CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. ‌ 4.1 Except as otherwise specified in the construction timetable contained within the construction management schedule approved under Paragraph 2.5 and attached as Schedule “H”, the Developer shall Commence Construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements within the Development Area within NINETY (90) days of the execution of this Agreement. The Developer shall construct and install the Municipal Improvements, at the Developer's own cost and expense, and in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict conformance with the Approved Plans and proper and accepted engineering and construction practices, in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Design Standards and in accordance with the requirements of Applicable Laws to the work; PROVIDED, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing or of anything hereinafter set forth, the failure of the Developer to pay any proper account or accounts of its contractors or other parties for whose accounts the Developer is responsible in respect to work or materials supplied to the job, when such account or accounts fall due, shall constitute a breach of this Agreement by the Developer. The Developer shall have completed the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements within the Development Area in accordance with the terms of this Agreement on or before the TWO (2) year anniversary of the date of execution of this Agreement. 4.2 In the event that the Developer has not complied with the time limits specified in Paragraph 4.1, then the Town shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement, and further, the Developer agrees: a) that the termination of this Agreement in whole or in part as provided in this paragraph shall be effective upon the Town serving written notice of termination on the Developer; and b) that in the event that this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided in this paragraph, then the Developer shall not be entitled to commence or continue construction of the Municipal Improvements until a further written agreement is entered into between the Developer and the Town. 4.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in the construction management schedule, the Developer covenants and agrees that it shall, upon being directed by the Town to do so, construct and install within NINETY (90) days those Municipal Improvements described in Clause (g) of Schedule “C”, failing which the Town may, in its discretion, construct and install such...
CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. 6.1 No construction or development of any kind, including for servicing this subdivision, shall take place in or around the Development Area without application having been made to the City, and obtaining written Notice to Proceed as attached hereto in Schedule “D”. This Agreement does not constitute a Development Permit or any other permit or agreement of the City. 6.2 If the Developer begins work on the development prior to the issuance of a Notice to Proceed the City shall place a stop work order on the development and the Developer shall be charged a penalty of 10% of the estimated construction costs as determined under Section 24.3 of this Agreement. In addition to this penalty, the Developer shall be fully responsible for any and all costs associated with any work that in the City Engineer's opinion is required to remediate, correct or make safe the area. 6.3 Where the Developer proposes the construction of a subdivision is undertaken in phases: (a) the Developer shall make application for Notice to Proceed for every subsequent phase within TWELVE (12) MONTHS of the date of issuance of a Construction Completion Certificate for the previous phase; and (b) the Developer shall, within a period of EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS from the date of issuance of the Notice to Proceed for the current phase, construct and install the local improvements and utilities required by the Engineered Plans and this agreement, throughout the Development Area at its own cost and expense, in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict conformance with the plans and proper and accepted engineering practices, and in accordance with this Agreement and any requirements of law applicable to the work. 6.4 The Developer shall retain the services of a Professional Engineer(s), licensed to practice in the Province of Alberta (hereinafter referred to as the “Consulting Engineer(s)”). The Consulting Engineering(s) shall be responsible for all engineering and construction pertaining to the terms of this Agreement. 6.5 Except as otherwise specified in the construction timetable approved under Paragraph 3.8, the Developer shall, at the Developer's own cost and expense: DRAFT (a) obtain Notice to Proceed and Commence Construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements, including Landscaping, within TWELVE
CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. 1. Subject to Article IV, Clause 2, the Developer agrees to commence and carry through to completion the construction and installation of all Municipal Improvements within and to the Said Lands in accordance with the Plans submitted to and stamped Reviewed by the Engineer pursuant to Article III, Clause 2., and in accordance with the approved Municipal Development Standards as of the date of execution of this Development Agreement. In the event that the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements is not completed in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement, the Municipal Development Standards in effect at the time of execution of any further or future Development Agreement shall be applied. 2. The Developer agrees that it shall complete the Surface Improvements, excluding the final lift of asphalt on roads, within any stage approved under the provisions of Article IV, Clause 2 within two consecutive construction seasons of the date of the execution of the Development Agreement, unless an extension of time is requested by the Developer and granted by the Engineer as set forth in writing. a. If an extension is granted pursuant to Article IV(2)(a), the Developer shall make its Purchasers aware of this requirement and the terms and conditions of any such extension at the time any given lot so affected is sold. b. It is understood that the asphalt paving on roads, excluding alleys which only have one lift of asphalt, shall include a final lift of asphalt placed prior to issuance of and within the same construction season as a Final Acceptance Certificate. 3. The Developer agrees to construct or cause the construction and installation of Municipal Improvements to be constructed in good and workmanlike manner, and during the course of such works to minimize damage to or interference with existing Municipal Improvements necessarily affected by carrying out such work. Upon completion of such work all damaged Municipal Improvements will be restored to the same or better condition, in which they existed prior to the commencement of construction of the Municipal Improvements by the Developer. 4. The Developer agrees at all times during the construction or installation of the Municipal Improvements, and except as authorized by the Engineer in writing, to maintain or to provide alternative means of providing services to premises receiving service through existing Municipal Improvements necessarily disrupted by the Developer in carrying out the ...
CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. 1. The Developer agrees to commence and carry through to completion the construction and installation of all Municipal Improvements within and to the Said Lands in accordance with the Plans submitted to and stamped Examined by the Engineer pursuant to Article III, Clause 2. and in accordance with the Municipal Development Standards attached hereto in Schedule V. . . a. It is understood that the asphalt paving on roads will be placed in two (2) lifts with the second lift to be placed in the calendar year prior to issuance of a Final Acceptance Certificate, or as may be mutually agreed in writing. It is further understood that the security in respect of paved roads may be reduced upon the completion of the first lift of asphalt to 10% of the surface improvements plus 100% of the final asphalt lift. 4. The Developer agrees to construct or cause the construction and installation of Municipal Improvements to be constructed in good and workmanlike manner and during the course of such works to minimize damage to or interference with existing Municipal Improvements necessarily affected by carrying out such work and upon completion of such work to restore all damaged Municipal Improvements to the condition, as nearly as practicable, in which they existed prior to the commencement of construction of the Municipal Improvements by the Developer. 5. The Developer agrees at all times during the construction or installation of the Municipal Improvements, and except as authorized by the Engineer in writing, to maintain or to provide alternative means of providing services to premises receiving service through existing Municipal Improvements necessarily disrupted by the Developer in carrying out the construction or installation of the Municipal Improvements, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Developer shall maintain physical access to such premises for garbage removal and police and fire protection. 6. a. The Developer agrees to permit free and uninterrupted access to the Engineer to any part of the Said Lands for the purpose of making inspections and taking samples of materials used in the construction or installation of the Municipal Improvements or for the purposes of testing soil or ground conditions.
CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. 5.1. Except as otherwise specified in the construction timetable approved under Paragraph 3.7, the Developer shall, at the Developer's own cost and expense: a) Commence Construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements within TWELVE (12) months of endorsement of this Development Agreement; b) Complete the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements, including Landscaping except for boulevards on separate sidewalks, within TWENTY-FOUR
CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. 4.1 Upon commencing development of the Lands, the Developer shall be responsible for the construction and cost of construction of the Municipal Improvements which shall include the following to be constructed in and adjacent to the said Lands: (a) All sanitary sewer systems including but not linked to holding tanks, service lines, mains and appurtenances; (b) All drainage systems, including storm sewers, storm sewer connections, provisions for weeping tile flow where a high water table or other subsurface conditions cause continuous flow in the weeping tile, and associated works, as required by the Town; (c) All water xxxxx, pumps and lines, including all fittings and valves all as and where required by the Town; (d) All traffic signs, street signs, development identification signs, zoning signs, and directional signs all as and where required by the Town; (e) All access roads to serve the parcels to be created by the development all as and where required by the Town; (f) All utilities including electricity, natural gas and telephone. Such utilities to be provided in a location and to a standard to be approved by the appropriate utility company and the Town; (g) All dropped curbs adjacent to and within the parcels created by the development all as and where required by the Town; and (h) All sidewalks adjacent to and within the parcels created by the development all as and where required by the Town. (i) The Developer agrees to supply the Town with a complete set of as-built plans for the Town’s records, all within six (6) months of construction completion.
CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. 7.1 The Developer shall commence and conclude the construction and installation of the Municipal Improvements, with the exception of landscaping and tree planting, in accordance with the timetables contained within the approved Plans and, in any event, within ONE (1) year of October 31 in the year this Agreement is executed. Landscaping and tree planting must be completed within a further period of ONE (1) year, or such additional period as the City shall allow as a result of other construction activity in the area. The order of construction and installation shall be as follows: (a) Strip topsoil except parks and buffer strips; and grade. The stripped topsoil shall be stock piled at a location indicated on the Project Plans.
CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. 16 4.1 General 16 4.2 Public Property 18 4.3 Contracts 18 4.4 Erosion and Sediment Control 19 4.5 Garbage and Weeds 19 4.6 WINTER MAINTENANCE 19 4.7 Shallow Utilities 20 4.8 Fencing 21 4.9 Landscaping 21


  • Construction of the Tenant Improvements 3.1 The Leased Premises consists of two existing, contiguous spaces which were previously leased to other tenants. Tenant is taking the Leased Premises in its “as is” condition, subject to modifications as shown on the Plans (as hereafter defined) to be prepared by Tenant (“Tenant Improvements”). The Landlord shall provide all necessary labor and materials and perform all the work required to complete the Tenant Improvements in order to ready the same for Tenant’s occupancy. Tenant’s designated representative for all work pertaining to the Tenant Improvements shall be Xxxx Xxxxxxxx or such other person as is designated in writing by Tenant (“Representative”). The Landlord shall supervise and direct the work on the Tenant Improvements using Landlord’s best skill and attention, and Landlord shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the work on the Tenant Improvements. Landlord warrants to the Tenant that all materials and equipment incorporated in the Tenant Improvements will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all work on the Tenant Improvements will be of good quality, free from known faults and defects, and in substantial conformity with the Plans. (a) Landlord shall complete the Tenant Improvements in a good and workmanlike manner and in substantial accordance with plans and specifications (“Plans”) to be prepared by Tenant’s architect, CUH2A. The Plans shall be provided to Landlord on or before September 1, 2003 and shall be in sufficient detail to permit Landlord to apply for a building permit for the Tenant Improvements (which Landlord shall promptly do), and to prepare a construction budget for the construction of the Tenant Improvements (“Construction Budget”). In the event Tenant does not deliver the Plans to Landlord by the date set forth above, such failure shall not delay the date for commencement of the rent, which shall be presumed to be the projected Commencement Date set forth in paragraph 2. The Construction Budget shall set forth the lump sum amount payable by Tenant to Landlord for the construction of the Tenant Improvements, which amount shall include Landlord’s standard xxxx-up for general conditions, overhead and profit, which total in the aggregate 20%. The only exception to the lump sum amount shall be the actual fees charged by the Township of South Brunswick for construction permits in connection with the Tenant Improvements, which sums shall be paid by Tenant as set forth hereafter. Landlord shall submit the Construction Budget to Tenant for its approval. Tenant shall give written notice to Landlord within five business days of receipt, as to whether or not the Construction Budget is acceptable. If Tenant does not accept the Construction Budget during such five business day period, then the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to reach an agreement on the Construction Budget. Landlord shall not be obligated to order any equipment or commence work until Tenant has approved the Construction Budget. A complete set of the agreed upon Plans, and the agreed upon Construction Budget, shall be initialed by and distributed to Landlord and Tenant. (b) Neither the Construction Budget nor the Plans shall be changed or altered in any way except by change order approved in writing by Landlord and Tenant (“Change Order”). All Change Orders shall be valid and binding upon Landlord and Tenant only if authorized by written Change Order signed by Landlord and Tenant’s Representative prior to commencement of the work on the Tenant Improvements reflected thereby. The cost or credit to the Tenant due to any Change Order shall be determined per the terms of such Change Order. In the event the Change Order increases the cost set forth in the Construction Budget, then Landlord shall submit an invoice to Tenant and Tenant shall pay the invoice upon completion of work or upon the ordering of any equipment, whichever is applicable. The Landlord shall have the right to substitute for the materials and equipment required by the Plans, materials and equipment of equal quality and standard, provided said substitutions conform with applicable building codes and are the subject of a Change Order. Each and every Change Order shall state whether the change will entail a delay in the date of Substantial Completion. Any Change Order requested by Tenant which results in a delay to the date of Substantial Completion shall not delay the date for the commencement of the payment of rent. (a) The Landlord may secure and advance payment for the construction permits and for all other permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall pay such amounts to Landlord not later than 10 business days after receipt of an invoice therefore Landlord shall not, however, be responsible for securing any environmental or operating permits or certifications which are required in order for Tenant to actually conduct its business. (b) Tenant shall be responsible for providing Landlord with, and bearing the cost of sufficient copies of the Plans, and sufficient copies of any revisions made to the Plans, in order to obtain the permits and efficiently manage the construction of the Tenant Improvements. In the event any Change Orders are required during construction, Tenant shall be responsible for all costs related to the preparation and reproduction of plans therefore, unless the Change Order was solely initiated by Landlord, in which case Landlord shall be responsible for such costs. After construction is complete, Tenant shall be responsible for all costs related to the reproduction of “as built” Plans. In all instances where Plans are required, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a reproducible set. Landlord will also be provided with a current plot file containing the Plans at no cost to Landlord. Tenant agrees to have its Architect execute Exhibit “A” affirming Landlord’s right to the Plans. (a) Tenant shall pay Landlord directly for the construction costs of Tenant Improvements in accordance with the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit “B”. The only exception to Tenant’s responsibility to pay for all construction costs shall be for the work necessary to upgrade the existing HVAC reheat system currently in the space previously occupied by Biomira, Inc. (currently known as 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx), which cost is estimated to be $150,000 and will he divided equally between the parties. In the event Tenant fails to pay to Landlord any sum set forth on Exhibit “B” when it is due, Landlord shall not be obligated to commence or continue work on the Tenant Improvements. Such failure to pay shall constitute a default under this Lease, but shall not delay the Commencement Date of this Lease, which shall be presumed to be the projected Commencement Date set forth in paragraph 2; or any of Tenant’s obligations hereunder including, without limitation, Tenant’s obligation to pay all Rent. In the event that Tenant fails to pay to Landlord, upon Substantial Completion of the Tenant Improvements, a sum equal to the remaining balance then due, such failure shall constitute a default under this Lease; and Tenant shall not be permitted to occupy the Leased Premises; and Tenant shall commence payment of all Rent; and Landlord shall be entitled to all rights and remedies available hereunder, at law or in equity, which rights shall be cumulative. All sums so owing to Landlord shall constitute Additional Rent and shall be subject to the imposition of late charges as provided in this Lease. (b) Apart from extensions of time for delays and extensions of the date for the payment of rent, no payment or allowance of any kind shall be claimed by Tenant, or made to the Landlord as compensation for damages on account of any delay from any cause in the completion of the Tenant Improvements, whether such delay be avoidable or unavoidable, anything in this Agreement inconsistent herewith or to the contrary notwithstanding. 3.5 Tenant shall be responsible for the design and installation of its own phone, data and communication systems which systems shall be installed in a manner not to interfere with Landlord’s construction efforts. During construction of Tenant Improvements, a representative of Tenant shall inspect the site no less frequently than once a week and verify and agree that the work in progress has been completed in a manner acceptable to Tenant. 3.6 The Tenant Improvements shall be commenced upon issuance of the building permit by governmental entities having jurisdiction therefor and, subject to authorized adjustments, Substantial Completion is estimated to be achieved on or about January 15, 2004. As used herein the term “Substantial Completion” shall mean that the Leased Premises have been built and completed in substantial conformity with the Plans, and a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy or a temporary or permanent certificate of acceptance (“CO/CA”) has been issued permitting Tenant to use and occupy the Leased Premises, even though minor details, adjustments or punch list items which shall not materially impair Tenant’s use and enjoyment of the Leased Premises may not have been finally completed, but which work Landlord agrees shall be diligently pursued to final completion. Tenant shall allow Landlord and its contractors to enter the Leased Premises during normal working hours after issuance of the CO/CA to complete remaining minor work or punch list items, provided Landlord gives advance notice and makes reasonable efforts not to interfere with Tenant’s operations. It is agreed that for the purpose of this Lease, wherever and whenever the term Substantial Completion is used, it shall not include items of maintenance, service, punch list, or guarantee. If the date of Substantial Completion occurs on a day other than the first day of a month, rent from such day until the first day of the following month shall be prorated (at a rate of 1/30th of the monthly rent per day). During said period of partial monthly occupancy, all other terms and conditions of this Lease shall apply.

  • ALTERATIONS & IMPROVEMENTS Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements or do any type of construction to the Property without first obtaining Landlord's written consent. Unless prior written agreement is reached between Tenant and Landlord, any such alterations, additions, improvements or construction shall become part of the Property and shall remain at the expiration of Tenant's Lease term. If Landlord approves of alterations, additions, improvements or construction in writing and Tenant intends to use contractors to undertake such work, the contractors must first be approved in writing by Landlord. Tenant must also place any funds to cover the amount of any alterations, additions, improvements or construction in an escrow account approved by Landlord before the commencement of the work. Landlord shall designate the times and manner of the work being done, exclusively.

  • Maintenance Repairs Utility Installations Trade Fixtures and Alterations (a) Subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 2.2 (Lessor’s warranty as to condition), 2.3 (Lessor’s warranty as to compliance with covenants, etc.), 7.2 (Lessor’s obligations to repair), 9 (damage and destruction), and 14 (condemnation), Lessee shall, at Lessee’s sole cost and expense and at all times, keep the Premises and every part thereof in good order, condition and repair, structural and non-structural (whether or not such portion of the Premises requiring repair, or the means of repairing the same, are reasonably or readily accessible to Lessee, and whether or not the need for such repairs occurs as a result of Lessee’s use, any prior use, the elements or the age of such portion of the Premises), including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing all equipment or facilities serving the Premises, such as plumbing, heating, air conditioning, ventilating, electrical, lighting facilities, boilers, fired or unfired pressure vessels, fire sprinkler and/or standpipe and hose or other automatic fire extinguishing system, including fire alarm and/or smoke detection systems and equipment, fire hydrants, fixtures, walls (interior and exterior), foundations, ceilings, roofs, floors, windows, doors, plate glass, skylights, landscaping, driveways, parking lots, fences, retaining walls, signs, sidewalks and parkways located in, on, about, or adjacent to the Premises. Lessee shall not cause or permit any Hazardous Substance to be spilled or released in, on, under or about the Premises (including through the plumbing or sanitary sewer system) and shall promptly, at Lessee’s expense, take all investigatory and/ore remedial action reasonably recommended, whether or not formally ordered or required, for the cleanup of any contamination of, and for the maintenance, security and/or monitoring of, the Premises, the elements surrounding same, or neighboring properties that was caused or materially contributed to by Lessee, or pertaining to or involving any Hazardous Substance and/or storage tank brought onto the premises by or for lessee or under its control. Lessee, in keeping the Premises in good order, condition and repair, shall exercise and perform good maintenance practices. Lessee’s obligations shall include restorations, replacements or renewals when necessary to keep the Promises and all improvements thereon or a part thereof in good order, condition and state of repair. If Lessee occupies the Premises for seven (7) years or more, lessor may require Lessee to repaint the exterior of the buildings on the Premises as reasonably required, but not more frequently than once every seven (7) years. (b) Lessee shall, at Lessee’s sole cost and expense, procure and maintain contracts, with copies to Lessor, in customary form and substance for, and with contractors specializing and experienced in, the inspection, maintenance and service of the following equipment and improvements, if any, located on the Premises: (i) heating, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, (ii) boiler, fired or unfired pressure vessels, (iii) fire sprinkler and/or standpipe and hose or other automatic fire extinguishing systems, including fire alarm and/or smoke detection. (iv) landscaping and irrigation systems, (v) roof covering and drain maintenance and (vi) asphalt and parking lot maintenance.

  • Construction of Tenant Improvements Tenant shall install the Tenant Improvements (as described in Paragraph 2(a) below) in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Work Letter. The quantities, character and manner of installation of all of the work related to the Tenant Improvements shall be subject to the limitations imposed by any applicable governmental regulations, laws, ordinances, codes and rules. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord may at Landlord’s sole election itself (with Landlord’s contractor) construct the portion of the Tenant Improvements that consist of the restrooms and related improvements that will service Building 2 (the “Restroom Improvements”), at Tenant’s cost up to a maximum amount of $322,764 (subject to Section 9(b) below), provided that (a) Landlord notifies Tenant in writing of such election prior to Tenant’s commencement of construction of the Tenant Improvements, and (b) Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to not unreasonably interfere with or delay Tenant’s installation of the Tenant Improvements. If a certificate of occupancy or equivalent permit sign-off for the Premises is delayed beyond the Building 2 Scheduled Commencement Date solely as a result of Landlord’s failure to substantially complete the Restroom Improvements prior to such date, which failure does not result from Tenant Delays (as defined below) or Force Majeure, then the Building 2 Commencement Date shall be extended day for day by the number of days after the Building 2 Scheduled Commencement Date until the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or equivalent permit sign-off (but in no event shall the Building 2 Commencement Date be delayed beyond the date Tenant commences business in the Premises), provided, however, that Tenant delivers written notice to Landlord at such time as Tenant becomes aware that Landlord is in danger of causing such delay. “Tenant Delays” shall mean (i) Tenant’s delay in submittal of Tenant’s Plans and/or responses to Landlord’s comments to Tenant’s Plans beyond the time periods provided in this Work Letter, (ii) Tenant’s delay in any submittals for permits or other governmental approvals with respect to the Tenant Improvements (including without limitation the Restroom Improvements), (iii) changes in Tenant’s Plans as they relate to the Restroom Improvements after they have been submitted to governmental authorities for permits, (iv) delay in obtaining materials for reasons outside Landlord’s reasonable control, and (v) Tenant’s failure to provide reasonable access to the Premises to Landlord’s contractors to install the Restroom Improvements, or unreasonable interference with such installation by Tenant or its contractors or agents.

  • MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, OR ALTERATIONS The Tenant shall, at their own expense and at all times, maintain premises in a clean and sanitary manner, and shall surrender the same at termination hereof, in as good condition as received, normal wear and tear excepted. The Tenant may not make any alterations to the leased premises without the consent in writing of the Landlord. The Landlord shall be responsible for repairs to the interior and exterior of the building. If the Premises includes a washer, dryer, freezer, dehumidifier unit and/or air conditioning unit, the Landlord makes no warranty as to the repair or replacement of units if one or all shall fail to operate. The Landlord will place fresh batteries in all battery-operated smoke detectors when the Tenant moves into the premises. After the initial placement of the fresh batteries it is the responsibility of the Tenant to replace batteries when needed. A monthly "cursory" inspection may be required for all fire extinguishers to make sure they are fully charged.

  • Utility Installations Trade Fixtures Alterations 8.3.1 The term “Utility Installations” refers to all floor and window coverings, air and/or vacuum lines, power panels, electrical distribution, security and fire protection systems, communication cabling, lighting fixtures, HVAC equipment, plumbing, and fencing in or on the Premises. The term “Trade Fixtures” shall mean Lessee’s machinery and equipment that can be removed without doing material damage to the Premises. The term “Alterations” shall mean any modification of the improvements, other than Utility Installations or Trade Fixtures, whether by addition or deletion. “Lessee Owned Alterations and/or Utility Installations” are defined as Alterations and/or Utility Installations made by Lessee that are not yet owned by Lessor pursuant to Section 8.4.1.

  • Lessee Improvements Lessor and Lessee shall meet to discuss the design and construction of those improvements desired by Lessee, such improvements including, but not being limited to, M.E.P. systems, computer flooring, interior walls, wall coverings, window treatments, and floor coverings for the entire 84,518 square feet of the Leased Premises (the “Lessee Improvements”). Lessee shall prepare final plans and specifications for the Lessee Improvements and other construction documents for Lessor’s approval within five (5) days from receipt thereof and Lessor shall have five (5) days to review and approve such final plans and specifications. In the event such five (5) day review period expires with no response from Lessor, such plans shall be deemed approved. However, in no event shall actual or deemed approval of the final plans and specifications constitute approval for accuracy, completeness, quality or effectiveness of design, compliance with applicable laws or otherwise. Lessee shall not be required to remove the Lessee Improvements designed for general office use, i.e., drywall, electrical, plumbing, carpeting nor the cafeteria, upon expiration or termination of this Lease. The approved final plans and specifications for the Lessee Improvements being herein called the “Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications”. All costs involved in approving, drafting and preparing the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications shall be charged against the Improvement Allowance described below. Except for immaterial field changes, modifications to the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications must be made and accepted only by written change order or agreement signed by Lessor and Lessee and will constitute an amendment to this Lease. Lessee shall be responsible for payment of all work and construction resulting from changes in the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications requested by Lessee prior to requesting reimbursement from the Improvement Allowance. The Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications (when approved by Lessor and Lessee) are incorporated in this Lease by reference. For the purpose of this Section, an “immaterial field change” shall mean such field changes which are required by any governmental authority or changes which (i) do not affect the size, configuration, structural integrity, quality, character, architectural appearance and standard of workmanship contemplated in the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications, (ii) will not result in any default in any obligation to any person or violation of any governmental requirements, and (iii) the cost of or reduction resulting from any single field change or extra does not exceed $50,000 and the aggregate amount of all such changes and extras does not exceed $250,000.

  • Maintenance Repairs and Alterations A. Except to the extent such obligations are imposed upon Landlord hereunder, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain the interior of the Premises in good order, condition and repair throughout the entire Lease Term, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Tenant agrees to keep the areas visible from outside the Premises in a neat, clean and attractive condition at all times. Tenant shall, within thirty (30) days after Landlord’s written demand therefor, reimburse Landlord for the cost of all repairs, replacements and alterations (collectively, “Repairs”) in and to the Premises, Building and Property and the facilities and systems thereof, plus an administration charge often percent (10%) of such cost, the need for which Repairs arises out of (and provided Landlord has given prior written notice to Tenant of such need): (1) Tenant’s use of the Premises in contravention of the terms and conditions of this Lease, or Tenant’s failure to perform maintenance or repairs which are Tenant’s obligation hereunder, (2) the installation, removal, use or operation of Tenant’s Property, if undertaken by Landlord at Tenant’s request or by virtue of Tenant’s default in undertaking such obligations, (3) the moving of Tenant’s Property into or out of the Building, or (4) the act, omission, misuse or negligence of Tenant, its agents, contractors, employees or invitees. B. Tenant shall not make or allow to be made any alterations, additions or improvements to the Premises (collectively, “Alterations”), without first obtaining the written consent of Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided however, Tenant shall have the right to perform, without Landlord’s consent, certain Alterations that do not cost in excess of $25,000.00 in the aggregate (at any one time), and do not affect any mechanical or electrical or life safety systems or plumbing in the Building, provided that advance notice has been given to Landlord in each instance. Landlord reserves the right to require Tenant to remove at the end of the Lease Term any Alterations installed without the Landlord’s consent. Prior to commencing any such Alterations and as a condition to obtaining Landlord’s consent where necessary, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord plans and specifications acceptable to Landlord; names and addresses of contractors reasonably acceptable to Landlord; copies of contracts; necessary permits and approvals; evidence of contractor’s and subcontractor’s insurance in accordance with Section 13 hereof; and a payment bond or other security, all in form and amount satisfactory to Landlord. Tenant shall be responsible for insuring that all such persons procure and maintain insurance coverage against such risks, in such amounts and with such companies as Landlord may reasonably require. All Alterations shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner using Building standard materials or other new materials of equal or greater quality. Landlord, to the extent reasonably necessary to avoid any disruption to the tenants and occupants of the Building, shall have the right to designate the time when any Alterations may be performed and to otherwise designate reasonable rules, regulations and procedures for the performance of work in the Building. Upon completion of the Alterations, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord “as-built” plans, contractor’s affidavits and full and final waivers of lien and receipted bills covering all labor and materials. All Alterations shall comply with the insurance requirements and with applicable codes, ordinances, laws and regulations. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord upon demand for all reasonable sums, if any, expended by Landlord for third party examination of the architectural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans for any Alterations. In addition, if Landlord so requests, Landlord shall be entitled to oversee the construction of any Alterations, and in such event, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for Landlord’s actual out of pocket costs incurred in connection therewith, which may include the cost of management personnel working outside of Normal Business Hours. Landlord’s approval of Tenant’s plans and specifications for any Alterations performed for or on behalf of Tenant shall not be deemed to be representation by Landlord that such plans and specifications comply with applicable insurance requirements, building codes, ordinances, laws or, regulations or that the Alterations constructed in accordance with such plans and specifications will be adequate for Tenant’s use.

  • Maintenance of Improvements All improvements on the property, including, but not limited to, buildings, trees or other improvements now on the premises, or hereafter made or placed thereon, shall be a part of the security for the performance of this contract and shall not be removed therefrom. Purchaser shall not commit, or suffer any other person to commit, any waste or damage to said premises or the appurtenances and shall keep the premises and all improvements in as good condition as they are now.

  • Maintenance, Alteration and Repair (a) Resident is responsible for and agrees to take good care of the premises, fixtures and all common areas. Resident may not remove any of Owner’s property and will not perform any repairs, upgrades, painting, wallpapering, electric changes or other alterations of the premises without prior written consent from Owner. Resident will be responsible for damage from waste stoppages caused by foreign or improper objects or improper use in lines serving bathrooms, damage to fixtures, appliances, doors, windows, screens, damage from water faucets left on or from doors left open, and repairs or replacements to alarm devices necessitated by misuse or damage by Resident and/or guests. Extraordinary appliances or furnishings such as satellite dishes, hot tubs, pool tables, water beds or high utility- consuming devices may not be installed or placed on the premises or anywhere at the Property without Owner’s prior written consent, in its sole discretion. (b) In the case of a malfunction of any utilities or damage by fire, water or similar cause, or any water leak, suspected mold or microbial growth, electrical problem, broken glass, broken lock or any other condition that Resident reasonably believes poses a hazard to health and safety, Resident must promptly notify Owner in writing. Owner will act with reasonable time and diligence in making repairs and reconnections; Resident may not withhold or reduce payment of rent or other charges during such time. Maintenance and repair requested by Resident will generally be performed between 8am and 8pm, unless the work is considered an emergency, in which case work may take place at any time. Owner may temporarily disconnect equipment or utilities to avoid property damage and/or to perform repairs requiring such interruption, in Owner’s sole discretion. Owner will not be liable for any inconvenience, discomfort, disruption or interference with Resident use of the premises because of ongoing repairs, alterations or improvements to the Property or any apartment. (c) Following move-in, Resident is responsible for providing and changing all light bulbs and batteries (for smoke detectors and remote controls) in the assigned apartment. A written maintenance report requesting assistance in changing these items may be submitted for maintenance staff assistance, with extra charges payable by Resident as applicable per Owner’s published rates. From time to time, maintenance staff may enter the assigned apartment with or without notice to inspect and change furnace filters and to provide pest control.