FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. A. Any teacher employed under a limited contract whom the Superintendent intends not to recommend for re-employment shall be so notified by the Superintendent in writing on or before April 30.
B. The teacher may request a conference with the Superintendent/designee provided such request is in writing and received within two (2) teacher working days of receipt of the notice as provided in Subsection A above. If the request is timely, the teacher shall be granted an opportunity for a conference with the Superintendent/designee regarding the reasons for the recommendation not to re-employ. The teacher shall have the right to be represented by a person of his/her choice. Board action on an individual teaching contract shall not occur prior to the regularly scheduled May Board meeting.
C. A teacher having completed, on or before the next July 1st, four (4) or more years of continuous, current service in the Bowling Green City School District shall be granted, upon request, a review by the Board prior to the time action is taken upon the Superintendent's recommendation of non-reemployment. Such review shall be in executive session at which time the teacher shall be granted an opportunity to show cause why the contract should be renewed. Nothing herein shall be construed as an assumption by the Board of the burden of establishing the grounds for the non-renewal of the contract.
D. In the review, said teacher may be represented by a representative designated by the Association. This representative may be accompanied by a UniServ representative and/or Association attorney.
E. Request for review as specified in paragraph D above shall be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. TIMELINE: PARAGRAPH ACTION DEADLINE B Superintendent’s Notification April 30 C Teacher Request for Conference 2 teacher work days of Superintendent’s notice in B C Conference with Superintendent/ Designee 5 teacher work days of request for conference in C F Request for review with Board 2 teacher work days of Conference with Superintendent/ Designee
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. Should Chapter 13 of Title 16 of the General Laws of Rhode Island be amended or repealed, then the due process procedure contained therein shall immediately become part of this Agreement.
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. 8-4.1 A teacher shall not be suspended or dismissed except for just reason.
8-4.2 Notification of intention to dismiss, suspend or non-renew a teacher at the end of any school year shall be given, as specified in Title 16, Chapter 13 of the General Laws, on or before March 1 of the school year in which the dismissal, suspension or non-renewal shall be effective. ‘Suspension’ as used in this paragraph and in 8-4.3 shall mean suspension pursuant to §16-13-6 of the Teacher Tenure Act. ‘Dismissal’ as used herein shall mean dismissal as that term is used in §16- 13-2, 3 and 4 of the Teacher Tenure Act. ‘Non-Renewal’ as used herein shall mean non-renewal as used in §16-13-2 of the Teacher Tenure Act.
8-4.3 ‘Layoffs’ as that term is used in the Memorandum of Agreement attached hereto shall mean and refer to dismissal, suspension or non-renewal for reasons unrelated to job performance or misconduct. A teacher who is dismissed, suspended or non-renewed for reasons unrelated to job performance or misconduct shall have the right of recall in order of seniority when vacancies occur in areas in which he/she holds certification.
8-4.4 Breaks in service occasioned by dismissals, suspensions or non-renewals pursuant to 8-4.4 hereof shall not constitute breaks in ‘continuous service’ for purposes of Article 6-3.2 (A) of this Agreement. Nor shall suspensions pursuant to §16-13-5 of the General Laws.
8-4.5 A teacher who is offered recall in accordance with 8-4.3 hereof to a position carrying a teaching load equal to or greater than he/she carried during his/her last school year in active service must, subject to the provisions of 8-4.7 hereof, accept recall or forfeit his/her right to recall.
8-4.6 A teacher on the recall list shall be responsible for keeping the Human Resources Department advised of his/her current address and telephone number. Notice of recall shall be sent by certified mail to the address of record and shall be the only notice or recall required hereunder. Failure of a teacher to respond to said notice within 30 days of receipt of the mailing of such notice shall constitute termination of his/her right to recall.
8-4.7 After notification and response within thirty days of such notification as provided in 8-4.6, if a recalled teacher is unable to assume a teaching assignment by reason of a current teaching contract in another school system, military service, illness, maternity, current enrollment in a college or university or other reason qualifying him/he...
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. A. Notification of intention to suspend or discharge shall be given to the employee in writing and the reason for discharge or suspension stated therein. Such written notification shall be given to the employee at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date when said suspension or discharge shall take place, except in cases of extreme emergency. In cases where a teacher's contract is not going to be renewed for the succeeding year, the teacher shall be notified before March 1 of the preceding school year.
B. No teacher shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation, suspended, dismissed, deprived of any professional advantage, or given an adverse evaluation of his or her professional services, without reasonable and just cause.
C. If any teacher for whom a grievance is sustained shall be found to have been unjustly discharged, he or she shall be reinstated with full reimbursement for all professional compensation lost.
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. A. 1. Before a recommendation for non-renewal may be taken to the Board, the teacher shall be granted a conference with the principal and the local Superintendent. The teacher shall be notified of such conference at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance and shall be allowed to bring a person of the teacher’s choice to said meeting. The Board reserves the right to have legal counsel present at all conferences. Written reasons based on the evaluations completed in accordance with Article 8 and plans for improvement or other documented facts pertinent to those evaluations or written reasons based on documentation of an incident(s) shall be given at this time. The evaluations completed and the plans for improvement must be for the current school year.
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. Notification of intention to suspend or discharge shall be given to the employee in writing and the reasons for discharge or suspension stated therein. Such written notification shall be given to the employee at least fifteen (15) school days prior to the date when said suspension or discharge shall take place. In case of extreme emergency, suspension may be immediate with no prior notice. In cases where a teacher's contract is not going to be renewed for the coming year, the teacher shall be notified in accordance with Rhode Island General Law.
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. A. The West Haven Board agrees that no member of the professional staff shall be discharged, or suspended, except as provided by State Statutes and/or the pertinent provision of this agreement.
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. A. An Employee, not on continuing contract status, whom the Board has determined to non-renew, may demand a written statement from the Board describing the circumstances leading to its decision not to re-employ the teacher. This demand must be filed with the Treasurer, in writing, within ten (10) days of the teacher's receipt of the written notice of non-renewal from the Board.
1. Exceptions shall be teachers hired specifically replacing a teacher on leave, substitutes of long or short duration, probationary employees, or those hired for teachers on special assignment who have no rights under Article XV. Substitutes and probationary employees shall be notified of this Article.
FAIR DISMISSAL POLICY. Notification of intention to suspend or discharge shall be given to the employee in writing and the reasons for discharge or suspension stated therein. Such written notification shall be given to the employee at least fifteen (15) school days prior to the date when said suspension or discharge shall take place. In case of extreme emergency, suspension may be immediate with no prior notice. In cases where a teacher's contract is not going to be renewed for the coming year, the teacher shall be notified before March 1st.