Application Review Process Sample Clauses
Application Review Process. (1) The Village Administrative Authority shall verify that the permit application, including the supporting documentation as required by Subsection (C), is complete and that proposed plan complies with the standards identified in either Section 16.08 or Section 16.09, or both. If the Village Administrative Authority determines after such review that the proposed plan is deficient in any manner or that additional information is needed to evaluate the plan, the Village Administrative Authority shall notify the applicant of such deficiency or of the need for additional information. Within twenty (20) days after the date of such notification, the applicant shall correct the identified deficiencies or furnish the requested information, or both if appropriate. If the applicant fails to timely correct any identified deficiency or submit the requested information, the application shall be deemed denied and no further action will be taken on it. The applicant may then either submit a new application and plan for approval or appeal the determination of the Village Administrative Authority as provided under Section 16.12;
(2) Any stormwater plans meeting the definition as defined in Chapter 20 of the La Crosse County Code of Ordinances requires approval of the La Crosse County Planning, Resources, and Development Committee.
(3) After the application and plan review by the Village Administrative Authority has been completed, and, if appropriate, all identified deficiencies have been corrected and all additionally requested information has been submitted, the Village Administrative Authority may approve or reject the permit request as submitted. The Village Administrative Authority may also approve the permit request subject to certain enumerated conditions, including the correction of any identified deficiencies in the filed plan. The Zoning Administrator shall then notify the applicant of the action taken by the Village Administrative Authority. If a permit is approved conditionally or rejected, the Zoning Administrator shall advise the applicant of the conditions of approval, including the required correction of identified deficiencies in the plan, or the reasons for rejection. If the applicant thereafter corrects all of the identified deficiencies in the plan to the satisfaction of the Village Administrative Authority, the plan shall then be deemed approved, subject to any remaining non-deficiency conditions, if any. Staff engaged in this review and approval proces...
Application Review Process. The Agencies agree to the need for clear and early communication about the merits and challenges of potential E3 participants. When VADEQ receives an application, it will forward a copy to the EPA Team co-chair or their designee for compliance screening. VADEQ will evaluate an individual Program application and conduct a compliance review to identify any recent or pending actions regarding the facility. The EPA co-chair will communicate any initial EPA reactions to the VADEQ Team co-chair or their designee within a target of three weeks. The decision to accept or reject an application will be made within a target of 45 days and that decision will be immediately communicated to the applicant by VADEQ. VADEQ will provide the public notice of its decision to accept an application in accordance with state law. For applications that are accepted, VADEQ will request that the facility submit a list of regulatory flexibility proposals, if any are sought. Upon receipt of such a list, VADEQ will request EPA involvement for flexibility that potentially requires federal action to implement. The VADEQ co- chair will provide an assessment of a need for federal involvement to the EPA co-chair in writing. EPA will promptly review the requested flexibility, identify the regulatory actions that will likely need federal action to implement, and will decide whether to proceed to the next phase. The EPA co-chair will communicate this information in writing to the VADEQ co-chair. The Team may hold meetings during this review process to help the Agencies decide whether or not to proceed to the negotiation phase of the project.
Application Review Process. The Coalition has selected a seven-member panel (LRC) to review loan and grant applications. The LRC will meet the third Tuesday of each month or as needed depending on the volume of loan applications; a quorum must be present to conduct any board business. LRC staff will have the power to call a meeting of the LRC as needed upon the receipt of completed application materials. Before an application is prepared, LRC staff will collect preliminary information to determine, to the maximum extent possible, that the potential borrower and project are eligible. The first step in the loan selection process will be LRC staff’s review of the proposed activity to screen for conformance with the purpose and program goals. This will include review by the Qualified Environmental Professional to ensure that environmental criteria has been met and all necessary eligibility tasks have been completed and documentation is in place. Based on the outcome of this initial review, the potential borrower will either be referred to other sources of financing or invited to prepare a complete application. Upon completion of the loan application, the LRC will conduct an analysis to ascertain the project’s potential for success. This review will entail a review of the business plan, and review of any reporting and documentation provided by LRC staff. The LRC will conduct a credit analysis to determine the repayment ability of the borrower and will consider the following items: • business cash flow • personal debt to income ratios • personal and business credit history • management • type of business • industry performance • collateral • other pertinent information If the analysis indicates the business plans are viable, and the borrower is creditworthy, the LRC will work with the applicant to structure the terms of the loan package. The LRC has the ultimate responsibility for approving or denying applications for funding within 30 days of receiving the completed application. However, the City of Cheyenne, acting as the “Lead Agency” under grants received from EPA must assure that the LRC’s actions are in accordance with the terms of Cooperative Agreement BP-96826401-0 between the City of Cheyenne and EPA. The LRC must not spend funds except for their intended use as defined in the Cooperative Agreement and the EPA Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Administrative Manual.
Application Review Process. Applications received by the grant deadline will be reviewed by MPCA and MDH staff based upon the Application Eligibility Assessment sheet in Exhibit A. Applicants must meet all requirements to be considered for funding. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received and awarded on a first come, first served basis. All applicants will be notified of their award status by MPCA staff within approximately 30 days of application submission. Applicants selected for funding will be contacted concerning the next steps in the award process, including execution of the grant agreement.
Application Review Process. This discretionary scholarship is merit-based and thus the RSM Awards Committee will select the candidate based on your EMBA application. For example, essays, CV, admissions interview etc. Furthermore, the Awards Committee will look at your profile or aspects thereof such as your nationality, cultural background, experience, etc.
Application Review Process. 1. Santa Xxxx County, the Cities and the School Board shall ensure that the minimum Level of Service Standard established for each school type is maintained by evaluating school capacity as part of the Future Land Use Map amendment process. No new residential large scale comprehensive plan amendment may be approved by the County or Cities, until a School Capacity Availability Determination Letter has been issued indicating that adequate school facilities exist or are planned for in the 5‐year School District Facilities Work Plan. This shall not limit the authority of a local government to deny a comprehensive plan amendment or its functional equivalent, pursuant to its home rule regulatory powers.
2. Any developer submitting a large scale comprehensive plan amendment application with a residential component is subject to school capacity tracking and must prepare and submit a School Impact Analysis to the local government, as applicable, for review by the School District. The School Impact Analysis must indicate the location of the development, number of dwelling units and unit types (single‐family, multi‐family, apartments, etc.), and age restrictions for occupancy, if any. The local government shall initiate the review by determining that the application is sufficient for processing. Upon determination of application sufficiency (within five (5) days of receipt of a complete application), the local government shall transmit the School Impact Analysis to the School District for review. The School District will verify whether sufficient student stations for each type of school are available or not available to support the development. The process is as follows:
a. the School District shall review the School Impact Analysis for residential developments which have been submitted and deemed sufficient for processing by the applicable local government.
b. the School District shall review each School Impact Analysis in the order in which it is received and shall issue a School Capacity Availability Determination Letter to the applicant and the affected local government within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the application.
c. the School District may charge the applicant a non‐refundable application fee payable to the School District to meet the cost of review.
d. in the event that there is not adequate capacity available as calculated per Subsection (c) below, the School Board shall entertain proportionate share mitigation pursuant to Section 4.7 of thi...
Application Review Process. A. When Applicant provides a full application package, Program Processor will check the documents and validate that the file is ready to be submitted to the Underwriter. B. Any incomplete application packages will not be processed and/or forwarded to the Underwriter. C. Applicants will be given written notice to respond with any file updates or missing items 3c.
Application Review Process. The Scholarship is merit-based and thus the RSM MBA Awards Committee will select the candidate based on your MBA application. For example, essays, CV, admissions interview etc. Furthermore, the Awards Committee will look at your profile or aspects thereof such as your nationality, cultural background, experience, etc.
Application Review Process. 19 The Committee shall review each completed application for Catastrophic 20 Leave.
22 The Committee shall determine whether an applicant meets the eligibility 23 requirements.
25 The Committee shall make the determination as to whether the medical 26 evidence provided is sufficient and shall request further information if 27 needed.
29 The Committee shall approve or deny the application after the review. 32 decision within five (5) working days.
Application Review Process. A. Review At the beginning of each quarter, the deans will identify any proposals submitted or pending from the previous quarter. Sabbatical committee members will be notified of the pending application(s) no later than the end of the second week of the quarter. A meeting of the Sabbatical Leave Committee will be convened no later than the fifth week of the quarter. After electing a chair as outlined in 707.6, the committee will check applicants for eligibility and review the applications according to the criteria outlined in this agreement. The committee may request the attendance of applicants and assist as needed with revisions to the application. After applications are adequately revised (if needed), the committee shall make a written recommendation, ranking all applications properly submitted and meeting the criteria as outlined in this agreement. The recommendation shall be completed either by the end of the quarter or according to a later deadline if appropriate and requested in the proposal. The ranking will indicate the committee’s priority as to the granting of leaves and shall follow the guidelines established in 707.7.C. The written recommendation will be forwarded by the committee chair to the Vice President for Instruction and all sabbatical applicants. The Vice President for Instruction will review the committee’s recommendation and prepare his or her written recommendation. A copy of the Vice President for Instruction’s recommendation will be sent to each sabbatical applicant. The Vice President for Instruction’s recommendation, along with the committee’s recommendation, will be presented to the President, who will make the final decision.