Faculty Professional Development. In order to support Faculty in meeting the challenges that confront the education profession, the University and the Association hereby establish this Article which addresses and describes institutional structures that support Faculty professional development related to teaching and research. The University and the Association mutually recognize the importance of support for Faculty professional development activities in order to enhance student learning as well as to promote the scholarship that is central to the mission of Kent State University. Accordingly, nothing in this Article shall be interpreted to constrain the University’s ability to enhance support for Faculty professional development as set forth in sections 2, 3, and 4 below as part of the University’s customary budget planning process.
Faculty Professional Development. Consistent with the eligibility criteria and procedures of specific University programs which support the professional development of faculty members, FTNTT Faculty members are eligible to participate in professional development opportunities at the academic unit, college and university levels.
Faculty Professional Development. A. The College will budget the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per full-time faculty member per fiscal year for purposes of faculty professional development, to include tuition, travel to professional meetings, seminars, workshops, membership and publication subscriptions, or other activities mutually agreed to, excluding union activities, which occur in the fiscal year beginning July 1.
B. Faculty wishing to use these funds must make a formal application to the Vice President and Chief Academic Officer by June 1 for the current fiscal year’s expenditures. Completed applications will be processed using the College's normal requisition procedure and supported by normally required documentation. At the end of each fiscal year a report detailing the distribution of these funds will be sent to the Faculty Forum President.
C. Tuition Faculty may utilize the Professional Development funds for the purpose of study provided that the following criteria are met:
1. Class(es) are not available at Xxxxxxxxxxx College.
2. The classes are taken at an accredited institution.
3. The employee receives a grade of “C” (2.0) or better or, when applicable, a satisfactory completion of the course.
Faculty Professional Development. Program Effective with the 2022- 2023 academic year, full-time ranked tenured and full-time ranked tenure- track faculty will be eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,650 per fiscal year for expenses incurred in the pursuit of their professional work on behalf of the College. Effective with the 2023-2024 academic year, full- time ranked tenured and full-time ranked tenure-track faculty will be eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,675 per fiscal year for expenses incurred in the pursuit of their professional work on behalf of the College. Effective with the 2024-2025 academic year, full-time ranked tenured and full-time ranked tenure-track faculty will be eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,700 per fiscal year for expenses incurred in the pursuit of their professional work on behalf of the College. Effective with the 2025-2026 year, full-time ranked tenured and full-time ranked tenure-track faculty will be eligible for reimbursement up to $1,725 per fiscal year for expenses incurred in the pursuit of their professional work on behalf of the College. Effective with the 2026-2027 year, full-time ranked tenured and full-time ranked tenure-track faculty will be eligible for reimbursement up to $1,750 per fiscal year for expenses incurred in the pursuit of their professional work on behalf of the College. Expenses eligible for reimbursement include but are not limited to the following: professional supplies, equipment, and materials related to the production, display, exhibition, and transportation of art and design; professional dues and fees; hosting, designing, and maintaining a professional website; professional publications; professional conference fees; participation in professional events and related travel expenses; research materials and other approved related expenses. The faculty member must complete the form(s) provided by the College, and provide documentation verifying the expenses incurred. Reimbursements will only be made for items purchased during the fiscal year the request is being made. Reimbursement for eligible expenses will be made by the College no later than the end of the month following the month in which they were submitted. All receipts must be submitted by the date provided by the business office annually. All receipts must be submitted for reimbursement at one time.
Faculty Professional Development. 24.1 The Role of the University in Professional Development of Faculty. The purpose of a faculty development program is to maintain professional competence, and improve the quality of the teaching, research, scholarship, creative work, service and leadership throughout the
Faculty Professional Development. The College Board and the Faculty Association jointly recognize the need for faculty to continually upgrade individual job skills and professional competencies, which will contribute to the faculty member’s effectiveness in the classroom, enhance expertise in the member’s respective discipline or specialization, and promote the faculty member’s personal growth. Faculty members are responsible for developing and annually maintaining a professional development plan in consultation with their Xxxx. The professional development plan will outline the faculty member’s professional development short- and long-term goals in accordance with program needs, collaborative degree institution requirements, and the College mission and mandate statements. The professional development plan is the primary document in the approval of applications for sabbaticals, short-term study leaves, or other professional development activities as sponsored by the College.
Faculty Professional Development. 5.6.1 The parties agree that faculty professional development shall be construed broadly to mean activities by and for members that enhance their ability to be productive and innovative professionals. Approval of all professional development is contingent upon the availability of funds. To apply for professional development, the member must submit to his or her Academic Supervisor a notice announcing the conference, professional seminars, workshops, or educational exchanges to be attended and a written explanation of what activity will be carried out and its relation to the member’s professional growth. The Academic Supervisor will forward the request to the Unit Manager for final approval. Following the activity, a brief report may be requested at the Academic Supervisor’s discretion, who will forward the report to the Unit Manager. If a paper is presented, a copy should be attached to the report.
Faculty Professional Development. A. The College will budget the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per full-time faculty member per fiscal year for purposes of faculty professional development, to include tuition, travel to professional meetings, seminars, workshops, membership and publication subscriptions, or other activities mutually agreed to, excluding union activities, which occur in the fiscal year beginning July 1.
B. Faculty wishing to use these funds must make formal application to the Faculty Forum by June 1 for the current fiscal year’s expenditures. The Forum will consider applications for approval or rejection. Approved applications shall be submitted to the designated administrator for review and submission to the Xxxx of Instruction using the College's normal requisition procedure and supported by normally required documentation. The requisition must bear the signature of an officially designated representative of the Forum authorized by the Forum to sign requisitions on the Faculty Professional Development Fund.
C. Tuition Faculty may utilize the Professional Development funds for the purpose of study provided that the following criteria are met:
1. Class(es) are not available at Xxxxxxxxxxx College.
2. The classes are taken at an accredited institution.
3. The employee receives a grade of “C” (2.0) or better or, when applicable, a satisfactory completion of the course.
Faculty Professional Development. A. The College will budget the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per full-time faculty member per fiscal year for pur- poses of faculty professional development, to include tuition, travel to professional meetings, seminars, workshops, membership and publication subscriptions, or other activities mutually agreed to, excluding union activities, which occur in the fiscal year beginning July 1.
B. Faculty wishing to use these funds must make a formal application to the Chief Academic Officer by June 1 for the current fiscal year’s expenditures. Completed applications will be processed using the College’s normal requisition procedure and supported by normally required documentation. At the end of each fiscal year, unused budgeted funds will be proportionally distributed to those with unfunded requisitions, and a report detailing the distribution of these funds will be sent to the Faculty Forum President.
C. Tuition Faculty may utilize the Professional Development funds for the purpose of study provided that the following criteria are met:
1. Class(es) are not available at Xxxxxxxxxxx College.
2. The classes are taken at an accredited institution.
3. The employee receives a grade of “C” (2.0) or better or, when applicable, a satisfactory completion of the course.
Faculty Professional Development. A. The College will budget the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per full-time faculty member per fiscal year for purposes of faculty professional development, to include tuition, travel to professional meetings, seminars, workshops, membership and publication subscriptions, or other activities mutually agreed to, excluding union activities, which occur in the fiscal year beginning July 1.
B. Faculty wishing to use these funds must make a formal application to the Vice President and Chief Academic Officer by June 1 for the current fiscal year’s expenditures. Completed applications will be processed using the College's normal requisition procedure and supported by normally required documentation. At the end of each fiscal year a report detailing the distribution of these funds will be sent to the Faculty Forum President.
C. Tuition Faculty may utilize the Professional Development funds for the purpose of study provided that the following criteria are met:
1. Class(es) are not available at Xxxxxxxxxxx College.
2. The classes are taken at an accredited institution.
3. The employee receives a grade of “C” (2.0) or better or, when applicable, a satisfactory completion of the course.
D. All full-time faculty who have been on Step 13 of the salary schedule for one full instructional year or longer will be granted a professional development allowance equivalent to 3.5 (three and one- half) contact hours to be paid as a lump sum on the first full pay for December. These will be discretionary funds and will be subject to all applicable taxes. The distribution of these funds is not to be considered in determination of eligibility for funds specified under parts A, B and C.