Bus Driver Hours Sample Clauses

Bus Driver Hours a) Bus driver work hours will be determined by the length of time necessary to complete assigned routes. Until the route time is recalculated at the end of the fourth (4th) full week of school, the route length will be determined by the Transportation Supervisor. The transportation supervisor shall determine the length of time necessary to complete said routes and report this to the Treasurer’s office by the completion of the fourth (4th) full week of school. These hours will remain in effect for the remainder of the contract year unless as determined by the transportation supervisor the time required has substantially changed as a result of additions or removal of students. If this occurs, the transportation supervisor may assess the route and report the new length of time to the treasurer’s office. b) Hours paid prior to the original establishment of time will be adjusted according to the set route length. c) If, for any reason, a driver is deemed non-certificated, the employment contract between the Keystone Local School District Board of Education and the employee is automatically terminated without the necessity of Board action. d) Bus drivers and other bargaining unit employees required to be tested will be paid for the time that the employee is being tested. Bargaining unit employees required to be randomly tested because of a violation of DOT/FHWA regulation or because he/she is in treatment shall not be compensated for time spent on drug testing. e) In situations where a route is extended due to bus breakdown, accident, or student emergency, the driver will be paid their hourly rate for any time beyond route time.
Bus Driver Hours. 1. Bus drivers shall be compensated for the hours they work including 30 minutes pre-inspection, cleaning, and fueling time. 2. Bus driver hours will be verified by October 15th each year. This will be done by the Transportation Director, or the Superintendent’s designee in cooperation with the drivers. 3. Bus drivers may be compensated for time driving beyond the above approved hours with approval of the Superintendent. 4. Substitute drivers on any day and regular drivers on non-school days shall be allotted 30 minutes additional driving time for extracurricular trips for pre-inspection, clean up and fueling as per new trip ticket. (Appendix A3b) 5. A minimum field trip will be two hours at the current rate of pay. 6. The Administration has the final decision over route assignments. 7. Bus drivers are required to stay at the site of the field trip for the duration of the field trip unless excused by the Superintendent.
Bus Driver Hours. Morning and afternoon shifts will be completed when the runs and other post-trip duties are completed.
Bus Driver Hours. 23 Drivers will receive continuous regular pay when the time between the end of one route and the 24 beginning of another route is twenty (20) minutes or less. Drivers will receive regular pay for all time 25 over thirty (30) minutes past regular return time to bus garage, retroactive to return time.
Bus Driver Hours a. Drivers will be paid for the actual route time plus fifteen (15) minutes for warm- up/pre-trip inspections. Annual inspection preparation and meetings required by the employer or Supervisor will be paid extra.
Bus Driver Hours. The District shall determine the routes, hours, bus and additional weekday and weekend/holiday assignments in accordance with this Article. Unit members shall be provided a ten (10) minute check-in time prior to the 30-minute pre-trip inspection each day.
Bus Driver Hours 

Related to Bus Driver Hours

  • Summer Hours It is agreed by both parties that the following hours of work and working conditions shall apply to Field employees working outside of the reporting location as per Clause 11.02

  • Bus Drivers The provisions of this Article apply to school term bus drivers except as hereinafter modified. Bus Drivers are guaranteed a base of one thousand and ninety (1090) hours per school year. Guarantee consists of 1090 hours divided by possible working days in a school year times actual number of days worked. This excludes Saturday and Sunday and General Holiday trips. (a) Regular shift is defined as the conveyance of passengers to school in the morning and home in the afternoon. (b) Extra shift is defined as the conveyance of passengers for extra-curricular activities. (c) Shifts shall be paid at a minimum of two (2) hours and drivers' time will be uninterrupted if less than one-half (½) hour remains between shifts. (i) Drivers are entitled to one 15 minute rest period after two (2) hours of work and a second rest period after six (6) hours of work. Paid waiting times of 15 minutes or more will be construed as a paid rest period regardless of the length of time spent waiting. (d) All work after nineteen hundred (1900) hours on those days on which the regular shift has been worked shall be deemed to be overtime. After twelve (12) hours from the start of the regular shift, work will be deemed as overtime. (e) Hours of work consisting of regular and extra shifts and overtime are shared as equally as possible amongst drivers. Each driver has the opportunity to choose a percentage of the work available beyond one’s guaranteed hours, although the decision of the Employer will prevail. If no drivers are available, other transportation department staff may share the work. (f) Where School District transportation is used for extra-curricular trips on Saturdays and Sundays, the following applies instead of the overtime rates in Article 10.2: (i) Time and one-half (1 ½) regular rate for driving to and from destination. (ii) Upon arrival at destination, waiting time shall be paid at the regular rate of pay. (iii) No shift will be paid less than four (4) hours. (iv) Trips that are cancelled where the driver positions into departure point/school shall be paid at two (2) hours at one and one half (1 ½) times the regular rate. (v) All work carried out in this sub paragraph 9.5(f) shall be on a volunteer basis and shared as equally as possible. All Transportation employees may participate and shall be paid at the Bus Driver rate of pay. (vi) An exception to 9.5 (f) (i) to (iv) above will apply to bus driving on ski trips. Bus drivers who drive on ski trips shall share those hours only with other registered ski trip drivers. (g) Work carried out on General Holidays shall be paid in accordance with the current contract rates. (h) At the end of each school year a review of school bus drivers’ hours of work will be made to ensure minimum guarantee is met. Any shortages will be paid out.

  • Shift Hours All shifts assigned by the Employer must conform with the following guidelines: (a) Four (4) hour shifts will be the minimum shift permitted in any one (1) day. (b) Shifts of 4, 6 or 8 hours may be assigned, subject to the provisions of Article 9.05.

  • Support Hours Subscription to support is optional and detailed in the Statement of Works and Order Form. If you subscribe to support Email support will be provided primarily by the bookinglab support team via the bookinglab Online Support Platform. bookinglab will provide support according to the table below: Priority Level Time Description All levels Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in the UK) 9:00am to 5:00pm (GMT) Email support will be provided by bookinglab Customer Support Helpdesk, for all Priority Levels.

  • Extra Hours For the purpose of Clause 20.13, extra hours means any hours available to be worked in excess of an employee’s regular schedule. The Corporation shall determine the extra hours it requires in each circumstance, and offer such hours to employees working in that Post Office in accordance with the provisions of this Clause. (a) On each occasion that extra hours are to be worked, opportunities to work the extra hours are to be offered to employees who notify the Postmaster beforehand of their availability, on the basis of the first opportunity to the employee who works the greatest number of regularly scheduled hours per week, last opportunity to the employee who works the least number of regularly scheduled hours per week. (b) Where two (2) or more employees are working the same number of hours per week, the opportunity shall be first offered to the employee with the longest continuous employment in that Post Office save that an employee who was formerly full-time and whose hours were reduced in accordance with Clause 12.05(a)(i) shall have priority. (i) In the application of this Clause, it is understood that a Part-Time Assistant shall be granted an opportunity to work extra hours provided that the extra hours do not conflict with her regular schedule, and provided she does not work more than eight (8) hours per day, or forty (40) hours per week. (ii) Subject to Clause 20.13(c)(i) the Part-Time Assistant who is granted the first opportunity to work extra hours should, while the opportunity lasts, end up working a total number of hours that is not less than the total number of hours worked by the Part-Time Assistant who accepts the second opportunity, and so on for each subsequent opportunity granted. (d) Where all the extra hours to be worked cannot be covered by application of the principle expressed in (a), employees may be assigned to work the extra hours that cannot be covered, and/or those hours may be covered by other means. (e) Application of this Clause entails no obligation on the part of the Corporation for equal distribution of extra hours.

  • Flexible Working Hours The Employer will, where operational requirements and efficiency of the service permit, authorize experiments with flexible working hours if the Employer is satisfied that an adequate number of Employees have requested and wish to participate in such an experiment.

  • Work Hours Except in emergencies, the standard work week of full-time unit employees shall normally consist of five (5) days of eight (8) hours each, exclusive of lunch hour. Each employee shall be assigned regular starting and ending times, which shall not be changed without prior notice. Should an employee be required to work during his/her lunch hour, the length of such interruption shall be counted as time worked unless other arrangements are made with his/her supervisor.

  • Hours For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5-hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours. (f) Tour Exchange

  • Minimum Hours All employees shall be paid their regular hourly rate for each hour worked except where employed for less than four (4) consecutive hours per day, in which event they shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay. An employee who is called for work and upon reporting finds that his or her services are not required shall receive two (2) hours pay.

  • After Hours PCPs and specialty Provider contracts shall provide coverage for their respective practices twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and have a published after hours telephone number; voicemail alone after hours is not acceptable.