Framework Scope. 3.1. The Managed Print Solutions Framework will include a wide portfolio of print products ranging from small single function desktop printers to large print room high volume products, consisting of mono and colour, network and non-network requirements. The scope of the Framework will include, but not be limited to: ▪ Provision of Multi-Functional Devices & Services with a range of speeds (Low/Med/High Volume) and finishing options ▪ Desktop Printers (Low/Med/High Volume) ▪ 3D Printing ▪ Print Room Equipment & Services (Very High Volume) – all products should be supplied independently, including print finishing options ▪ Managed Print Services, including the following as part of a managed service: o Managed Content Services o Mailroom Services o Hybrid Mail Services o Off-site Printing ▪ Wide Format Equipment ▪ Document and asset Scanners ▪ Service Wraps (e.g. site surveys, management information, repairs and maintenance) ▪ Peripherals and consumables ▪ Associated Software (e.g. push pull print technology, remote diagnostic auditing software, print management software, Optical Character Recognition (OCR)) ▪ Support (e.g. On-site, Helpdesk, Online) ▪ Solutions (e.g. Mobile and portable Printing Solutions, Security Solutions, barcode and patient wristband printers, on-site surveys) ▪ Fax Machines are not mandatory for this requirement but may be requested by customers
3.2. The Contractor may be required to provide project management, implementation, migration services and knowledge transfer to the Framework Public Body staff as part of an overall deployment.
3.3. Products must be fit for purpose, free of defects and be of a sufficient range to provide Framework Public Bodies with flexibility and choice. In addition to the initial products proposed, there is a requirement to provide additional product functionality, including the ability to introduce new products to the Framework Agreement. The process for managing any product changes will be agreed between the Authority and the Contractor.
3.4. The Authority reserves the right to add or remove services, upgrades, downgrades and accessories to complement the contracted devices.
3.5. The Contractor will maintain a sufficient stock of accessories to ensure lead times are consistently achieved.
3.6. It is expected that, throughout the life of the Framework Agreement, the scope will evolve through continuous improvement to ensure that all print requirements, both current and future, can be met through this agreem...
Framework Scope. The Framework Agreement covers the provision of: • Interpreting (face-to-face, remote video and telephone) – from English into a wide range of spoken languages and dialect and from those languages and dialect into English or other languages as requested by framework public bodies. • Translation and transcription services - from English into a wide range of spoken languages and from those languages into English or other languages as requested by framework public bodies including: • text to braille – or other tactile or touch formats • speech (audio) to text including tape recordings and other electronic media, audio • video to text • text to speech (audio) – including tape recordings and other electronic media, audio and video Please refer to Schedule 1 (Statement of Requirements) in the Entire Agreement for full details of the Framework scope.
Framework Scope. I. Lot 1 & 2 Creative Services above £50K & below £50K
II. Lot 3 Digital Marketing Services
III. Lot 4 Public Relation Services
IV. Lot 5 Market Research Services
V. Lot 6 Events and Video Production Services
Framework Scope. 2.1 The ICT Client Device Portfolio includes the following Framework Agreements. Desktop Client Devices (including fixed workstations)
2.2 The following core products are within the scope of this Framework: Web Based Devices o Maximum 11.6” Mobile Device Optimised for Web Based Computing o Maximum 14” Mobile Device Optimised for Web Based Computing o Open Source Tablet Proprietary Devices o A range of fixed, mobile and tablet computers based on two proprietary operating systems Thin Client Devices o A range of thin client, manufacturers, devices and technologies A range of Open Source Tablet Devices
2.3 The Contractor will be required to deliver the complete range of goods and services required. The Authority does not guarantee any level of expenditure or demand for goods and/or services under the Framework.
Framework Scope. Bank accounts • Project Bank Accounts • CHAPS, faster payments and foreign payments • BACS • Receipts • Bulk processing centre deposits • Digital imaging • Charges • Cash withdrawals • Cheques • Stopped cheques and recalls • Pay-in books • Statements and payment information • Unpaid cheques • Foreign currency requirements • Overseas payments • Debit cards • Deposit box facilities • Branch networks • Electronic and internet banking
Framework Scope. The contractors will provide the following services to fulfil the current and evolving needs of FPBs: Face to face spoken language interpreting Telephone spoken language interpreting Document translation Document transcription There is no cost to access this framework agreement (other than the payment made to the contractor for services delivered). telephone interpreting. Interpreting services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year at premises anywhere in Scotland, including the islands.
Framework Scope. The framework is an agreement between the Authority (the lead purchasing authority) and the awarded supplier. This framework gives the Authority and the list of potential purchasers, as listed in Section 4, the right to enter into a call-off contract for the provision of fire extinguishers and firefighting equipment. The call-off contract is an individual agreement between the potential purchaser and the awarded contractor. This means the terms and conditions, as well as the pricing are set under the framework but the management of the individual contract remains the responsibility of the organisation making the call-off. A contract can commence at any point during the framework term however, all call-off contracts shall expire automatically on the date set out in the order form or 31st October 2020, whichever is the soonest, unless it is otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions of the contract. The Authority will assist with any general enquiries in relation to the framework as well as any issues which arise that cannot be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of both parties. However, under normal circumstances there will be little need for any involvement from the Authority.
Framework Scope. There are three Lots that can be called off from this framework, for use in the NUTS Code areas UKH, UKI and UKJ:
Lot 1: Electrical Appliances (White Goods) Lot 2: Furniture (Residential) & Soft Furnishings
Framework Scope. The scope of this framework is to identify suppliers of a specific calibre in a range of different business areas to provide bespoke support packages to businesses, entrepreneurs, local organisations and individuals interested in starting, developing or improving their business in the northern part Cyprus. The business areas identified for the required technical assistance to be provided using the Framework Suppliers are arranged into 6 Lots and 22 sub lots are described in this document under section 2 and in our list of sectors document (Annex 1).