Conduct of Union Affairs. A. A representative or representatives of the Union, not to exceed two (2 ) at one time, shall be permitted access to the Company service stations for the purpose of assisting in the adjustment of grievances or disputes involving employees covered by this agreement. No meetings will be held on Company property except as they relate to particular employees specifically involved in a grievance, nor shall the access of such Union repre sentative or representatives interfere with the conduct of the Company’s business.
B. There shall be no discrimination against any em ployee because of membership or non-membership in the Union.
C. The Company, upon application by the Union, will designate an appropriate location outside the area of customer access for a Union bulletin board at each service station, for the posting of official Union notices signed by an authorized representative of the Union; these bulletin boards to be built, installed, and main tained at Union expense.
Conduct of Union Affairs. The City agrees that during working hours on the City’s premises and without loss of pay, Union representatives shall be allowed to spend a reasonable amount of time to perform the following:
Conduct of Union Affairs. 46.01 The Union and its agents or employees will not engage in any Union activities during the working time of employees except during the employees' relief and lunch periods.
46.02 The National Representative of the Union, subject to prior permission from the Company (Employee Relations Specialist), shall be permitted to enter the premises of the Company, but shall not interfere with the normal work duties of employees or the operation of the Company.
46.03 Each Union officer or grievance representative shall be afforded time off, without pay, as may be required to assist any employee under the grievance procedure of this Agreement, on matters which cannot reasonably be delayed until non-working hours, or to adjust grievances with the Company, except as provided in Article 3, GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE, Section 3.07. All requests for time off in Article 46 will be excused to an extent commensurate with the Company’s service requirements.
46.04 Employees whose Union duties require them to be off to conduct Union business other than grievance related matters as covered in Section 46.03 and for periods of time less than those covered under UNION LEAVE OF ABSENCE, Article 10, shall request in writing within ten (10) calendar days or with as much advance notice as possible. The written request will specify the time and duration of the absence. Absences of this nature will be excused to an extent commensurate with the Company's service requirements, but in no event will more than two (2) employees within any given work group be excused at the same time.
46.05 The President of the Local shall be excused for Union activity as deemed necessary based on the above requirements and the total time off will not exceed 70 days in a calendar year. Any period of continuous absence of more than six (6) months shall be governed by Article 10, Section 10.01,
Conduct of Union Affairs. A representative or representatives of the Union, not to exceed two (2) at one time, shall be permitted access to the Company service stations, after arranging a mutually agreeable time with the Station Manager or other higher level management representative in charge of station, for the purpose of assisting in the adjustment of grievances or disputes involving employees covered by this Agreement. Union representatives shall not interfere with em ployees on active duty or with the conduct of Company business.
Conduct of Union Affairs. A. A representative or representatives of the Union, not to exceed two ( 2 ) at one time, shall be permitted access to the Company service stations for the purpose of assisting in the adjustment of grievances or disputes involving employees covered by this agreement. N o meetings will be held on Company property except as they relate to particular employees specifically involved in a grievance, nor shall the access of such Union repre sentative or representatives interfere with the conduct o f the Company's business.
B. There shall be no discrimination against any em ployee because o f membership or non-membership in the Union.
C. The Company, upon application by the Union, will designate an appropriate location outside the area of customer access for a Union bulletin board at each service station, for the posting of official Union notices signed by an authorized representative of the Union; these bulletin boards to be built, installed, and main tained at Union expense.
Conduct of Union Affairs. 9.1 For the purpose of negotiations between the parties, the Employer shall recognize a negotiating committee of the Union to be composed of the Unit Chairperson or his designated representative, and not more than two (2) additional employees who are members covered by the terms of this Agreement. There shall be only one (1) committee member from any particular department unless there is no alternative. The Employer agrees to reimburse the employee committee members for time lost from normal working hours due to negotiating meetings with the Employer up to four (4) normal working days (or 28 hours) per committee member. The employer shall also allow the Union bargaining committee two (2) days (in whole or in broken periods) in order to prepare for negotiations which will be paid for by the Employer.
(a) In its dealings with the Employer, the Union shall be entitled to have present a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees at all meetings between the parties, pertaining to any matters of this Collective Agreement. The representative shall be recognized as having the right to advise and speak on the Union's behalf at any such meetings.
(b) There shall be a labour/management and Occupational Health and Safety Committee, composed of two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) representatives of the Employer. The function of the Committee shall be to discuss Health and Safety issues and other matters of mutual concern to the parties, but it is understood and agreed that the Committee will not discuss grievances. The Committee shall meet on an as - need basis, at a time convenient to the parties.
Conduct of Union Affairs. The employer agrees that during working hours on the employer's premises and without loss of pay, Union representatives shall be allowed to spend a reasonable amount of time to perform the following: Post union notices.
Conduct of Union Affairs. 9.1 For the purpose of negotiations between the parties, the Employer shall recognize a negotiating committee of the Union to be composed of the Unit Chairperson or his designated representative, and not more than two (2) additional employees who are members covered by the terms of this Agreement. There shall be only one (1) committee member from any particular department unless there is no alternative. The Employer agrees to reimburse the employee committee members for time lost from normal working hours due to negotiating meetings with the Employer. The employer shall also allow the Union bargaining committee two (2) days (in whole or in broken periods) in order to prepare for negotiations which will be paid for by the Employer.
(a) In its dealings with the Employer, the Union shall be entitled to have present a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees at all meetings between the parties, pertaining to any matters of this Collective Agreement. The representative shall be recognized as having the right to advise and speak on the Union's behalf at any such meetings.
(b) There shall be a Labour/Management Committee, composed of two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) representatives of the Employer and a Joint Health and Safety Committee, on which the union shall have one (1) representative. The function of the Joint Health and Safety Committee shall be to discuss Health and Safety issues and function in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The function of the Labour/Management Committee is to discuss matters of mutual concern to the parties, but it is understood and agreed that the Committee will not discuss grievances. The Committee shall meet no less than twice per year and on an as - needed basis, at a time convenient to the parties.
Conduct of Union Affairs. 5 Section 1. Store Visitation. 5 Section 2. Store Cards 5 Section 3. Bulletin Boards. 5 ARTICLE V UNION COOPERATION 6 Section 1. Rules and Regulations 6
Section 2. New Methods 6
Conduct of Union Affairs. Sec. 1: All employees including Union officers and representatives shall not conduct any Union activity or Union business during working hours except as specifically authorized by the provisions of this Agreement. Sec. 2: Stewards shall be selected by the Union and function on behalf of the employees in the bargaining unit.