General Behavior. (a) Smoking: smoking, including vaping, is absolutely prohibited at the Club. Members and guests may smoke in the parking area outside the Club without littering in the parking lot.
General Behavior. 9.1 The tenant/owners residing in Unilofts Pretoria is personally responsible for their visitors and will be held accountable if any rules are not being adhered to.
General Behavior. All contractors, sub-contractors, material men and other project personnel shall wear clothing that clearly identifies his/her company. Appropriate attire will be required at all times, including full length pants and close-toed shoes. Shorts and sandals are not considered appropriate attire. Clothing containing words, symbols or other forms of communication considered offensive or in bad taste are not permitted.
General Behavior. Most of the time a correctional facility can be safer than walking alone on the street at night. However, at times a correctional facility can be a dangerous place. These instructions are for your protection and are to be followed to the letter. Always remember that this is an environment much different from your own and that you can never anticipate the actions of the inmates. In the event that you identify an inmate that you have known prior to this assignment; do not make any attempt to acknowledge this individual. If they say "Hello" to you first, acknowledge them, and move on. Do not attempt to make any conversation. This policy does not require contractors to be rude. A simple acknowledgement in response to a greeting from an inmate shall not be a violation of this policy; however, no further conversation or contact is permitted.
General Behavior. Most of the time a correctional facility can be safer than walking alone on the street at night. However, at times a correctional facility can be a dangerous place. These instructions are for your protection and are to be followed to the letter. Always remember that this is an environment much different from your own and that you can never anticipate the actions of the inmates. In the event that you identify an inmate that you have known prior to this assignment; do not make any attempt to acknowledge this individual. If they say "Hello" to you first, acknowledge them, and move on. Do not attempt to make any conversation. This policy does not require contractors to be rude. A simple acknowledgement in response to a greeting from an inmate shall not be a violation of this policy; however, no further conversation or contact is permitted. If you do identify an inmate that you have known prior to this assignment, proceed to the Correctional Facility’s administration office and file a report about your prior relationship with the inmate. This is to preclude any special treatment or relationship from arising out of the incident. This is for the protection of the inmate and YOU! In addition, you are required to ignore all conversations that you hear and anything you see while in a correctional facility. You are never permitted to touch anything that is not yours, nor are you ever permitted to discuss your day's activity inside the facility with anyone. Confidentiality is paramount in maintaining the working relationship we have established within the facility. Construction/repair debris that is to be removed from the outside of the building is to be disposed of directly into the dumpster immediately! Absolutely no outside garbage is permitted to be taken back into the building. In the event of a violation of these policies, the County and/or the City shall have the right to require the Contractor to immediately and permanently remove the individual or individuals violating the policy from the job site.
General Behavior. Dress and Physical Appearance 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Change clothes. (supplied by parent or school) If student refuses & goes home to change, the 2nd offense will be unexcused Lunch Detention / After School Detention / Community Service Behavior Agreement Cell Phones/Electronic Devices in the Classroom** 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Plus Offense Warning, Device confiscated until the end of the school day, picked up at office Warning, Device confiscated until the end of the school day, picked up at office, student calls parent and lets them know next time parents will have to pick up device Device confiscated until a parent picks-up from school office at end of school day Cell Phone Misuse on school campus Anytime, anywhere** 1st Offense + Admin has the right to take away cell phone privileges. Cases can include inappropriate pictures, viewing pornographic videos or taking pictures without their permission, threat through electronic means and other circumstances. Lewd Conduct Voyeurism Sexting 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Emergency removal, written apology to victim, up to 1-10 days ISS or OSS, Police involvement Short term suspension; Police involvement Police involvement Public Displays of Affection 1st Offense 2nd Offense + Warning to students of appropriate behavior, parent contacted, main office contacted After School Detention Theft 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Restitution, community service, Behavior Agreement, police involvement Restitution, 1-5 days After School Detention, police involvement Restitution, Long term suspension, police involvement Using Wheels or Rollers on Campus 1st Offense 2nd Offense + Warning Confiscated until the end of the day for parent pick up and After School Detention
General Behavior. Students must respect the bus driver and follow their instructions at all times. - No shouting, loud talking, or use of inappropriate language is allowed or no gesturing to passing vehicles or pedestrians from the bus. - Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct is to be observed. Shouting, vulgar language, or gestures are not permitted. - Eating and drinking are not permitted on the bus. No pop containers allowed on the bus. - Tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaporizer cigarettes, drugs or alcohol in any form will not be permitted on the bus. - No throwing of any object including trash or paper either from within or out of the bus while waiting for, riding, or after exiting the bus. - Students will not extend hands, arms, heads, or objects from the bus windows at any time. - Windows may only be lowered when permitted to do so by the driver. - Students may not take pictures or videos of other students with their personal recording devices. - Post high school adults cannot ride the school bus on a regular route. - Preschool students may ride the bus as long as they have an older sibling of the same household, who is a student at USD 364, on the bus with them, at all times. - Adults are not permitted to board the bus without permission of the driver, school administration, or law enforcement. - No one may gain entry to a school bus unless the bus driver is present.
General Behavior. The DIC shall implement and enforce with its staff, volunteers and guests a prohibition of the following behaviors on church grounds: smoking, drug use, drug dealing, littering, intentionally urinating or defecating outside bathrooms, obvious intoxication, fighting, yelling obscenities, panhandling or soliciting for money, and inappropriate interaction with unaccompanied minors. ● All persons known to be sex offenders must meet with the UUAUB Minister to create a safety plan when they are on church grounds. ● The DIC will notify the UUAUB Board and Minister when a guest has been issued a No Trespass Order by the police or if there is any other removal or barring of individuals due to violation of the above prohibited behaviors. ● If staff or volunteers of the DIC witness or reasonably suspect vandalism by a DIC guest of the UUAUB building or other property, the DIC will seek a No Trespass Order re: such guest from the Auburn Police. ● All persons shall be treated equally and with dignity, including church members and friends.
General Behavior. The WLDA reserves the right to eject, disqualify and remove any Hitter, without a refund, or any individual at any time for conduct deemed inappropriate or damaging to the reputation of the WLDA or the sport at the WLDA’s sole discretion. Discipline may be imposed, but not limited to, the following examples: Excessive display of anger, vulgar language or club throwing. Any action that puts the safety of fans, officials, staff or fellow Hitters in harm. Excessive alcohol/illegal drug use. Lack of etiquette or disrespect to a fellow Hitter, official, staff or any other individual. Criminal offenses including, but not limited to, those involving the use or threat of violence; domestic violence; and other forms of partner abuse; theft and other property crimes; sex offenses; obstruction or resisting arrest; disorderly conduct; fraud; racketeering; money laundering; prohibited substances, performance-enhancements and substance abuse. Unlawful possession of a gun or other weapon. Possession of weapons of any kind are prohibited at the Events, even if lawfully possessed. Any action that threatens the integrity of the event to manipulate the results of the event. Violent, threatening or harassing behavior. Derogatory or offensive conduct including insulting language, or actions about a person’s ethnic background, heritage, color, race, national origin, age, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation. Inappropriate physical, verbal and online behavior (such as inappropriate statements made by social media, email, text message, private messages, DMs, snaps, etc.). Betting on anything related to the WLD event. Conduct that undermines the integrity and reputation of the WLDA. Unreasonable attacks or disparagement of events, sponsors, fellow Hitters, the sport or the WLDA (responsible expressions of legitimate disagreement with the WLDA or its policies is not prohibited). Conduct unbecoming of a professional or conduct that may bring disrepute on the individual, the WLDA or the sport. Any other conduct deemed inappropriate in the sole discretion of the WLDA.
General Behavior i. All contractors, sub-contractors, material men and other project personnel shall wear clothing that clearly identifies his/her company. Appropriate attire will be required at all times, including full length pants and close-toed shoes. Shorts and sandals are not considered appropriate attire. Clothing containing words, symbols or other forms of communication considered offensive or in bad taste are not permitted.
ii. Proper safety equipment shall be required at all times. (i.e., hard hats, safety glasses, goggles, respirators, etc.)
iii. Any contractor, subcontractors or laborers, found using profanity, exhibiting a lack of courtesy to a tenant, visitor, or employee will be immediately ejected from the property and will not be allowed to return.
iv. Graffiti or vandalism will be not tolerated. Any contractor found responsible for any graffiti or vandalism shall be immediately removed from the building, and will not be allowed to return. Any expenses associated with the removal or repair resulting from the graffiti or vandalism will be at the contractor’s expense.
v. Smoking is not permitted within 20 feet of the building entrances, operable windows and air intakes, per San Francisco Health Code, Article 19F. Any contractor or personnel found smoking will be immediately removed from the property and will not be allowed to return.
vi. Chewing gum and tobacco are not permitted on the job site.
vii. No radios are permitted in the building, including “Walkman” type radios with headsets. Radio Frequency Devices, including two-way radios, are not allowed in building as they are disruptive and may interfere with the equipment in critical environments and facilities. The contractor may check-out radios from Engineering on a daily basis, if required.