ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 15.01 If an employee is unable to report for work she shall give the Employer a minimum of four (4)
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 18.01 If an employee is unable to report for work, she/he shall give the Employer a minimum of four (4) hours notice. In case of day shift work, this time element will be one and one-half (1½) hours for nursing and dietary, one (1) hour for all other departments, and one (1) hour for all shifts that commence before 7:00 a.m. If notice is not given within the required time, the employee shall not be entitled to her/his sick pay on the first (1st) day of illness. 18.02 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for one (1) day shall be expected to return to work for the next scheduled shift, unless s/he provides notice as set out in 18.01. Failure to provide notice shall result in the loss of entitlement to sick pay for that day. An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a short term must inform the Employer four (4) hours in advance of her/his scheduled shift that she/he will return to work. In case of a long-term absence, she/he must inform the Employer twenty-four (24) hours in advance of her/his scheduled shift that she/he will return to work. Short-term absence in this Article shall mean one (1) to four (4) days. Long-term absence in this Article shall mean five (5) days or longer. If the employee is off work for four (4) weeks or longer she/he shall provide the Employer with one (1) week’s notice of her/his return. If the time is in excess of three (3) months, two (2) weeks notice shall be given.
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 12.01 An employee who is unable to report for work shall give the Employer a minimum of four (4) hours’ notice (except for the day shift which shall be required to give one and one-half (1½) hours’ notice). 12.02 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a short term must inform the Employer eight (8) hours in advance of her scheduled shift that she will return to work that day. In case of a long term absence, the employee must inform the Employer twenty-four (24) hours in advance of her scheduled shift that she will return to work. “Short-term” absence in this Article shall mean more than one (1) day and less than eight (8) days. “Long-term” absence in this Article shall mean more than one (1) week.
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 15.01 If an employee is unable to report for work, she shall, if possible, give the Employer four (4) hours' notice. Employees scheduled to start work between the hours of 0600 hours and 1000 hours shall, if possible, give the Employer one (1) hour's notice. 15.02 In case an employee is off work due to illness or injury for a "short" term, the employee must inform the Employer twenty-four (24) hours in advance of her scheduled shift of her return to work. In case of a "long" term absence, the employee must inform the Employer forty-eight (48) hours in advance of her scheduled shift of her return to work.
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 31.01 If an employee is unable to report for work she shall give the Employer a minimum of two (2) hours’ notice. In case of day shift work, she shall give a minimum of one (1) hours’ notice. If notice is not given within the required time, the employee shall not be entitled to her sick pay for that day. 31.02 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a period greater than one week but shorter than two weeks must inform the Employer forty-eight (48) hours in advance of her scheduled shift that she will return to work. In the case an absence longer than three (3) months, she must inform the Employer one (1) week in advance of her scheduled shift that she will return to work. 31.03 An employee may be required by her supervisor, or by the Executive Director, to obtain a doctor's certificate upon return to work after an illness that lasts longer than three (3) days, or where the Employer suspects sick leave abuse or a pattern of sick leave is evident.
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 17.01 If an employee is unable to report for work, he/she shall give the Employer a minimum of four (4) hours notice. In case of day shift work, this time element shall be one (1) hour. If notice is not given within the required time, the employee shall not be entitled to his/her sick pay on the first day of illness. 17.02 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a short term must inform the Employer twenty-four (24) hours in advance of his/her scheduled shift that he/she will return to work. In case of a long-term absence, he/she must inform the Employer not less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of his/her scheduled shift of his/her return to work. Short-term absence in this article shall mean more than one (1) day and less than six (6) days. Long-term absence in this article shall mean six (6) days or more. An employee may be required to obtain a Doctor's note prior to returning to work. Doctor's notes required by the Home shall be paid for in accordance with current legislation. All annual medicals, if required by legislation and not covered by OHIP, shall be paid for by the requesting party. A Doctor's note requested under Article 12.03 of the full-time employees shall not be a note requested by the Employer, but by the employee. Note: Any reference to Doctor’s note shall also include Nurse Practitioner as long as the information provided falls within the Nurse Practitioner’s scope of practice. 17.03 An employee absent on Worker’s Compensation, Weekly Indemnity, Employment Insurance sick benefits, or returning to work with work restrictions, must give one (1) week’s notice in writing of return to work.
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING a. An employee who is off work or unable to report for work due to illness or injury must notify his/her manager or designate of the reason(s) for the absence from work and probable duration. b. Where a job share partner is going to be absent he/she will notify his/her partner to cover his/her shifts to the requirement of ten (10) shifts in a pay period. The absent partner will also notify the Employer to report absence in accordance with Article 13.02 and advise whether their job share partner is covering the shift. In the event that the job share partner is unable to cover the shift, the absent partner shall notify the Employer and the call-in procedure shall take place. If a job share partner consistently refuses to cover for their partner, they may be subject to discipline and/or the job share partnership may be dissolved. 13.02 If an employee is unable to report work, he or she shall give his or her supervisor or the person designated by the Employer a minimum of three (3) hours notice. In cases of shifts commencing between 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. this time element shall be a minimum of two (2) hours. If notice is not given within the required time, the employee shall not be entitled to his or her sick pay for any day on which adequate notice is not given. 13.03 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a short-term must notify the Employer eight (8) hours in advance of his/her first scheduled return to work shift that he/she will or will not return to work. Short-term absence for the purpose of this Article shall mean less than four (4) calendar days. 13.04 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a long-term absence, must inform the Employer forty-eight
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 10.01 An employee who is unable to report for work shall give the Employer a minimum of four (4) hours’ notice (except for the day shift shall be required to give one (1) hour notice). 10.02 Following a period of time off due to illness or accident, an employee shall confirm with her Supervisor her ability to return to work and the Supervisor shall confirm the first shift to be worked based on the following schedule, unless specified otherwise elsewhere: a. If off seven (7) days or less – eight (8) hours’ notice provided the replacement staff can be properly notified not to come in. b. If off eight (8) days but less than two (2) weeks – twenty- four (24) hours’ notice provided the replacement staff can be notified not to come in. c. If off two (2) weeks but less than six (6) weeks – forty-eight
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 14.01 If an employee is unable to report for work, the employee shall give the Employer at the supervisor level or greater, a minimum of two hours’ notice for the day shift, and a minimum of four hours’ notice for all other shifts. If notice is not given within the required time, then unless circumstances beyond the employee’s control prevented the giving of the notice in a timely fashion, the employee shall not be entitled to her paid leave for the first day of illness. 14.02 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a short term must inform the Employer eight (8) hours in advance of his or her scheduled shift that he or she will return to work. In case of a long-term absence, he or she must inform the Employer twenty four (24) hours in advance of his or her scheduled shift that he or she will return to work. Short-term absence in this Article shall mean less than five (5) calendar days. Long-term absence in this Article shall mean five (5) calendar days or more.
ABSENCE FROM WORK AND REPORTING. 11.01 An employee who is unable to report for work because of sickness or other reasonable cause shall be expected to notify her immediate supervisor at least four (4) hours before the start of the afternoon and night shifts and one (1) hour before the start of the day shift so that proper measures can be taken for replacement. In case notice is not given within the required time, the employee may not be entitled to her sick pay on the first day of sickness. 11.02 An employee who is off work due to illness or injury for a short term must inform the Employer four (4) hours in advance of her scheduled shift that she will return to work that day. In case of a long term absence, the employee must inform the Employer seventy-two (72) hours in advance of her scheduled shift that she will return to work. "Short-term" absence in this Article shall mean more than one (1) day and less than four (4) days. "Long-term" absence in this Article shall mean four (4) days or more. 11.03 A doctor's certificate may be required from an employee returning to work after an illness, at the Employer's discretion.