Duty Trades. (a) Employees shall have the right to request an exchange of duty shifts. Requests for duty trades must be submitted at least three (3) weekdays in advance. The Fire Chief or Deputy Chief may approve in writing an exception to the required advance notice due to extenuating circumstances. Except as provided in subsection (b) immediately below, to insure an orderly exchange of duty between employees, duty trades shall only be allowed within the same class, i.e., non-officer for non-officer and officer for officer. Three or more consecutive duty trades may be granted only with the written approval of Fire Chief or Deputy Chief. The employee who accepts the trade, not the employee who would otherwise work the shift, shall be the one scheduled and responsible for the applicable shift hours. All approved duty trades must be paid back within a twelve month period from the date of the trade, except that trades shall be paid back prior to a shift transfer when the involved employees will be transferred to the same shift.
(b) If there is a duty trade between a Lieutenant and a Captain, or between a Firemedic and an officer, no acting pay shall be paid as a result of the trade. Officers shall be permitted to request a duty trade with Firemedics who are on the active Lieutenants Final Promotion List at the time of the request. A duty trade between an officer and a Firemedic shall not be allowed if it would create an instance where there are no officers on duty.
Duty Trades. Same Shift/Bureau. Employees on the same shift within the same bureau may request duty trades, as provided herein. Any two employees on the same shift in the same bureau may request unlimited duty trades with each other. An employee may only request one trade of one set of his own regularly scheduled days off (RDO’s) per 28 day cycle, which such days shall be consecutive. Same Bureau/Different Shift. An employee may submit a duty trade request with another employee outside the employee’s shift, but within the same bureau, once each 28 day work cycle under this Section. If such a trade involves multiple days, such days need not be consecutive.
Duty Trades. Employees shall have the right to voluntarily trade work hours and/or shifts provided the employee has prior approval from his/her supervisor and the trade does not interfere with the normal operation of the fire department.
a) Employees shall be permitted not more than ten (10) completed platoon duty trades per fiscal year which are for six (6) or more hours.
b) All platoon duty trades must be submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance and must receive the approval of the Shift Commander or designee.
c) A platoon duty trade shall not be permitted if the substitute employee has worked the two (2) immediately preceding platoon duty shifts (i.e. 48 consecutive hours).
d) Non-Platoon Duty trades (less than 6 hours) will not count against the ten (10) Platoon Duty Trades per fiscal year. Employees shall notify their supervisor and receive approval prior to the hours being worked, and any Non Platoon Duty Trades shall be documented.
e) No trade will result in the payment of overtime.
f) Trades for the purpose of education approved by the Fire Chief will not count against the ten (10) platoon duty trades allowed per fiscal year.
g) Trades must be between employees of equal qualifications. The hours worked by the substitute employee shall be excluded by the Village in the calculation of hours for which the substitute employee would otherwise be entitled to compensation, including overtime compensation. If the substitute employee fails to appear and work the trade, then the substitute employee may be disciplined and/or charged sick leave as determined by the Fire Chief or designee. Based on compelling circumstances, platoon duty trades other than those permitted above may be granted at the sole discretion of the Fire Chief or designee.
Duty Trades. Employees may trade duty shifts, including on-call assignments with one another. Requests for such trades shall be made in writing to the Coroner. This written request shall state the details and time of the switch and shall be submitted at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date of the desired shift trade. No request to trade shifts shall be unreasonably denied. No shift trade shall alter the work schedule for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The person requesting the trade shall have ultimate responsibility for the coverage of the shift.
Duty Trades. Duty trades may be granted at Management’s discretion. Employees may trade duty shifts, including on-call assignments with one another. Requests for such trades shall be made in writing to Management at least one day in advance of the shift unless The person requesting the trade shall have ultimate responsibility for the coverage of the shift.
Duty Trades. Duty trades shall be allowed at the discretion of the Fire Chief or his designee. Requests for such duty trades shall follow procedures as outlined in Appendix E. Duty trades are a privilege, which shall not interfere with the operation of the Fire Department or result in the payment of overtime. Duty trades shall not arbitrarily be denied. Employees on the same shift shall be allowed to trade previously scheduled work reduction days regardless of rank.
Duty Trades. Duty trades shall be permitted only where a voluntary request for such change or trade is submitted on the proper form and approved by the Fire Chief or his designee. To be considered, requests generally should be submitted to the Deputy Chief of Operations at least seventy-two (72) hours before the trade, however, where extenuating
Duty Trades. Duty trades shall be permitted only where a voluntary request for such change or trade is submitted on the proper form and approved by the Fire Chief or his designee. To be considered, requests generally should be submitted to the Deputy Chief of Operations at least seventy-two (72) hours before the trade, however, where extenuating circumstances exist exceptions to this notice requirement may be made by the Deputy Chief of Operations. Such trades shall not interfere with the operations of the Department as determined by City management. Duty trades shall only involve employees of equal rank and qualification (officer for officer, paramedic for paramedic and firefighter for firefighter) unless the Deputy Chief of Operations determines it will not result in overtime or interfere with operations, and shall not involve probationary employees unless they have been deemed sufficiently qualified by the Deputy Chief of Operations to substitute for another employee. Duty trade hours worked shall not be counted toward hours worked for overtime purposes under Section 9.6 of this Agreement.
Duty Trades. Employees who are covered by the terms of this Agreement shall be afforded the opportunity to trade shifts with other Employees, subject to four (4) hour advance notice to the Employer and approval by the Employer. Such approval shall not he unreasonably denied or withheld.
Duty Trades. In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, an employee for his own convenience, may voluntarily have another employee in the same assignment (i.e., firefighter/paramedic for firefighter/paramedic, engineer for engineer, tower driver for tower driver, and lieutenant for lieutenant) substitute for him by performing all or part of the employee’s work shift, provided the substitution does not interfere with the operation of the Fire Department (as determined by the Fire Chief, i.e., an abuse of duty trades). Probationary employees shall be subject to restrictions from duty trades outlined in Section 7.2. Notwithstanding the above, at times when the dive rescue team is staffed at 18 or more department members, duty trades shall be restricted to ensure that a minimum of two rescue divers are on duty. Duty trades less than eight (8) hours in duration and not beginning at the start of an employee’s shift (i.e., 8:00 a.m.) may be approved by the station officer without completion of a written request. Duty trades of eight (8) hours or longer in duration and/or those beginning at the start of the employee’s shift must be requested in writing by 5:00 p.m. on the duty day in advance of the requested trade and approved by the Shift Commander or his designee. However, the Shift Commander may, in his reasonable discretion, permit less notice where there are extenuating or emergency circumstances. In addition, the Shift Commander may, in his reasonable discretion, allow employees of unequal rank or position to substitute where there are extenuating or emergency circumstances or where, in his reasonable discretion, the substitution will not affect operations. Duty trade approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, but duty trades within a duty trade shall not be allowed. Notwithstanding the above, employees may not combine more than nine (9) consecutive scheduled days off, including Vacation, Work Reduction Days, Personal Day, Administrative Day, Incentive Time, Hire Back Bank, and duty trades, without the Fire Chief’s prior approval. However, the Fire Chief may, in his reasonable discretion, permit such leave to be taken in increments greater than nine (9) duty days where there are extenuating circumstances. Any such requests shall be submitted to the Fire Chief in writing, when practicable, clearly outlining any and all extenuating circumstances surrounding the additional time off requested. In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, the hours worked by the s...