FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. The Council shall carry out the relevant policies and coordinate the activities of the Parties. The functions of the Council shall include:
(a) overseeing the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) the development of the necessary technical, administrative and operational plans for the implementation of the present Agreement;
(c) the implementation of those provisions of Article 6 requiring Council action;
(d) the preparation, consideration and adoption of technical specifications for the System space and ground facilities and radiobeacons, as well as the adoption of COSPAS-SARSAT technical and operational documentation;
(e) ensuring interaction and cooperation with the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the International Maritime Organization and other international organizations for the purpose of coordinating technical matters;
(f) the provision of administrative, operational and technical coordination with Ground Segment Providers and User States, including the adoption of procedures for type approval or commissioning of Ground Segment equipment and radiobeacons;
(g) the assessment of the need for technical and operational enhancements of the System, including those relating to contributions of the Parties and those which would entail contributions by States non-Parties to this Agreement;
(h) the establishment of mechanisms for exchange of appropriate technical and operational information;
(i) taking decisions upon matters of joint relations with States non-Parties to this Agreement, as well as international organizations;
(j) the direction of Secretariat activities;
(k) the organization and coordination of exercises, trials and studies that are necessary to assess the performance of the System; and
(l) other matters regarding operation of the System's Space and Ground Segments and radiobeacons that the Council agrees shall fall within its purview.
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. 5.1 The Council shall take the decisions necessary to implement this Agreement.
5.2 The Council shall take all measures required to make recommendations, or to advise the Parties, on the following matters:
5.2.1 measures and arrangements to determine the long-term safe yield of the water sources in the River System;
5.2.2 the equitable and reasonable utilisation of the water sources in the River System to support sustainable development in the territory of each Party;
5.2.3 the investigations and studies conducted separately or jointly by the Parties, with regard to the development of the River System, including any project or the construction, operation and maintenance of any water works;
5.2.4 the extent to which the inhabitants in the territory of each Party concerned shall participate in respect of the planning, development, utilisation, protection and conservation of the River System, as well as the harmonisation of policies in that regard and the possible impact on the social, cultural, economic and natural environment;
5.2.5 the standardised form of collecting, processing and disseminating data or information with regard to all aspects of the River System;
5.2.6 the prevention of the pollution of water resources and the control over aquatic weeds in the River system;
5.2.7 contingency plans and measures for responding to emergency situations or harmful conditions resulting from natural causes such as droughts and floods, or from human conduct such as industrial accidents;
5.2.8 the regular exchange of information and consultation on the possible effects of planned measures;
5.2.9 measures with a view to arriving at a settlement of a dispute between two or more of the Parties; and
5.2.10 such other matters as may be determined by the Parties.
(a) determine the policy of the Agency;
(b) determine the organisations with which the Agency may establish functional relationships;
(c) appoint the Disaster Emergence Response Coordinator on the recommendation of the Board of Directors;
(d) designate such national disaster relief organisations as it may deem expedient as Sub-Regional Disaster Emergency Response Operational Units with prior consent of the Government of the Participating State concerned;
(e) approve the budgets of the Agency and the contributions of Participating States thereto;
(f) perform such other functions as it may deem necessary or expedient to achieve the objectives of this Agreement.
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. 1. In order to meet the commitments of the Parties under this Agreement, the Council shall govern the SW FAB and inter alia shall take decisions to:
a) Define the policy and strategic objectives for the development of the SW FAB, assess the results achieved in terms of performance and take appropriate measures if required;
b) Ensure the implementation of this Agreement and review the progress on the fulfilment of the objectives of the SW FAB;
c) Ensure that the SW FAB is established, developed and governed in accordance with all applicable requirements laid down in the single European sky legislation and each Party’s national legislation;
d) Define the development of the civil and military coordination;
e) Define the modalities of the cooperation on the application of the concept of flexible use of airspace;
f) Support the harmonisation of relevant rules and procedures;
g) Approve the SW FAB common safety policy proposed by the Supervisory Authorities Committee;
h) Agree on the common airspace management policy for the SW FAB airspace;
i) Facilitate the joint designation process of the air navigation service providers setting the foundations for the establishment of the joint designation mechanisms;
j) Ensure the development and coordination of contingency plans within the SW FAB airspace;
k) Adopt its own rules of procedure and terms of reference and approve the rules of procedure and terms of reference of the Supervisory Authorities Committee, the Operational Board and the Stakeholders Consultation Forum;
l) Ensure the coordination of the SW FAB with adjacent functional airspace blocks;
m) Coordinate the positions of the Parties with regard to the application of international agreements concerning the work of ICAO, EUROCONTROL, the European Commission, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and any other international organisation in the field of air navigation services;
n) Ensure the consultation with the SW FAB stakeholders where appropriate, through the Stakeholders Consultation Forum;
o) Propose amendments to this Agreement;
p) Approve the proposals of the Committees and Working Groups established under this Agreement; and
q) Approve the SW FAB annual report prepared by the Operational Board taking also into consideration the views expressed by the Supervisory Authorities Committee in relation to that annual report draft.
2. The Council may approve the creation of other Committees and Working Groups.
3. The Committees and Working Groups shall be ...
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. The functions of the Council shall be -
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. In furtherance of the objectives of CARPHA, the Council shall –
(a) be the principal policy-making organ of CARPHA and shall determine the policy of CARPHA;
(b) promote and advocate policies and programmes to protect health and prevent disease, including the implementation of an improved public health infrastructure;
(c) promote and advocate the implementation of an improved public health infrastructure, including epidemiology and laboratory services;
(d) mobilise technical, financial, and information resources on behalf of Members to address important health problems;
(e) disseminate information to governments and other agencies for the purpose of improving health and preventing disease;
(f) appoint the members of the Executive Board pursuant to Article 9;
(g) give general or specific policy directions to the Executive Board;
(h) approve the senior staff positions to which Article 14 applies;
(i) approve the cooperative and other arrangements to be entered into by XXXXXX as proposed by the Executive Board;
(j) conduct periodic reviews of the adequacy of the provisions of this Agreement and the policies and measures designed to address public health in the Caribbean Community;
(k) recommend to the Members the contributions of Members and Associate Members to the budget of CARPHA in accordance with Article 7(3);
(l) consider and approve the recurrent and capital budgets of CARPHA on the recommendations of the Executive Board in accordance with Article 7(3);
(m) establish appropriate mechanisms for sustainable funding;
(n) conduct an annual review of the performance of the Executive Board; and
(o) perform such other functions as may be necessary to fulfil the objectives of CARPHA.
(a) determine the policies of CDEMA;
(b) receive and approve the annual budget and the contribution of the Participating States to CDEMA;
(c) designate national disaster and disaster management organizations as Sub-Regional Disaster Emergency Operational Units with the prior consent of the Governments of the Participating States involved;
(d) appoint the Executive Director on the recommendation of the MCC;
(e) consider and make decisions based on the recommendations of the TAC;
(f) perform any other function as it deems necessary or expedient to achieve the objectives of this Agreement.
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. In furtherance of the objectives of the Centre, the Council shall:
(a) be the principal policymaking Organ of the Centre and shall, subject to general or special directions of COTED, determine the policy of the Centre;
(b) conduct periodic reviews of the adequacy of the provisions of this Agreement and the policies and measures designed to address the adverse effects of climate change in the Caribbean Region;
(c) negotiate the timely transfer of resources and technology from the developed countries to the Members of the Centre in order to address the negative effects of climate change in the Caribbean Region;
(d) facilitate, at the request of two or more Members of the Centre, the co-ordination of measures adopted by them in response to the adverse effects of climate change, taking into account the different capabilities of the Members concerned;
(e) consider and adopt the recurrent and capital budgets of the Centre on the recommendations of the Board of Governors;
(f) establish such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary for the performance of its functions;
(g) formulate national and regional sustainable development strategies to allow for more effective use of institutional, financial and human resources as a basis for efficient and effective implementation of donor-assisted programmes and projects;
(h) approve the eligibility criteria for funding of projects established by the Council;
(i) appoint the Director of the Technical Secretariat on the recommendation of the Board;
(j) conclude agreements for the achievement of the objectives of the Centre.
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. The functions of the Council are—
(a) to advise the Minister on the allocation of funds (from money appropriated by the Parliament for the purpose) for initiatives—
(i) to enhance the health and sustainability of the water resources of Victoria, including rivers;
(ii) to provide greater security for meeting the future water needs of Victorians;
(iii) to encourage the increased re-use and recycling of water in Victoria;
(iv) to improve efficiencies in the use of water across Victoria;
(b) to advise the Minister on additional sources of funding for initiatives referred to in paragraph (a);
FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. 1. T he Council shall report annually to COTED which shall determine the policy of CROSQ, particularly the establishment or adoption of regional standards and technical regulations.
2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1, the Council shall, inter alia:
(a) recommend to COTED harmonised regional standards, for goods and services provided in the Community;
(b) recommend to COTED technical regulations for goods and services provided in the Community;
(c) promote mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures and mutual acceptance of certification and accreditation;
(d) consider and adopt measures for the resolution of disputes between States Parties relating to standards and standards-related matters;
(e) approve the organisations with which CROSQ shall establish and maintain functional co-operation in relation to standards and standards related matters.
(f) appoint the Executive Secretary as provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 9 of this Agreement;
(g) approve the staff regulations recommended by the Secretariat;
(h) recommend to COTED the contributions of States Parties and Associate Members to the budget of CROSQ;
(i) recommend for approval the budget of CROSQ recommended by the Secretariat;
(j) recommend for approval the conditions of membership and associate membership of CROSQ; and
(k) provide oversight with respect to standards and standards-related matters;
(l) determine the programmes at which CROSQ may participate;
(m) determine the organisations in whose work CROSQ should participate as a member or observer as the case may be;
(n) approve the work programme of the Secretariat.