Disciplinary Reports Sample Clauses

Disciplinary Reports. The Employer shall notify an employee of any disciplinary action taken against the employee. Such notice shall be in the form of a written disciplinary report, briefly describing the specific incident or infraction. If requested by the employee or the Employer, an Association representative shall attend a meeting called for the purpose of imposing Level 3 or Level 4 disciplinary action. A Level 3 discipline shall state the duration of the suspension without pay, which shall be based on the nature of the incident and the number and nature of any previous disciplinary actions. Any disciplinary notice shall be placed in the disciplined employee’s personnel record, and a copy given to the disciplined employee and another copy sent to the Association President. The employee shall be given an opportunity to sign the disciplinary report, and to write a response or rebuttal to be placed in the employee's personnel record.
Disciplinary Reports a. The Employer shall notify a member of any disciplinary action taken against the member. Such notice shall be in the form of a written disciplinary report, briefly describing the specific incident or infraction and for Xxxxx 0, 2, or 3 disciplinary action shall include a written corrective action plan. An Association representative shall attend a meeting called for the purpose of imposing Level 3 or Level 4 disciplinary action, unless the member expressly declines such representation in writing. b. A Level 3 discipline shall state the duration of the suspension without pay, which shall be based on the nature of the incident and the number and nature of any previous disciplinary actions. c. Any disciplinary report shall be placed in the disciplined member’s personnel file with a copy given to the disciplined member and another copy sent to the Association President, the Grievance Chair and the MEA UniServ Director. The member shall be given an opportunity to sign the disciplinary report and to write a response or rebuttal to be placed in the member’s personnel file.
Disciplinary Reports. Any disciplinary report shall be withdrawn from an employee’s personnel file, and not used against them after two (2) years from the date of the incident, provided there has been no recorded discipline within this two (2) year period. Discipline concerning misconduct involving students shall remain within an employee’s personnel file indefinitely.
Disciplinary Reports. The College shall notify an employee of any disciplinary action taken against the employee. Such notice shall be in the form of a written disciplinary report, briefly describing the specific incident or infraction. If requested by the employee or the College, an Association representative shall attend a meeting called for the purpose of imposing Level 3 or Level 4 disciplinary action. A Level 3 discipline shall state the duration of the suspension without pay, which shall be based on the nature of the incident and the number and nature of any previous disciplinary actions. Any disciplinary notice shall be placed in the disciplined employee’s personnel record, with a copy given to the disciplined employee and another copy sent to the Association President. The employee shall be given an opportunity to sign the disciplinary report and to write a response or rebuttal to be placed in the employee's personnel record. A bargaining unit member may file a written request with Human Resources for removal of Level 1 and Level 2 disciplinary reports from the member’s personnel record after one (1) year. The bargaining unit member will be notified of the decision regarding the request for removal and a reason, if denied. If there has been no request for removal of the disciplinary document(s) or the request for removal was denied and no additional disciplinary action against the bargaining unit member has been initiated within two
Disciplinary Reports. Any written report concerning disciplinary action shall be shown to the employee concerned and they shall be requested to sign the report indicating they have read it. Refusal to sign shall be signified on the report and the absence of the employee’s signature in this circumstance will not render the report invalid. The employee will be given an exact copy of the disciplinary report for their own records and a copy of the disciplinary report shall be forwarded to the Union Office. If the employee has declined Union representation their name will be removed from the report. (a) Disciplinary action will take place within a reasonable period of time of being aware of the incident. Prior to any disciplinary action being taken, the Corporation will advise the employee of their right to have Union representation. If the employee chooses not to be represented, disciplinary action shall proceed. If the employee chooses representation, such representation will be provided within a reasonable period of time. (b) Employees under formal investigation for alleged misconduct shall be informed of their right to have a Union representative present during an investigation meeting. If the employee chooses not to be represented, the investigation meeting shall proceed. (c) An employee shall have the right to grieve for the removal from their Corporate personnel file any disciplinary report within ten (10) working days of becoming aware of such report. (d) Any disciplinary report which has been placed on the Corporate personnel file of an employee shall be removed from the file and destroyed after two (2) years has elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken, provided there has been no recurrence of a similar nature. (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 35:02(c) any disciplinary report which has been placed on the Corporate personnel file for serious misconduct of an employee shall be removed from the file and destroyed after three (3) years has elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken, provided there has been no recurrence of a similar nature. (f) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 35:02(c), an employee after one (1) year may request a review of the disciplinary report to Human Resources and management may, at its sole discretion, remove and destroy the disciplinary report prior to its elapse from the date the disciplinary action was taken.
Disciplinary Reports. 8.01 The Company shall notify an employee of a work related or disciplinary problem within fifteen (15) working days of the event. 8.02 Copies of all written interviews will be distributed as follows: i) employee, ii) IUPD Executive
Disciplinary Reports. Any disciplinary report or written warning which has been decided in favour of the Member must be withdrawn from their file. The Member and the Association must receive a copy of all reports or disciplinary measures (including notice of reprimand) placed in the file; failing this the documents may not be used as proof during an arbitration. Except as provided for by the law, documents created in the course of a disciplinary investigation shall be secured, treated as confidential, and used only in accordance with this Agreement or as may be legally required.
Disciplinary Reports. After eighteen (18) months free from any disciplinary action, written disciplinary reports in the personnel file shall not be considered for future disciplinary actions or in evaluating an employee's suitability for transfer, promotion within the bargaining unit, layoff or bumping. Employees shall have access to their personnel files for the purpose of reviewing its contents, provided such occurs in the presence of a representative of Human Resources. Copies of signed material in the file shall be provided upon request.
Disciplinary Reports. The College shall notify an employee of any disciplinary action taken against the employee. Such notice shall be in the form of a written disciplinary report, briefly describing the specific incident or infraction. If requested by the employee or the College, an Association representative shall attend a meeting called for the purpose of imposing Level 3 or Level 4 disciplinary action. A Level 3 discipline shall state the duration of the suspension without pay, which shall be based on the nature of the incident and the number and nature of any previous disciplinary actions. Any disciplinary notice shall be placed in the disciplined employee’s personnel record, with a copy given to the disciplined employee and another copy sent to the Association President. The employee shall be given an opportunity to sign the disciplinary report and to write a response or rebuttal to be placed in the employee's personnel record. A bargaining unit member may file a written request with Human Resources for removal of Level 1 and Level 2 disciplinary reports from the member’s personnel record after one year. The bargaining unit member will be notified of the decision regarding the request for removal and a reason, if denied. If there has been no request for removal of the disciplinary
Disciplinary Reports. 8.01 The Company shall notify an employee of a work related or disciplinary problem within fifteen (15) working days of the event. 8.02 The normal sequence of notification to an employee will be: i) The supervisor will verbally notify the employee of the problem, ii) If the problem continues, the supervisor will complete a written disciplinary report outlining the problem, and iii) If the employee does not correct the problem after being notified by her/his supervisor, a written interview with appropriate discipline will be processed by Human Resources. 8.03 Depending upon the severity of the problem, the process may be accelerated to any stage. 8.04 Time Limit for Discipline to take place, must be within ten (10) working days