General Project Scope Sample Clauses

General Project Scope. The general project scope includes the survey and design of a new roundabout at 181st Street and Xxxxxxx Road in Westfield, Indiana. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for performing the following activities: TASK 1. Topographic Survey Data Collection
General Project Scope. A. This project is comprised of construction of one production well at the site including gravel site access drive, staging area, construction of drilling mud pits, and discharge control structures. Further, the project includes restoring the site by disposing of drilling mud and filling pits, removing rock check dams from discharge control structures and general grading to maintain site drainage. The well shall be constructed to such vertial tolerances to allow installation of future vertical lineshaft pumping equipment capable of delivering approximately 1000 gpm from the well.
General Project Scope. In general, the A/E will be required to provide architectural and engineering services necessary to modernize the Jelleff Community Center. The A/E will be required to provide all the design services necessary to implement the Project and to produce the required deliverables. A feasibility study is provided as Attachment A for informational purposes only. The design shall incorporate the following facilities and site amenities:
General Project Scope. CM Services for the construction of the Aquatic Center and all related onsite and offsite improvements per project documents.
General Project Scope. The Developer will design and install a water main extension and necessary facilities and appurtenances, to provide a loop connection of the potable water system requested by the City.
General Project Scope. The Project consists of the Remodel/Renovation and limited Historical Preservation/Restoration of the Xxxx Federal Courthouse Building. The Xxxx Building is composed of a three story structure with a partial basement and a partial Mezzanine. The footprint of the Building is approximately 256’x228’ with approximately 171,500 GSF. The basement has an approximate area of 32, 500 GSF of which approximately 9,250 will be separated by a security wall to continue to serve the adjacent Xxxxxx facility. The remaining 23,250 GSF will be incorporated into the MDC Xxxx Facility. The first level has approximately 56,500 GSF, the Mezzanine has approximately 7,500 GSF, the second level has approximately 46,000 GSF and the third level has approximately 29,000 GSF. The total approximate area to be remodeled/renovated for the MDC Xxxx Project is approximately 162,250 GSF. The work shall include completion of the security separation of Xxxx from the Xxxxxx Federal Building, new and separate utility systems including HVAC, Electrical including lighting/power and low voltage, IT, communications, security, and the disconnect and removal of the existing systems not designated to be reused. The installation of two new exit stairs and one elevator core if required within the building. The construction of a skylight system over the interior open courtyard. The renovation/remodel of approximately 162,250 GSF into classrooms, large event venues, library spaces, open student collaboration spaces, offices and other related college spaces including the structural modifications required to achieve the new program spaces. The repairs, cleaning and waterproofing of the exterior historical wall system. The repairs of the existing window. Any other work deemed to be required to achieve the MDC programs. The A/E and the CM selected will assist the MDC Xxxxxxx Campus & Facilities Staff in developing the Educational Specifications and Facilities list for the programs to be housed at the Xxxx Federal Courthouse Building. Any other work deemed to be required to achieve the MDC programs, which will include spaces such as classrooms, instructional facilities, laboratories, electronic classrooms, multipurpose facilities, common areas, exhibit spaces, meeting/conference facilities, offices, gallery spaces, fashion runway, student gathering spaces, study areas, library facilities, storage, campus support facilities, server rooms, among others) as well as the types of related spaces/infrastructure that...
General Project Scope. The scope of the Project is outlined in the Project Scope, attached as Exhibit A.
General Project Scope. The general project scope includes the survey, design, and real estate services for the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of County Road 600 West and 750 North in the Town of McCordsville, Hancock County, Indiana, utilizing local funds. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for performing the following activities: TASK 1. Topographic Survey Data Collection TASK 2. Roadway Design and Plan Development TASK 3. Bridge Design and Plan Development TASK 4. Utility Coordination TASK 5. Geotechnical Services TASK 6. Cemetery Development Plan TASK 7. Environmental Services TASK 8. Public Involvement TASK 9. Waters of US Report TASK 10. Environmental Permitting TASK 11. Special Investigations TASK 12. Right of Way Engineering and Plan Development TASK 13. Real Estate Acquisition Services TASK 14. Construction & Utility Relocation Phase Services TASK 15. Excluded Professional Services Remainder of this page left blank intentionally.
General Project Scope. In general, the A/E will be required to provide architectural and engineering services necessary to expand the Southeast Tennis and Learning 2.5.1 Based on USTA Concept Design – Design Layout #3, the Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to the following programmatic requirements: Indoor Amenities: Outdoor Amenities:
General Project Scope. In accordance with Section 14304 of the California Public Resources Code, projects of the Contractor (“Projects”) shall be directed toward providing opportunities to the public for the use of natural resources and environmentally important public lands and waters, while at the same time providing young men and women with an opportunity for personal development in a variety of basic skills. Projects shall be selected by mutual agreement of the City and Contractor on the basis of the environmental and natural resource benefits offered, the opportunities for public use, and the value of on-the-job training for corpsmembers. The City recognizes that the resources of the Contractor are limited, and the public service conservation work of the Contractor may be altered in priority from time to time. Examples of typical Projects which might be selected by agreement between the City and Contractor include landscaping, park maintenance, concrete repair, litter and graffiti abatement, recycling, steam cleaning, or emergency assistance such as preparing sand bags or road closures.