EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS. It is agreed that in the event the Employer institutes a training program the Employer must first receive permission from the Union in each and every instance. This program shall not exceed thirty (30) days. Failure on the part of the Employer to receive such permission from the Union there shall be no training program. The established hourly rate for such training program shall be ten percent (10%) less than the established wage rate for each classification contained within his/her Agreement.
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS. Section 1 - Employee Training 41 Section 2 - Training Incentive Program 41
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS. (3)11.1 When an employee is required to attend training programs such as the Defensive Driving Course, the Cyclical Program, the Ambassador Program, Air Brake Endorsement training or any similar mandatory training programs or courses, attendance may be scheduled on the employee’s scheduled work day or on a paid basis on the employee’s day off.
(3)11.2 There will not be any payment for overtime which the employee may have been able to obtain outside of his or her regular work.
(3)11.3 An employee required to attend a training program or course on his or her day off shall be paid at straight time or, at his or her option, the employee may select a day in lieu to be taken at a mutually agreeable time. All lieu days earned under this section shall be valued at eight (8) hours.
(3)11.4 An employee required to attend a training program or course on his or her scheduled work day but outside of and in addition to his or her scheduled hours of work shall be paid at straight time for such attendance unless the training program or course is normally offered to other employees in the same job classification during their working hours. In such cases payments will be made at overtime rates.
(3)11.5 If training takes place during an operator’s scheduled work day, an operator booked at the General Booking on 7½ hours of work or less, shall be paid 7½ hours pay for the day. All other operators will be paid the time they booked at the General Booking.
(3)11.6 Training for Driver’s Licence Above the Ontario “G” Level or Equivalent
a) The licence requirement of the employee's job changes; or,
b) The employee is the top ranking candidate for a job competition requiring a license above the Ontario "G" level or equivalent and the employee currently does not hold such licence. It is understood that the employee will be given a conditional offer of employment based on his or her ability to obtain the applicable driver's license within a reasonable period of time.
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS a) It is agreed that in any instance where the Employer, having decided to install new electronic equipment, wishes to institute a training program for existing employees in connection with the operation of such new equipment, or where the Employer, having already installed such equipment, wishes to institute a training program for subsequently employed employees who have no experience in the operation of such equipment, and where the Employer proposes to conduct such training program for no longer than sixty (60) calendar days, and to pay any such trainee ten percent (10%) less than the established wage rate of the appropriate classification, the Employer must first receive permission from the Union for such training program to be conducted on such terms. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
b) It is agreed that in any instance where the Employer wishes to institute a training program for its employees for any other purpose than that covered by paragraph
(a) of the Article 8.01, and where the Employer proposes to pay any such employee less than the established wage rate for the appropriate classification, the Employer must first receive permission from the Union. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
c) For the purposes of the Article 8.01, "the established wage rate" means the full Job Rate which is listed in Appendix A to the Agreement, and the reduction of ten percent (10%) may not be applied to the entry rates listed in the said Appendix A.
d) Nothing contained in the Article 8.01 or elsewhere in the Agreement, shall be construed as preventing the Employer from instituting training programs without the need for Union permission in instances where the Employer (i) provides such training programs for bargaining unit employees, (ii) pays such employees the established wage rates for the appropriate classifications, and (iii) conforms with all other terms and conditions of the Agreement.
e) It is agreed that in the course of training pursuant to the Article 8.01, no trainee shall displace or replace a currently employed bargaining unit employee, cause any loss of hours for such employee, or interfere with the rehiring of any laid off employee who has recall rights under the Agreement.
f) Employees shall be allowed reasonable opportunities to learn the work of specifications during their time off on a voluntary basis for a maximum of twelve
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS. 8.01 Employee Training Programs 16 8.02 Employee Training Program 16
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS. 8.01 Employee Training Programs 16 8.02 Employee Training Program 16 9.01 Normal Straight Time Hours of Work 17 9.02 Split Shifts 18 9.03 Shift Hours 18 9.04 Maximizing the Length of Shifts 18 9.05 Assignment of Shifts by Seniority 19 9.06 Days Off 21
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS it is agreed that in the event the Employer institutes a training program the Employer will advise the Union in each and every instance. This program shall not exceed thirty (30) days. The established hourly rate for such training program shall be ten (10%) percent less than the established wage rate for each classification contained within this Agreement providing that a person has had no experience or is an employee who is changing departments.
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS. At Tech Army We provide a climate where employees are continually developing their skills and are committed to meeting and exceeding clients’ expectations. We invest a significant portion of our gross income on training our employees to continually improve efficiency and productivity while maintaining the professionalism required for conducting business in a competitive marketplace. This enables the employees to stay abreast with the latest technologies and new developments. In order to ensure that our employees are equipped to meet the challenges of the changing times Tech Army has instituted an R&D team of excellence that is constantly researching to find effective and efficient ways to perform our day to day tasks. This team then makes recommendations that are reviewed by our senior management team. Once approved, our Training Development Analysts develop Web Based Trainings (WBT) and other training material to prepare our teams to use the new methods while our IT team prepares to deploy the same into our production environment. We provide below screenshots of such a WBT for RCRMS. New versions of this WBT are available every 3-4 months. As a result of our continuous training programs Tech Army has been able to continually improve its processes and hence the delivery to our clients. Moreover, this keeps our staff motivated and hence allowing us to maintain a low attrition rate. In addition to the above we subscribe to various online training programs such as Skillsoft and various other LMS (Learning Management System) tools. Tech Army will also ensure that employees are trained on any mandated stuff outlined by the Customer. Tech Army’s Managers also conducts periodic training seminars for their in‐house team members to ensure that they follow proper protocols and remain effective and compliant with the company policy in their day to day work. These seminars are a great place for us to communicate any policy changes and hear from our teams about any issues they may be encountering in specific areas. This allows us to address those issues to maintain a smooth operation.
EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS. The VILLAGE regularly plans and schedules training programs, and may direct employees to attend and participate in such programs as may be deemed necessary by the VILLAGE in accordance with past practice.