Head Clerk Sample Clauses

Head Clerk. A Head Clerk is an employee who has been assigned by the Employer to direct or supervise the work of others. The mere fact that two (2) persons work together does not mean that one is a Head Clerk. The intent of the Head Clerk classification shall not be used to circumvent this Agreement. The Grocery Back Door Receiver shall be a Head Clerk position.
Head Clerk. A head clerk is an employee who, in addit­ ion to the duties of a regular clerk as hereinabove set forth, per­ forms one of the following duties: 1. Acts in the capacity of assisting the managing clerk in his duties; or 2. Acts in the capacity of assisting the o’-’ner ’"here the omor is actively engaged in the business performing tl e duties of a managing clerk; or
Head Clerk. A Head Clerk is an employee who in addition to the duties of a regular clerk or checker as hereinabove set forth, performs one of the following duties: 1. Acts as a department man­ ager having charge of and super­ vision over a department, except in such instances as set forth in subsection (b) of this section de­ fining the duties of a regular clerk or checker. 2. Acts as produce buyer. 3. Acts in the capacity of as­ sisting the managing clerk in his duties; or acts in the capicity of assisting the owner where the owner is actively engaged in the business performing the duties of managing clerk, or performs the duties of a managing clerk in his absence, and generally supervises the conduct of a store. The mere occasional or incidental performance of a duty of a man­ aging clerk while the managing clerk is on the job shall not be construed as the basis for clas­ sifying an employee as a head clerk. This subsection shall not apply to stores where not more than two people, including the owner, are working therein where either: (1) The owner is actively en­ gaged in the business perform­ ing the duties of a managing clerk, or
Head Clerk. A Head Clerk is a non-supervisory employee who in a d d itio n to his duties as a Regular Clerk, performs one or more of the following duties: 1. Conducts the operation of the store in the tempo­ xxxx x x sen ce of the Supervisory Store Manager, Managing Clerk or owner, or is responsible for the opening or closing of a store. 2. Is in charge of the produce department, section or area. 3. Has the authority and responsibility of buying or selecting merchandise for a department, section or area, or directs other employees in the performance of their duties in such department, section or area. It is understood that the Employer may so arrange the employee’s duties and work shifts in order that the num­ ber of Head Clerks may be minimized, and further that the mere occasional or incidental performance of any of the Head Clerk’ s duties shall not be construed as a basis for classifying any employee as Head Clerk. It is agreed, however, that in the absence of the Supervisory Store Manager, Managing Clerk or the owner, there shall be at least one (1) Head Clerk on the job at all times. When a clerk, who is not normally classified and paid as a Head Clerk on a weekly basis, performs the duties of a Head Clerk on a day in which either the regular Head Clerk, Supervisory Manager, Managing Clerk or owner is absent, he shall receive the Head Clerk’ s rate of pay for the day.
Head Clerk. A Head Clerk is a non-supervisory employee, who, in addi­ tion to his duties of Clerk, in the course and scope of his employment performs one or more of the following: (1) Acts as produce buyer at the store, or assists management in the operation of a Produce Section or Department. (2) Is engaged the major part of his time in the receiving department of the Employer’s establishment, and is in charge of and responsible for the receiving of merchandise. (3) Conducts the operation of the store in the temporary absence of the Store Manager, the Assistant Man­ ager, or the owner, or is responsible for the opening or closing of a store; provided that if the owner or Store Manager is absent from the store for one full shift or more, the Assistant Manager or a Head Clerk as the case may be, shall be paid at the Re­ lief Manager’s rate for all such hours worked in the absence of the owner or Store Manager. In every store having three (3) or more full-time employees, where one or more of the employees perform the duties of Head Clerk as a regular part of their employment, the Employer shall designate at least one of said employees to act as Head Clerk; provided, however, that the Employer may combine and re­ arrange the duties performed by his em­ ployees in order to minimize the number of Head Clerks required. In Night Stocking Crews where a Clerk has the responsibility of a Head Clerk, he shall be classified and paid as a Head Clerk.
Head Clerk. A Head Clerk is a non-supervisory employee, who, in addi­ tion to his duties of Clerk, in the course and scope of his employment performs one or more of the following: (1) Acts as Produce Buyer at the store, or is assigned responsibility by the Employer for the profitable oper­ ation of a Produce Section or Depart­ ment. (2) Is engaged the major part of his time in the receiving department of the Employer’s establishment and is in charge of and responsible for the receiving of merchandise. (3) Conducts the operation of the store in the temporary absence of the Store Manager or the owner, or is re­ sponsible for the opening or closing of a store; provided that if the owner or Store Manager is absent from the store for one full shift or more, the Head Clerk shall be paid at the Relief Manager’s rate for all such hours worked in the absence of the owner or Store Manager. In every store having three (3) or more full-time employees, where one or more of the employees perform the duties of Head Clerk as a regular part of their employment, the Employer shall designate at least one of said employees to act as Head Clerk; provided, however, In Night Stocking Crews where a Clerk has the responsibility of a Head Clerk, he shall be classified and paid as a Head Clerk. Produce Manager or Buyer: This class­ ification shall apply to an employee hav­ ing charge of a Produce Department, or to an employee who goes to the Whole­ sale Produce Market to buy produce. (i) If any employee is required to travel from one place to another during the course of the performance of the day’s work, said employee shall be com­ pensated for such time and for any legitimate expenses incurred. Such em­ ployees shall be reimbursed for public transportation expense or be granted mileage allowance at the rate of eight that the Employer may combine and re­
Head Clerk. Head Clerks are employees assigned the duties of directing the operation of the store or store departments, and exercising supervision over the store employees for an entire shift. B.1 This Addendum applies to all departments (other than the Grocery Department covered by Schedule “A”) for which UFCW Local No. 1439 has obtained bargaining authorization in existing departments in existing stores covered by this Labor Agreement. All language, conditions and benefits of this Agreement shall apply to employees in the Ancillary Departments, unless modified herein. B.2 For Employees Hired Before September 26, 1991: Current 9/27/20 9/26/21 9/25/22 Head Bakery Sales Clerk* $13.63 $14.53 $15.43 $16.33 Journeyperson Clerk 13.34 14.24 15.14 16.04 The progression step hours were not printed, however they still exist for Apprentices that were hired prior to September 6, 2012, if any. B.3 The following are the minimum hourly rates of pay and effective dates for all indicated classifications of employees in Ancillary Departments hired on or after September 6, 2012, subject to any adjustments required under the Health & Welfare Article: Current 9/27/20 9/26/21 9/25/22 Head Bakery Sales Clerk* $13.63 $14.53 $15.43 $16.33 Journeyperson Clerk 13.07 13.97 14.87 15.77 Apprentices: Current 9/27/20 7/1/21 7/1/22 7/1/23 0 – 1040 hours 11.60 11.60 12.10 12.60 13.30 1041 – 2080 hours 11.65 11.65 12.15 12.65 13.35 2081 – 3120 hours 11.70 11.70 12.20 12.70 13.40 3121 – 3640 hours 11.75 11.75 12.25 12.75 13.45 3641 – 4160 hours 11.80 11.80 12.30 12.80 13.50 4161 – 4680 hours 11.85 11.85 12.35 12.85 13.55 4681 – 5200 hours 11.90 11.90 12.40 12.90 13.60 5201 – 5720 hours 11.95 11.95 12.45 12.95 13.65 5721 – 6240 hours 12.00 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.70 6241 – 6760 hours 12.05 12.05 12.55 13.05 13.75 6761 – 7280 hours 12.10 12.10 12.60 13.10 13.80 7281 – 7800 hours 12.15 12.15 12.65 13.15 13.85 7801 – 8840 hours 12.20 12.20 12.70 13.20 13.90 * Employees in the Head Bakery Sales Clerk classification shall be designated solely at the discretion of the Employer, and this discretion includes whether there shall be any employees in the classification. B.4 No employees shall be paid less than a minimum of ten cents (10¢) per hour above the then current Oregon minimum wage. B.5 All employees who are employed to work in an ancillary department shall devote their time exclusively to that department. Any ancillary department employees who do any work in the grocery department shall receive the rate of p...
Head Clerk. A head clerk is a non-supervisory employee who, in addition to his duties as regular clerk, performs one or more of the following duties: 1. Acts in the capacity of assisting the store man­ ager in his duties. 2. Acts in the capacity of assisting the owner where the owner is actively engaged in the business performing the duties of a store manager. 3. Performs the duties of a store manager in his absence and generally supervises the conduct of a store during said time. 4. Does the buying for that department. 5. Is responsible for the cash receipts of a department. 6. Has administrative and supervisory responsibili­ ties for a department, including stock handling and display. 7. Supervises other clerks in a department or is in charge of opening or closing the store. It is understood that the Employer may so arrange the employees' duties and work shifts that the number of Head Clerks may be minimized and further, that the mere occasional or incidental performance of any of the Head Clerk’s duties shall not be construed as a basis for classifying any employee as Head Clerk. When a clerk who is not normally classified and paid as a Head Clerk on a weekly basis performs the duties of a Head Clerk on the day on which either the regu­ lar Head Clerk or the manager is absent, he shall receive the Head Clerk's rate of pay for the day.
Head Clerk. A Head Clerk is a non-supervisory employee, who, in addi­ tion to his duties of Clerk, in the course and scope of his employment performs one or more of the following: (1) Acts as Produce Buyer, or is assigned responsibility by the Em­ ployer for the profitable operation of a Produce Section or Department. (2) Is engaged the major part of his time in the receiving department of the Employer’s establishment and is in charge of and responsible for the receiving of merchandise. (3) Conducts the operation of the store in the temporary absence of the Store Manager or the owner or is re­ sponsible for the opening or closing of a store; provided that if the owner or Store Manager is absent from the store for one full shift or more, the Head Clerk shall be paid at the rate of not less than $3.4525 straight time per hour for all such hours worked in the absence of the owner or Manager, Xxx­ xxxx 1, 1961; $3.5525 per hour Janu­ ary 1, 1962; and $3.6275 per hour Jan­ uary 1, 1963, except as provided in Section 9b. In every store having three (3) or more fulltime employees, where one or more of the employees perform the du­ ties of Head Clerk as a regular part of their employment, the Employer shall In Night Stocking Crews where a Clerk has the responsibility of a Head Clerk, he shall be classified and paid as a Head Clerk. pay is due, regardless of the time of year, prorated on the basis of full months’ periods worked, provided that the employee has been in the continuous designate at least one of said employees (c) All the provisions of this agree­ employ of the Employer for ninety (90) to act as Head Clerk; provided, however, that the Employer may combine and re­ arrange the duties performed by his em­ ployees in order to minimize the number of Head Clerks required. ment apply to Delicatessen operators and the following is the DELICATESSEN SCHEDULE of wages and classifica­ tions: days or longer. When employment is terminated by reason of sale or the closing of the store where an employee is employed, such employee shall receive pro-rated xxxx­ C O O K S A N D P A N T R Y M E N . A n y p e rs o n e m p lo y e d to d o a n y c o o k in g o r to a s s i s t in T U U K ln g o r to p re p a re m e a ts, m a k e s a la d s o r s a n d w ic h e s , s h a l l be r e c o g n iz e d a n d p a id not le ss t h a n th e C o o k ’s a n d P a n t r y m e n ’s w a g e . H E A D C O O K . A t le a st o n e H e a d C o o k m u s t be re c o g n iz e d a n d p a id a s s u c h in a ...
Head Clerk. 2 Full-time Employees by seniority