrito: (i) pela Eurotax, se o Cliente, tendo recebido um aviso por escrito, não efetuar o pagamento de qualquer dos montantes devidos nos termos do Contrato de Licenciamento ou qualquer outra dívida perante a Eurotax no prazo de 30 dias a contar da data de vencimento; (ii) por qualquer das partes se a outra incumprir substancialmente qualquer termo do Contrato de Licenciamento que (no caso de incumprimento passível de reparação) não tenha sido reparado no prazo de 30 dias a contar de um pedido por escrito para o efeito; (iii) por qualquer das partes se a outra convocar uma assembleia de credores ou se for feita uma proposta para um acordo voluntário ou qualquer outro esquema de concordata ou acordo com (ou cedência a favor de) os seus credores ou se a outra não conseguir pagar as suas dívidas ou se um administrador de bens, administrador judicial ou administrador de insolvência ou outra entidade oficial análoga for nomeado relativamente à totalidade ou a qualquer parte da empresa ou dos bens da outra ou se for apresentado uma petição ou for convocada uma assembleia com a finalidade de considerar uma resolução ou se forem tomadas outras medidas para a liquidação ou insolvência da outra ou a execução de uma recuperação judicial (que não seja para efeitos de mera fusão ou reconstituição de empresas solventes); e (iv) pela Eurotax, se o Cliente violar quaisquer termos do licenciamento ao abrigo deste Contrato. 10.2 The Licence Agreement may ...
TERMINATION. 11.1. If the Customer is in breach of any of these Terms including without limitation, a provision relating to the payment of money or if the Customer suspends or threatens to suspend payment of its debts or is or becomes unable to pay its debts when they are due, has any external manager or controller appointed (including any receiver, administrator, liquidator of any kind) or informs any person that it is, presumed to be, insolvent or if the Customer ceases or threatens to cease to carry on business or any guarantee or security given to Sandvik in relation to the Customer is revoked or unenforceable then Sandvik may, at its sole discretion, upon written notice to the Customer:
11.1.1. Immediately withdraw any purchase or credit facilities which may have been extended to the Customer and require immediate payment of all moneys owed to Sandvik by the Customer, whether or not they were due for payment in the future;
11.1.2. Immediately suspend performance or terminate without penalty any Contract (including any license granted pursuant to Clause 9.2) in force between Sandvik and the Customer;
11.1.3. Immediately take all possible action to protect its Goods and intellectual property rights; and/or
11.1.4. Recover all costs and losses associated with such termination action.
11.2. Termination (including pursuant to clause 2.2) shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of either party at the termination date.