Funding and Finance Sample Clauses
Funding and Finance. 7.1 The two institutions will seek funding for the link programme from various sources.
7.2 The acquired funds will be subject to accounting procedures of the two institutions.
7.3 The collaborating institutions will offer logistic support for initiating the collaboration and for working out draft proposals for the activities.
Funding and Finance. 4.1 Depending on the availability of funds, exchanges or visits under this Memorandum will, in principle, Ье organized reciprocally.
4.2 Development of joint activities will Ье dependent on availability of funds.
Funding and Finance. 7.1. Each Authority will use its own staff to progress their Local Plans except where consultants are used.
7.2. If consultants are used on a joint basis their costs will be apportioned dependent upon the amount of work that affects each authority‟s area. The Project Directors responsible for each Local Plan Governance Group or in their absence the Project Owners as specified on the Flowcharts will be responsible for authorising the costs associated with any work prior to that work being commenced.
7.3. Each authority will invoice the other authority once every two months for expenditure it has incurred on the others behalf, providing supporting detail of the relevant transactions as appropriate.
Funding and Finance. The Award Group will agree to pay reasonable charges imposed by the Operating Authority for delivering the Award Scheme under the Bromley Licence. Award Groups will be consulted and notified regarding the imposition of any future charges. The Award Group will be responsible for funding the activities they deliver within their group; this can come from charges to participants or other sources as agreed within the Group. The Award Group will pay all accounts owed to the Operating Authority within 30 days. ACCESS TO THE AWARD: The Award Group will ensure that the Award is made available to all young people within the Award age range in their Group. (The level of staffing available to deliver the Award safely may restrict entrance.) The Award Group will ensure that publicity material is available to any participant, parent/guardian or other interested parties. QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING: The Award Group will ensure that all staff undertake the necessary training, as appropriate to maintain the correct level of safety and quality of Award for all young people in their Award Group. The Award group will ensure that the qualification requirements of all instructors and supervisors responsible for the delivery and leadership of the expedition section are met. All new Award Group Leaders will take part in Operating Authority Award induction programme. THE OPERATING AUTHORITY WILL AGREE TO MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: STAFFING: The Operating Authority will have a named Award Officer. Will have a named Award Coordinator to facilitate and support development of the Award and the agreements identified in this document. LEADERS GROUP Support the local Leaders’ Group in achieving their declared objectives. The local Award Coordinator will attend all meetings, offering advice, and passing on important information.
Funding and Finance. 4.1 Exchanges or visits under this Memorandum will, in principle, Ье organised reciprocally on an honorary basis.
4.2 Development of joint activities will Ье dependent on availability of funds.
4.3 Both institutions shall also endeavor to secure financial support for implementation of the Memorandum from national and intemational institutions.
4.4 Financial arrangements will have to Ье negotiated for each specific project or programme.
Funding and Finance. 5.1 Exchanges or visits under this Memorandum will, ın principle, be organized reciprocally on an honorary basis.
5.2 Development ofjoint activities will be dependent on availability offunds.
5.3 Financial arrangements will have to be negotiated for each specific project or programme.
6.1 This Memorandum shall have a duration offive years renewable for a further fıve years unless either party gives notice oftermination not later than six months prior to the expiıy ofthe existing Memorandum.
6.2 Renewal of the agreement shall be effected through exchange of letters of intent within six months prior to the expiıy ofthe existing Memorandum.
6.3 Any alteration ofthe Memorandum shall be agreed upon jointly by the two paı1ies and submitted in accordance with the same procedure the original Memorandum and shall be expressed in '.• ' 1 ,,
6.4 ln the event of dispute, both parties should resolve it amicably.
6.5 This Memorandum shall take effect upon ratifıcation by signature by the Xxxxxx of Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx University and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bahri.
6.6 This Memorandum is made in two equally authentic copies one for each of signing parties.
Funding and Finance. 5.1 The Municipality will contribute to the annual cost of the Fire Protection Support Services as identified in Schedule “A”.
5.2 The Municipality shall pay the annual requisition in January of each year for the upcoming year.
Funding and Finance. The JV Management Committee shall establish the Budget which shall include the cash contributions and timing of those contributions. The parties shall furnish all funding and working capital required by the Joint Venture for the: execution of the work under the Head Contract and for the performance of the obligations of the Joint Venture under the Head Contract; the Budget established pursuant to clause (a); and such other requirements as determined by the JV Management Committee, in accordance with their respective Participating Interests. The parties shall pay the Called Sums to the Joint Venture as the JV Management Committee shall from time to time direct. The JV Management Committee shall give its prior approval to any expenditure which would exceed the amount approved by the JV Management Committee in the Budget. Subject to clause (f), the following (together with any other costs that have the prior approval of the JV Management Committee) shall be accountable as costs and expenses of the Joint Venture provided that the amount incurred is within the limit set in the Budget or approved by the JV Management Committee: all salaries, wages and allowances together with all amounts levied or payable by a party in relation to such salaries, wages and allowances for payroll tax, workers compensation and leave and severance pay but only to the extent that such amounts relate to the engagement of such persons by the party in connection with the Joint Venture; the cost of all Joint Venture assets; any sum payable under any subcontract which may be entered into on behalf of the Joint Venture; the cost of any loan or bank overdraft made available to the Joint Venture; the cost of any insurance taken out under this Agreement, for the purposes of the Head Contract or the performance by the Joint Venture of any of its obligations; any costs incurred by the Joint Venture for any taxes, fees, levies or other cost payable for or in connection with any permit, licence, consent, approval or authority required for the purpose of the work under the Head Contract; any costs incurred by the Joint Venture for the provision of accommodation (whether at the site or elsewhere) for the JV Project Manager and for office staff, personnel or workmen engaged for purposes of the Joint Venture; any reasonable costs properly incurred by the JV Project Manager and any other officer, consultant, staff, personnel or workers engaged for the purposes of the Joint Venture; any costs involved ...
Funding and Finance. 6.1. Any funding requirements will need to be agreed by the voting members and liabilities will be split equally unless otherwise agreed by unanimous decision of voting members.
6.2. London Borough of Lewisham will be responsible for administering and holding grant funding, and will be the accountable body for any such grant funding.
Funding and Finance. Provide funding for the activities within their Centre, sourced by charges to Participants or other means as agreed within the Centre. Ensuring that financial matters and resources of the DofE Centre are managed by keeping an account in the DofE Centre Name, and monies are administered through a recognised establishment account (e.g. school/college/management committee) Account details to be submitted annually (using attached report form) Ensuring that DofE is made available to all young people who meet enrolment requirements. It is acknowledged the level of staffing available to deliver the DofE safely may restrict numbers. Actively promote equality of opportunity and develop ways of working within an anti-discriminatory framework. Ensuring that the DofE website is promoted as a source of information to any Participant, parent/guardian/carer, or other interested parties. Approve and register all DofE Coordinators, Leaders and Volunteers, including the processing of necessary DBS checks, health checks and references for open centres and partnership centres. (School based centres will be responsible for the DBS checks for their staff and volunteers). Support the DofE Committees in achieving their declared objectives, by, offering advice and information. ensure it has adequate insurance cover for all activities directly organised by them. provide advice and information on insurance matters to Centres. will provide Indemnity Cover and Personal Accident Insurance for all adults, whether Volunteers or employees of other bodies, for their actions whilst participating in DofE activities which have been undertaken within the offsite activities and educational visits guidance. Review all submitted Expedition approvals that are received eight weeks prior to the Venture. Approve those that comply with HCC offsite activities and educational visits guidance. monitor a random sample of Expeditions to ensure that they comply with the National DofE Expedition requirements and HCC offsite activities and educational visits guidance check and approve all proposed Trainers and Assessors for Expeditions. provide advice and support on rearranging any Expedition that cannot be approved.