GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. A. Time period covered. The provisions of this agreement shall be in effect for year(s), commencing on the day of _______________, 19______. This lease shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter unless written notice of termination is given by either party to the other at least days prior to expiration of this lease or the end of any year of continuation. B. Review of lease. A written request is required for a general review of the lease or for consideration of proposed changes by either party, at least days prior to the final date for giving notice to terminate the lease as specified in II-A.
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. OF PROPERTY is amended by adding the following text (additions are shown as capitalized, underlined text, deletions are shown as stricken):
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. 3.1 The Lessee agrees & acknowledges that the Lessee does not have any right, title or interest in any lands, buildings, common areas, facilities and amenities falling outside the said Residential Complex, and that the Lessee’s right in Common Area & Services (provided at the Residential Complex) are limited to a right to access & use of such Common Area & Services, (subject to the terms as made applicable to such usage/access from time to time). The Lessee further acknowledges that it shall not have any rights over the roofs , /terraces above and outside their Apartment(s) or the Building Block(s), i.e. excluding exclusive terraces allotted to them as a part of the Apartment and/or any right in respect of any additional FSI/FAR if it is allowed in respect of the Schedule Land and/or Sector-A Land; the Lessor alone shall be entitled to consume such additional FSI/FAR.24 3.2 In case owing to statutory stipulations or industry best practices, it is necessary to provide or install any specific/ new/ additional devices or equipment for any pollution or hazard detection or control at the Residential Complex or within the Leased Property post handover of the Leased Property, then costs for providing/installing such devices/ equipment shall be proportionately borne/ paid by the Lessee on basis of Super Area of Lessee’s Leased Property in relation to the overall super area of all Residential Units forming part of the Residential Complex. In such an event, any demand for payment of such costs/ charges by the Lessor on the Lessee shall be final and binding.25 3.3 The Lessee shall pay the applicable Taxes either directly to the concerned authorities or public bodies or concerned entities or through the Lessor (as required under the Applicable laws). The Lessee undertakes to promptly pay the Taxes on the relevant due dates, particularly so as not to cause any prejudice to the Residential Complex or to other allottees/ occupants/ lessees, thereat. 23 Clause updated on 30/07/2013 24 Clause updated on 30/07/2013 25 Clause updated on 30/07/2013 3.4 At an appropriate stage, an association or body of all allottee(s) or lessee(s) or occupant(s) at the Residential Complex may be formed or caused to be formed by the Lessor, in which event, the Lessee shall be entitled and obligated (if so mandated) to become a member of such association or body by complying with all the terms, rules & regulations as may be stipulated for such membership. 3.5 Pursuant to execution of the Lease ...
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. Section 2.1 Lease of Leased Property to SAMP..............................................................
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. 20 Section 2.1 Lease of Leased Property to Developer. 20
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. The General terms of Lease and Development Brief all applicable to the PREMISES annexed hereto signed by the parties as relevant hereto, shall form an integral part of this Lease.
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby hires from Landlord Expansion Space A upon and subject to all of the terms, covenants and conditions of the Lease except as expressly provided herein.
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. A. Time period covered. The provisions of this agreement shall be in effect for three (3) years, commencing on the 1st day of February, 2019. This lease shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter until January 30, 2022, unless written notice of termination is given by either party to the other at least 60 days prior to expiration of this lease or the end of any year of continuation. B. Review of lease. A written request is required for general review of the lease or for consideration of proposed changes by either party, at least 60 days prior to the final date for giving notice to terminate the lease as specified in II-A.
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE a. The term of this lease shall be 3 calendar years, commencing on January 01, 2022 and ending on December 31, 2024. b. Amendments and alterations to this lease shall be in writing and shall be signed by both the Property Owner and the Tenants
GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE. A. Term - The provisions of this lease agreement shall be in effect for twenty years commencing on the sixth day of June, 2001, and shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter unless written notice of termination is given by either party thirty days prior to expiration of this lease.