Traffic Signal Design Sample Clauses

Traffic Signal Design. The Engineer will prepare construction documents including plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the installation of a four-approach traffic control signal at the intersection of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Boulevard & Bar W Ranch Boulevard / Via De Sienna Boulevard. The Engineer will complete the following tasks as part of the design phase: 1. Assemble applicable design standards and specifications from the City of Leander, Williamson County, and TxDOT. 2. Obtain available existing record drawings and copies of all relevant design files from the County and/or City. 3. Obtain Topographic and Level D SUE information from the County. The Engineer shall be entitled to rely on the completeness and accuracy of the data provided. 4. Submit 811/”One Call” request for utility locates at the intersection. Perform field reconnaissance of the intersection to determine existing pavement widths, lane configurations, traffic control devices, speed limits, and utility locations. 5. Develop plans to construct a new traffic signal at the intersection. The signal plans will be prepared at a scale of 1” = 40’ on 11” x 17” plan sheets and will include the following components: a. Title Sheet (to include signature line for City of Leander) and Index of Sheets b. General Notes (based on standard notes for Williamson County Road Bond Program and modified as appropriate for this project). c. Existing Conditions sheet to show locations of existing traffic control devices, and both underground/overhead utilities at the intersection. d. Proposed Signal Layout sheet to show the locations of proposed signal poles, pedestrian poles, signal heads, signal cabinet, detection equipment, communication equipment, push buttons, electrical conduits, ground boxes, and electrical service. e. Signal Elevation sheet to show placement of signal heads on mast arms and required vertical clearance. f. Pedestrian Ramp Layout sheet to show the locations and types of proposed curb ramps, sidewalks, and railing. g. Conduit Chart and Electrical Wiring sheet to show the type and number of electrical wires in each conduit run and inside poles and mast arms. A new electrical service will be designed to support total electrical load due to the new traffic signal and safety lighting at the intersection. The electrical service will include two separate circuits for the traffic signal and illumination. Xxxxxx-Xxxx will coordinate with the City of Leander as required to establish the location of the new electrical ser...
Traffic Signal Design. 1) Prepare “Traffic Signal Layout” to include proposed signal design. 2) Prepare “Traffic Signal Details” sheet to include mast arm sign details, proposed signal heads, pedestrian signal heads, electrical service data, phasing diagram, and electrical schedule with signal conduit and wiring. 3) Include necessary design standard detail sheets for traffic signal including TxDOT TS-FD for signal pole foundation information, and TxDOT SMA-100 for signal mast pole information.
Traffic Signal Design. Traffic Signal Modification (Koeblen Road at FM 2977). Eight weeks to complete once survey and design files received. Review comments will be addressed and returned within two weeks of receipt. $16,500 (lump sum). If you approve of this scope of services, please send back a signed contract for our files. Receipt of an executed contract will serve as our written notice to proceed. Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, P.E., CFM May 5, 2021 We look forward to working with you on this project and are ready to begin work immediately upon written notice to proceed. If you have any questions about this proposal, please call me at your convenience at 000-000-0000. Sincerely, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, P.E., PTOE Principal Via email transmittal Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, P.E., CFM May 5, 2021 Page 5 of 5 This agreement is made and entered into on the day of , 20 , by and between Xxxxx Associates, Inc. (hereinafter called the “Engineer”), and HJ Consulting, hereinafter called the “Client”) whereas the Client has requested services of the Engineer in relation to: (See Attached Proposal Letter Dated May 5, 2021) herein called the “Project” The Client and Engineer, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows:
Traffic Signal Design. Traffic Signal Modification (Koeblen Road at FM 2977) This task will provide design services for traffic signal modification (adding a widened fourth leg to the intersection) on FM 2977 at Koeblen Road. The basic scope of services for this task of the project will require that HJ Consulting supply electronic copies of the design files for the subject intersection to 500’ on all approaches of the intersection. HJ Consulting shall also provide topographic survey showing all above-ground features and all existing and/or proposed underground utilities to at least 500’ on all intersection approaches. See attached for traffic signal survey requirements. a) Work with client, TxDOT and Fort Bend County staff to determine the scope of traffic signal modification; Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, P.E., CFM May 5, 2021 b) Conduct site visit to scope the project with client, TxDOT and Fort Bend County staff, as necessary, to document existing conditions and confirm scope of modification; c) Contact CenterPoint Energy and AT&T for underground utility information at the intersection; d) Prepare existing conditions diagram; e) Prepare plan sheet(s), including as needed pedestrian treatments and traffic signal related pavement markings and signing for full traffic signal operation; f) Prepare applicable notes and general specifications; g) Prepare index of standard sheets for signal, pavement markings, traffic control and work zone for traffic signal work; h) Prepare summary of estimate for materials for traffic signal modification; i) As needed, obtain private utility (CenterPoint Energy and AT&T) signatures to reflect utilities are shown properly on the plans; j) Prepare cost estimate; and k) Seal and sign final drawings. Xxxxx Associates reserves the right to negotiate for additional services. Possible additional services may include additional CADD drafting, additional signal or stop warrant studies, other traffic engineering studies, signal design or design tasks not covered in the basic scope above. Other additional services for this project could include, but are not limited to, intersection modifications, including geometric roadway or drainage design and meetings with any agency or group. The estimated schedule and proposed fee, by task, is listed below. Xxxxx Associates, Inc. requests that any additional services be negotiated upon request.
Traffic Signal Design. LJA shall prepare traffic signal design plans for McKaskle Road and Old Richmond Road intersection. Traffic signal plans shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Texas. Plan layouts shall be prepared at 1"= 100” scale, on 11"x17" drawings. The Engineer shall develop all quantities, general notes, specifications, and incorporate the appropriate agency standards required to complete construction. The following information shall be provided in the Traffic Signal Plans:
Traffic Signal Design. 4.7.1 Develop basic preliminary traffic signal plans for the intersection of Gee Road at First Street • Proposed basic signal improvements will be limited to signal head and sign adjustments (removals/relocations/installs) for proposed additional through lanes at the intersections. • No new mast arm poles, pedestrian poles, conduits, power services, cabinets, push buttons or pedestrian signals are included. • No signal timing or phasing changes are included. 4.7.2 Develop basic preliminary traffic signal plans for the intersection of Gee Road at US 380 • Proposed basic signal improvements will be limited to signal head and sign adjustments (removals/relocations/installs) for proposed additional through lanes at the intersections. • No new mast arm poles, pedestrian poles, conduits, power services, cabinets, push buttons or pedestrian signals are included. • Quantity summary/general notes sheetExisting conditions and removals layout sheet (1 per intersection) • Proposed signal layout sheet (1 per intersection) • Signal summary charts sheet (1 per intersection) • Applicable TxDOT and/or Town traffic signal standards/details
Traffic Signal Design. 3.1 Traffic Signal Pole, Mast Arm, Signal Head Locations 4 2 3.2 Controller Cabinet Location 2 1 3.3 Loop/Camera Detector Layout 3 1 3.4 Pull Box Locations 4 2 3.5 Conduit Layout 4 2 3.6 Traffic Signal Wiring 4 2 3.7 Details/Specifications/Special Provisions 1 2 2 3.8 Signal Warrant Analysis 4 1 3.9 Signal Timing 6
Traffic Signal Design. The Engineer will prepare construction documents including plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for the installation of a four-approach traffic control signal at the intersection of FM 1660.
Traffic Signal Design. Prepare plans for the design of signal pole(s), pedestrian poles and push buttons for the proposed traffic signal at Main Street and Fire Cracker Drive in Hays County, TX. Plans will include wiring diagram, conduit and cable run summary, pedestrian poles, phasing, pedestrian ramps, pedestrian push buttons, and pedestrian signal head layouts. Temporary signals are not anticipated.
Traffic Signal Design. Consultant shall prepare concept traffic signal modification plans for one (1) intersection and rectangular rapid flashing beacon plans for one (1) intersection. Work covered under this Section shall be done according to the requirements of the ODOT Traffic Signal Design Manual and City of Bend 2022 Standards and Specifications. All traffic control devices installed in the state of Oregon are required to conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Oregon Supplements to the MUTCD as established by ORS 810.200 and OAR 734-020-0005. ♦ No existing traffic signal mast poles will be impacted ♦ Structural analysis of signal pole mast arms will be assessed if changing the loading along the mast arms‌ ♦ Signal improvements will be based on the results of traffic analysis (task 3) and recommended alternatives analysis (task 4) ♦ Up to one (1) field visit with ODOT signal staff to investigate the status of junction boxes, conduit, traffic signal equipment, etc.