Exclusions and Assumptions Sample Clauses
Exclusions and Assumptions. 8.1 The following times, events and instances are excluded from any calculation:
(a) a Force Majeure Event;
(b) any consequence of a Client Event;
(c) the time preceding Ready for Service (if relevant);
(d) any event caused by the events giving rise to, or following suspension of the service in accordance with any Agreement;
(e) reasonable levels of scheduled or emergency maintenance activity;
(f) any event or fault that arises as a result of you failing to comply our policies or procedures, or to follow guidance on the proper use of hardware or software;
(g) any event or fault that we can reasonably demonstrate is caused by a virus (or any similar malicious code) introduced, negligently or otherwise, by you or an End User onto your service;
(h) any event or fault more widely affecting the Internet or connectivity procured from third parties (save that this will not apply to the calculation of any service level where we provide the connectivity);
(i) events, faults or the absence of equipment, wiring, cabling software or other services which are not maintained by us or provided by us;
(j) failure to comply with capacity management or procurement recommendations reasonably issued by us for the purpose of avoiding service impairment;
(k) during any trial or proof of concept period;
(l) when a Service can be accessed by reasonable alternative means;
(m) loss of resilience, or of access to reporting or control panels does not count towards a loss of service;
(n) services procured from third parties and not procured through Six Degrees; and
(o) matters that arise as a result of limitations imposed by third parties and public cloud vendors, such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS.
Exclusions and Assumptions. A. Exclusions:
1. Waterline design is not included in this Contract
2. Right of way services including property appraisals, negotiations, and acquisitions will be handled by others and are not included in this Contract.
3. Landscape and irrigation design services are not included in the Contract.
4. Environmental services other than those explicitly defined in the scope and beyond the normal services to fulfill the requirements of a Categorical Exclusion are not included in the Contract. This includes, but is not limited to, the exclusion of a traffic noise study.
5. Stormwater detention and water quality design services are not included in the Contract.
6. Temporary traffic signal design.
7. CLOMR or LOMRs are not included in the Contract.
8. Printing contract documents and plans during bidding.
9. Construction administration services other than those explicitly defined in the scope are not included in the Contract.
10. As-built drawing preparation is not included in the Contract.
A. Assumptions:
1. A total of three (3) concepts will be investigated as part of this scope.
2. Right of way services including property appraisals, negotiations, and acquisitions will be handled by the city.
3. Plans and contractual documents assume 1 bid package and construction duration of 1 year. If project is constructed in multiple phases requiring a longer duration, a supplement will be required.
4. Right of Way Revisions after approved Right of Way plans shall be considered additional services.
5. Title work will be provided by the City of Nixa
6. Revisions to any stage of plans shall be considered additional services after approval by owner. MAN-HOUR ESTIMATE - NORTH STREET WIDENING PROJECT Task No. Description of Work Items / Tasks CJW Transportation Consultants Xxxxxxxx & West Xxxxxxx & Xxxxx Total Manhours Total Labor Fee Total CJW Fee Total B&W Fee Total S&H Fee Principal Senior Engineer Project Engineer Engineer Intern Senior Designer 2 Person Survey Crew Surveyor Technican Project Manager Engineering Technician Lead Engineer Project Engineer Surveyor 2 Person Survey Crew Administrative Assistant Principal Engineering Tech Survey Department Mangr. Surveyor, PLS Surv Tech Assistant Survey Tech Administrative Assistant $ 60.25 $ 46.03 $ 34.32 $ 31.29 $ 26.62 $ 43.00 $ 28.00 $ 26.70 $ 65.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00 $ 35.00 $ 45.00 $ 35.00 $ 25.00 $ 41.95 $ 30.10 $ 41.95 $ 32.03 $ 22.00 $ 14.00 1 Project Management Project Management 48 16 8 16 88 $ 4,009.44 $ 2,209.44 $ 1,800....
Exclusions and Assumptions a. It is assumed that any remaining budget for prime or sub-consultants from the previous concept design phase will be transferred to this contract in addition to the fees shown in the fee proposal.
Exclusions and Assumptions. CMW’s role for the project is to provide Principal Xxxxxxx and oversight services. The following items have not been incorporated within this proposal:
Exclusions and Assumptions. The provision of day to day on-site cabling services is a mixture of subcontract letting and use of an internal team which lies outside of the IT group (UK) and outside the scope of the Services.
Exclusions and Assumptions.
(a) The Charges are calculated based on the following scope and estimate exclusions ('Powerlink Exclusions') and assumptions ('Powerlink Assumptions'), and any deviation from these assumptions, and the advent of the exclusions, may, in Powerlink's discretion, result in a Cost Variation.
Exclusions and Assumptions. The following exclusions and assumptions shall apply to this scope of services: • The easements previously obtained by the City will be adequate for construction of the shared-use path. • GDOT review is limit to the access permit under bridge 000-0000-0. No bridge hydraulic study for bridge 000-0000-0 will be required for the access permit. • Project is exempt from stormwater management requirements included in Xxxxxxxxx County ordinance 14-75 (5). • No additional USACE permit will be required beyond the Nationwide 14 permit. • The topographic and property survey provided by the City of Xxxxxx is assumed to be true and accurate. • The contractor shall be responsible for performing all construction activities, including—but not limited to—implementing specified erosion control measures, NPDES permitting, and any local permitting required for construction. • No as-built survey or certifications shall be completed as part of this task order.
Exclusions and Assumptions.
(a) The Charges under the Connection and Access Agreement are calculated based on the following scope and estimate exclusions ('Powerlink Exclusions') and assumptions ('Powerlink Assumptions'), and any deviation from these assumptions, and the advent of the exclusions, may, in Powerlink's discretion, result in a Cost Variation (as defined in the Connection and Access Agreement).
Exclusions and Assumptions. A. Exclusions:
1. Utility relocation design is not included in this Contract.
2. Right of way services including property appraisals, negotiations, and acquisitions will be handled by others and are not included in this Contract.
3. Landscape and irrigation design services are not included in the Contract.
4. Public involvement services other than those explicitly defined in the scope are not included in the Contract.
5. As-built drawing preparation is not included in the Contract.
A. Assumptions:
Exclusions and Assumptions the City and Consultant agree that the following exclusions and assumptions apply to this Agreement