Continuous Improvement Committee Sample Clauses
Continuous Improvement Committee a. Membership on the CIC shall be 5 PCEA members appointed by its President, 5 Administrators appointed by the Superintendent. The CIC shall be limited in its jurisdiction to contractual issues only and shall not be considered a PA 25 committee. The CIC shall be authorized, without ratification by its constituencies, to make and implement waivers to the collective bargaining agreement subject to the conditions of (I) above.
b. When a building level change, approved by the building subject to (I) above, is submitted to the CIC, it shall:
1. Review the plan for contract implications,
2. Determine required contract waivers,
3. Approve, reject or request modification of the proposal,
4. Oversee building level implementation of approved plans subject to the limitations in (IIa) above.
c. At least 80% of the CIC cannot object to the plan in order for it to be implemented. The parties acknowledge that the Collaborative School Improvement Process model is a first step towards the training of staff in site based decision-making. Eligibility Period: None Telephone: 0-000-000-0000 (claims & I.D. cards) Internet address: Outside of Michigan: 1-800-810-BLUE (to locate an out of state provider) Group/Suffix: 007010262 Benefits: Employee Cost: Amount above hard cap set by PA 152 Effective: Date of hire/end of eligibility period Open Enrollment: May to be effective September 1 (Only time to enroll or add dependents if not done at the time of the event) Benefit Year: January – December Company: BCBS Blue Dental PPO ( Telephone: 0-000-000-0000 Group: #71757 Open Enrollment: May to be effective September 1 (Only time to enroll or add dependents, if not done at the time of the event.) Effective: 1st of the month after date of hire $2,000 annual max (Effective 10/1/21) $2,000 lifetime ortho max (Effective 10/1/21) Benefit year: September – August Company: CIGNA FLX963665 Effective: End of eligibility period Company: CIGNA Group: LK62601 - Class 1 Effective: 1st of the month after date of hire Benefit: 90 calendar day qualifying period 66 2/3% of monthly salary, $4500 mo. Max Company: NVA (National Vision Administrators) Telephone: 0-000-000-0000 Group: 8662 Open Enrollment: May to be effective September 1 (One time to enroll or add dependents, if not done at the time of the event.) Effective: 1st of the month after date of hire EXAM Covered 100% Up to $75 LENSES Standard Glass or Plastic Covered 100% Single Vision Up to $100 Bi-Focal Up to $...
Continuous Improvement Committee. 1. In order to achieve the objectives outlined above, the Parties will immediately establish Local Continuous Improvement Committees made up of two (2) members from the Company Management and two (2) members from the Union Bargaining Group to jointly direct the development, implementation and maintenance of an employee empowerment process.
2. The duties of the Local Continuous Improvement Committees will include the following: a) establishing, by consensus, guidelines and training requirements specific to employee empowerment;
Continuous Improvement Committee. (a) The parties are committed to working for the achievement of productivity improvements at the Pacific Brands Household Products Pty. Ltd. trading as Dunlop Bedding business. Various employees at the site will participate in the consultative processes relative to their actual work area (either as work groups or as part of a Continuous Improvement Committee) with the objective of improving productivity. These consultative processes will support measures that will make positive progress in the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) at the site. The areas covered by KPI’s, may include but are not limited to: Work quality Wastage Reliability Cost effectiveness Output Time taken to complete tasks Safety Health and environment measures Correct tool usage Cost and Co-ordination of activities so as to minimise time on particular jobs. Introduction of New Technology Changing Work Practices Training Advancement Opportunities and Career Path Structures Company Performance Productivity Quality Improvement, Control and Accreditation Work Environment External Environment Amenities Customer Service Absenteeism These consultative processes will lead to reviewed targets for productivity improvements in the KPIs. The Company will prepare a timetable of monthly meetings for the first twelve (12) months with the first meeting scheduled in August 2003.
(b) The parties to this Agreement shall be committed to a continuing process of enhancing efficiency and productivity and through the consultative process, the site will review its operation and implement efficiencies relevant to the business.
Continuous Improvement Committee. The Company will establish a Continuous Improvement Committee (“CIC”) consisting of both management and bargaining unit employees to implement innovative manufacturing techniques at the Erie Plant in order to improve manufacturing productivity, streamline operations, reduce waste and upgrade safety and quality programs.
(a) The CIC may establish departmental subcommittees to study and make recommendations on effective measures to enhance productivity, efficiency and quality in specific departments. The size and composition of such departmental subcommittees will be determined by the CIC, provided that all departmental subcommittees will have one member appointed by the Union.
(b) The CIC (and any departmental subcommittees) will discuss issues such
(i) Opportunities for new job creation.
(ii) Opportunities for new bargaining unit employees.
(iii) Investment plans and potential impact on jobs.
(iv) Subcontracting of work and other sourcing issues.
(v) Process changes and work practices to increase quality and efficiency.
(vi) Innovative manufacturing techniques.
(vii) Technological improvements, including upgrading existing machinery for continued capability and efficiency.
(viii) Training opportunities.
(c) The Union will be permitted to appoint one member of the CIC.
(d) Employees will be permitted to participate on the CIC. The Company will consult with the Union-appointed member of the CIC Committee before selecting employees to participate on the CIC. Employees selected to participate will be required to attend a training program on innovative/lean manufacturing techniques. Employee members on the CIC may resign at any time.
(e) All CIC activities will be considered working hours and employees will be paid at the applicable rate for time spent participating in CIC activities.
(f) The Company’s Lean/Productivity Organization Leader will lead the CIC. The Lean/Productivity Organization Leader will be responsible determining the number of management and bargaining unit participants needed on the CIC, for selecting those management and bargaining unit employees who will participate in the CIC, for identifying the innovative manufacturing projects for development and implementation by the CIC and for determining the meeting schedule for the CIC.
(g) Any employee who fails to regularly attend CIC meetings or fails to participate in the innovative/lean manufacturing projects developed and implemented by the CIC will be dismissed from the CIC.
(h) The CIC will...
Continuous Improvement Committee. (a) The parties are committed to working for the achievement of productivity improvements at the Pacific Brands Household Products Pty. Ltd. trading as Dunlop Bedding business. Various employees at the site will participate in the consultative processes relative to their actual work area (either as work groups or as part of a Continuous Improvement Committee) with the objective of improving productivity. These consultative processes will support measures that will make positive progress in the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) at the site. The areas covered by KPI’s, may include but are not limited to:
(b) The parties to this Agreement shall be committed to a continuing process of enhancing efficiency and productivity and through the consultative process, the site will review its operation and implement efficiencies relevant to the business.
Continuous Improvement Committee. 1. In order to achieve the objectives outlined above, the Parties will immediately establish Local Continuous Improvement Committees made up of two (2) members from the Company Management and two (2) members from the Union Bargaining Group to jointly direct the development, implementation and maintenance of an employee empowerment process.
2. The duties of the Local Continuous Improvement Committees will include the following:
a) establishing, by consensus, guidelines and training requirements specific to employee empowerment;
b) selecting and approving, by consensus, training programs, as well as all consultants, advisors and instructors retained to assist the development and implementation of employee empowerment;
c) approving, by consensus, all proposals for the development of employee empowerment which require modification or clarification relative to the Collective Agreement; d) approving, by consensus, payment of lost time wages by the Company to the Union member employees for meetings of the Local Continuous Improvement Committees;
Continuous Improvement Committee. The parties agree to the formation of a Continuous Improvement Committee for the duration of this Agreement, as soon as practicably possible after the Commencement date.
Continuous Improvement Committee. The Continuous Improvement Committee shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including computer, printer, and copy machine.
Continuous Improvement Committee. Membership on the CIC shall be 5 PCEA members appointed by its President, 5 Administrators appointed by the Superintendent. The CIC shall be limited in its jurisdiction to contractual issues only and shall not be considered a PA 25 committee. The CIC shall be authorized, without ratification by its constituencies, to make and implement waivers to the collective bargaining agreement subject to the conditions of (I) above.
Continuous Improvement Committee. A. Advisory Committee An advisory committee of staff members exclusive of administrators and supervisors shall be created in each school building from the faculty of that building. There will be one classified employee member included on the CIC Committee.