NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. (a) The normal straight time hours of work assigned by the Employer shall conform with the following guidelines: i) not more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) day; ii) not more than five (5) working days in any seven (7) day period; iii) not more than forty (40) hours in any five (5) working day period. (b) Any hours which the Employer requires an employee to work in excess of the above shall be paid at double time the hourly rate.
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK a) The normal straight time hours of work assigned by the Employer shall conform with the following guidelines: (i) not more than eight (8) hours in any one day; (ii) not more than five (5) working days in any seven (7) day period (Sunday to Saturday); (iii) not more than forty (40) hours in any five (5) working day period. b) Any hours which the Employer requires an employee to work in excess of the above shall be paid at the applicable rates as outlined in the Employment Standards Act. c) Subject to paragraph (e) below, all overtime work required by the Employer will be voluntary. d) When overtime is required by the Employer, the work will be offered to the employees in the particular classification on a seniority basis, provided that the employees have the required skill, ability and qualifications to perform the work. e) In the event that all of the employees who are offered the overtime work by the Employer refuse such work, then the junior employee(s) in the particular classification who has the required skill, ability and qualifications must perform the overtime work. f) When the Employer requires overtime to be performed at the end of the regular working shift, the Employer shall offer the overtime work, pursuant to paragraphs (d) and (e) above, to employees who are scheduled to work on that day. g) In the event the Employer directs an employee to perform overtime work, pursuant to paragraph (e) above, at the end of a regular working shift, then, if required by the employee, the Employer shall arrange for transportation for the employee after the completion of the overtime work if the distance the employee must travel is at least 25kms, and not more than 75kms, from the work place if the common bus service is not operating at those hours. h) The parties have agreed that in an attempt to provide additional hours of work to employees working less than forty (40) hours per week, the following arrangement will be in force. Employees who would otherwise work less than forty (40) hours in a five (5) day work week can be offered additional straight time hours of work on the sixth (6th) consecutive day, provided that the additional hours do not result in the employee working more than forty (40) hours in the six (6) days straight at a time. Such an employee may decline the additional hours without affecting her rights under this Agreement. All sixth (6th) shifts must be offered in order of seniority.
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. (a) The normal straight time hours of work assigned by the Employer shall conform with the following guidelines: (i) subject to the provisions of Article 9.03(d), not more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) day; (ii) except in the case of an employee who has given prior written authorization on a Supplementary Employee Record of Scheduling Preferences, not more than five (5) working days in any seven (7) day period; (iii) not more than forty (40) hours in any five (5) working day period. (b) Any hours which the Employer requires an employee to work in excess of the above shall be paid at double the straight time hourly rate.
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. (a) The normal straight time hours of work assigned by the Employer shall conform with the following guidelines: (i) not more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) day; (ii) not more than five (5) working days in any seven (7) day period; (iii) not more than forty (40) hours in any five (5) working day period. (b) Any hours which the Employer requires an employee to work in excess of the above shall be paid at double time the hourly rate. (c) This does not mean that the Employer guarantees to provide work for any number of hours per day or per week except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. (a) Unless the parties otherwise agree the normal straight-time hours of work for regular full-time employees shall be as follows:
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. The normal straight time hours of work assigned by the Employer shall conform with the following:
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. (a) Subject as herein provided, no employee covered and within the scope of this Agreement shall be scheduled for a greater number of hours than: (i) Thirty-seven and one half (37½) hours in any six (6) day period (Monday to Saturday); (ii) Five (5) days in any six (6) day period (Monday to Saturday); (iii) Eight (8) hours in any one day; except in the case of an emergency when employees may be employed longer, provided overtime premiums are paid. (b) The determination of the starting time of daily and weekly work schedules shall be made through consultation between employees and the Employer subject to the guidelines in Article 7.01 (i), (ii), and (iii). The Employer will make every reasonable effort to post the schedule for the following month by no later than the 15th of the month. (c) In the event of any permanent changes in the normal starting and quitting times of shifts as required by the Credit Union, the Employer agrees to give at least fifteen (15) days’ notice of any change. (d) In cases of emergencies, an employee called back to work after completion of her scheduled shift, or called in to work on a scheduled day of rest, shall be paid the greater of actual time worked at the appropriate rate of pay, or 2 hours at time and one half her regular rate of pay. (e) Where an employee is scheduled to attend committee meetings, the following will apply: (i) on a scheduled day of rest the employee shall be paid for a minimum of four hours at the appropriate rate of pay. (ii) after completion of a scheduled shift, the employee shall be paid in accordance with 7.01(a)(iii). (f) The Employer will offer shifts, including days off, based on seniority and operational needs.
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. The normal straight time hours of work assigned by the Employer shall conform with the following: (a) Per Work Day (b) Per Work Week
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. (a) Unless the parties otherwise agree the normal straight-time hours of work for regular full-time employees shall be as follows: (1) eight hours in any one working day. (i) Not more than five days within the seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday), with two consecutive designated days of rest unless split designated days of rest are requested by the employee. (ii) Not more than 40 hours in any five working days within the seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday). (2) 10 hours in any one working day. (i) Not more than four working days in any seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday) with at least three consecutive designated days off unless split designated days are requested by the employee. (ii) Not more than 40 hours in four working days in any seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday). (b) Unless the parties otherwise agree the normal straight-time hours of work for regular part-time employees shall be as follows: (1) Six, seven, eight or 10 hours in any one working day. (i) Not more than five consecutive days within the seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday) with two consecutive designated days of rest unless split designated days of rest are requested by the employee. (ii) Not more than 40 hours in any five working days within the seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday). (2) Regular part-time employees shall not be scheduled for more than five consecutive days to be followed by two consecutive designated days of rest. For 10 hours in any one working day: (i) Not more than four working days in any seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday) with three consecutive designated days off unless split days are requested by the employee. (ii) Not more than 40 hours in four working days in any seven day workweek (Sunday to Saturday). (c) Regular part-time and casual employees may work additional shifts to a maximum of 40 hours per week on a sixth day. (d) Casual employees occupying schedules as required, shall be scheduled in accordance with Clause 14.1(a) and (b). (e) It is understood that shifts that commence on one calendar day and extend past midnight to the next calendar day are considered to be shifts worked only on the calendar day on which the shift begins. The requirement to work overtime will be in accordance with Article 16.
NORMAL STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OF WORK. ‌ (a) The normal straight time hours of work assigned by the Employer shall exclude one half hour unpaid lunch break and shall conform with the following guidelines: (i) not more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) day; (ii) not more than five (5) working days in any seven (7) day period; and (iii) not more than forty (40) hours in any five (5) working day period. (b) Any hours which the Employer requires an employee to work in excess of the above shall be paid at time and one half the hourly rate for the first three (3) hours worked and double time for all hours worked in excess of eleven (11) hours in a day. Upon written request by the employee, hours worked as overtime will be accrued as banked hours. Banked overtime may be paid out in whole or in part with seven days’ notice or taken as time off with pay. An employee who is to receive compensating time off shall be given time off equivalent to the number of hours for which she/he would have been paid. Requests for time off shall not be unreasonably denied. On December 31st of each year, employees will have their banked hours paid out. (c) The Employer agrees that every employee shall be guaranteed eight (8) hours of rest free from work. If an employee is called in and the employee voluntarily complies with said request then time and one half shall be paid for all hours worked.