Extra-Curricular Sample Clauses
Extra-Curricular i) Where an extra-curricular trip is for transportation to and from a specified location in addition to the Driver’s regular daily route, the Driver shall be paid their regular daily amount plus the Hourly Rate as per Schedule “C” - “Extra-Curricular Trips” for one of the following: - For each hour of the trip from start to finish; or - A minimum of one hour for transportation to the specified location and one hour for the return trip. If they only do a one way trip, they will only receive one times the Hourly Rate.
ii) Where a Driver is hired for an extra-curricular trip and does not complete their daily route, they shall be paid the Hourly Rate as per Schedule “C” - “Extra-Curricular Trips” for each hour of the trip from start to finish. In addition, if the trip is three (3) hours in length or less, they shall receive the Half Day Trip Rate and if the trip is more than three (3) hours, they shall be paid the Full Day Trip Rate, as per Schedule “C” - “Extra-Curricular Trips”.
iii) Where a Driver completes either the morning or the afternoon run of their regular bus route, they will be paid half of their regular daily amount plus the Hourly Rate for each hour of the trip from start to finish and the Half Day Trip Rate as per Schedule “C” - “Extra-Curricular Trips”. Note: Regular Daily Amount is the Total Daily Rate as shown on the employee’s most current Salary Calculation Form.
Extra-Curricular. The Parties agree that the extra-curricular salaries to be paid are accurately reflected in APPENDIX A.
Extra-Curricular. Those stipends, excluded from the certificated contract by the PERC Castle Rock Decision. (This includes, but not limited to, all coaching positions, and other advisory and club positions for which a certificate is not a requirement.)
Extra-Curricular. Standard duties-sponsorship of activities may be assigned at a percent of the Salary Schedule base as listed on attached page. Remuneration to teachers for sales at extra-curricular activities. • A written policy concerning sales procedures, use of passes, and specific duties shall be provided by the Athletic Director to each faculty member. • Assignment of staff for ticket sales at extra-curricular activities shall be the amount of nights needed, distributed equitably, not to exceed five nights per year, only if enough staff members do not volunteer to cover the events. • Remuneration to staff for assignments at extra-curricular activities, i.e. timekeepers, scorers, line judges, ticket-sellers shall also be at minimum wage.
Extra-Curricular. Attached hereto are schedules B and C which include the salary schedules of paid extra- curricular activities and are made a part hereof. Appointments to these positions shall be made annually. However, varsity coaches may be given a two-year contract after their first full year in this position. The COMMITTEE reserves the right to make appointments on a one-year basis. Prior to May 1 each school year any employee may make written application for appointment to one of these positions. All applications will be reviewed by the COMMITTEE before making its selection for the next school year. All extra-curricular participation by teachers shall be on a strictly voluntary basis and must receive the prior written approval of the principal of the school involved. (Please refer to Schedule B and C at end of document.)
Extra-Curricular. 6-2-1 Realizing that Class Advisors in Article XXII are activities which are a valid extension of a teacher’s obligations, the following will be in effect:
1. Teachers assigned as Class Advisors will be expected to carry out their responsibilities in full.
2. Student extra-curricular activities will be posted at least two weeks in advance, except when prevented by circumstances beyond the control of the administration, and the licensed personnel involved will be so notified of their duties in the particular activities.
Extra-Curricular. (EDO ExCurr)
11.2.1 Extra-curricular activities are considered to be those that are beyond the required hours of instruction and include the direct involvement of students.
11.2.2 Eligible extra-curricular activities will be those included in Administrative Procedures 415 – Appendix A – Approved Extra-Curricular Activities. Additions and deletions to the list are to be submitted to the Superintendent of Education – School Operations for consideration.
11.2.3 To recognize the commitment of teachers to extra-curricular programs and the students involved with them, teachers may earn up to two (2) days of leave per school year for extra- curricular activities. XXX’s for extra-curricular activities shall be awarded as follows for hours accumulated during the current school year: 30 hours = 0.5 day 60 hours = 1 day 90 hours = 1.5 days 120 hours = 2 days
11.2.4 Hours may be accumulated over two (2) years until an increment of 0.5 day is earned. An earned maximum of two (2) days shall be recognized in any school year. Extra-curricular hours above the maximum accumulation of 120 hours shall not carry forward to the following school year.
11.2.5 To recognize the commitment of teachers to extra-curricular programs in which a significant number of hours are accumulated in one school year, teachers shall be awarded as follows: 180 hours = 3 days
11.2.6 The documentation of the accumulation of extra-curricular hours shall be submitted by the Principal to the Division Office monthly or at the completion of the extra-curricular sport or activity. The teacher may access the extra-curricular leave days as increments are credited.
11.2.7 Hours can be claimed with the following considerations: to a maximum of six (6) hours/day on a school day Monday to Thursday. to a maximum of sixteen (16) hours/day on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
11.2.8 Final extra-curricular leave documentation for the school year shall be submitted by May 31st with the exception of activities that are ongoing during the month of June, which shall be submitted on or before June 30.
11.2.9 Earned days off for extra-curricular (EDO ExCurr) may be carried over to the following year, to a maximum of three (3) days. Earned days for Extra Curricular above the maximum will be paid out at the rate of Substitute Teacher Pay for each full day, or prorated for portion thereof. Earned days for Extra-curricular below the maximum are automatically carried forward to the following school year unless p...
Extra-Curricular. Any assignments in addition to the normal teaching schedule during the regular school year and summer school sessions shall not be made without the consent of the teacher involved.
Extra-Curricular. Subject to pre-approval of the UEA, Board of Education, and teachers performing extracurricular activity assignments, the contractual stipend for the assignment may be shared by participating teachers as appropriate based upon each teacher's role and participation in supervising the extra-curricular activity.
Extra-Curricular. Subd. 1. A teacher will not ordinarily be assigned to the position of head coach in more than 1 activity unless recommended by the Activities Director and/or the Superintendent. Subd. 2. The School District may make changes in extra-curricular assignments on a seasonal basis in accordance to Minnesota statute 122A.58. No change in extra-curricular assignments will be made after April 1 for fall activities or after 30 calendar days following the end of the activity season for winter and spring activities for the next school year except by mutual consent. The School District shall not be restricted from discontinuing a particular activity and thus discontinuing an assignment to that activity when the turnout of students at the end of the second full week of the season for that activity is below a reasonable number for athletic activities, a reasonable number of participants per coaching assignment shall be between 10 and 25. In the event that an activity is discontinued under this provision, the teacher will be compensated a pro-rata salary for the weeks worked. If, after 30 days following the end of the activity season, a teacher chooses to voluntarily discontinue service as a head coach or as an activity leader in an activity with no assistants or when no teachers volunteer to accept an assignment to an activity, the School Board reserves the right to refuse to accept the notice of discontinuance and/or assign a qualified teacher to such an activity, provided:
A. Such assignment is made at least 60 calendar days prior to the start of the season. This timeframe may be altered in cases of emergency and/or if mutually agreed upon by the parties involved,
B. The activity has sufficient student interest,
C. The activity was offered the previous year.