Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. 18.1 The CEO and an employee covered by this Agreement may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of this Agreement (including Attachments) if the arrangement:
(a) deals with one or more of the following matters of this Agreement:
(i) arrangements about when work is performed within the span of hours;
(ii) payment for overtime taken as pay or time off in lieu of payment;
(iii) commuted salaries or allowances.
(b) meets the operational needs of PWC;
(c) is genuinely agreed to by the CEO and employee;
(d) is about matters that would be permitted matters if the arrangement were an enterprise agreement;
(e) must not include a term that would be an unlawful term if the arrangement were an enterprise agreement; and
(f) results in the employee being better off overall than the employee would have been if no individual flexibility arrangement were agreed to.
18.2 An employee or the CEO can initiate in writing a request for an individual flexibility arrangement.
18.3 The CEO must ensure that the individual flexibility arrangement:
(a) is in writing;
(b) includes the name of the employee;
(c) is signed by the CEO and employee and, if the employee is under 18 years of age, signed by a parent or guardian of the employee;
(d) includes details of:
(i) the terms of the agreement that will be varied by the arrangement;
(ii) how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms; and
(iii) how the employee will be better off overall in relation to the terms and conditions of his or her employment as a result of the arrangement; and
(e) states the period of operation of the arrangement.
18.4 To take effect, the individual flexibility arrangement must be approved by the CPE and implemented via a determination or other appropriate instrument and the CEO must give the employee a copy of the determination or other appropriate instrument within 14 days of the CPE’s approval.
18.5 The CPE will not approve an individual flexibility arrangement unless he or she is satisfied that the requirements of this clause have been met.
18.6 The CEO or employee may terminate the individual flexibility arrangement:
(a) by giving written notice of not more than 28 days (or in accordance with the FW Act requirements) to the other party to the arrangement; or
(b) if the CEO and employee agree in writing – at any time.
18.7 An employee may choose to be represented by his/her nominated representative in relation to the development and implementation of individ...
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. 16A.1 An Employer and Employee covered by this Agreement may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of the Agreement if:
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. 16A.1 An Employer and Employee covered by this Agreement may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of the Agreement if:
(a) the arrangement deals with one (1) or more of the following matters:
(i) when work is performed;
(ii) overtime rates;
(iii) penalty rates;
(iv) allowances; and/or
(v) leave loading; and
(b) the arrangement meets the genuine needs of the Employer and Employee in relation to one (1) or more of the matters mentioned in subclause 16A.1(a); and
(c) the arrangement is genuinely agreed by the Employer and Employee.
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. This is clause 16 in the current Agreement. Some changes to this clause to more closely align the language with the requirements of the Fair Work Act 2009 cth.
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. This is clause 18 in the current agreement. The inclusion of individual flexibility clauses are a requirement under the FW Act.
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. Equivalent to current clause 13 with the addition of a new sub-clause at 13.1 to explain the purpose of the Individual Flexible Working Arrangements clause. No change to current entitlements or provisions.
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. 39.21.1 The Branch and Employee covered by this Agreement may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of the Agreement if:
a) the arrangement deals with one (1) or more of the following matters:
(i) when work is performed;
(ii) overtime rates;
(iii) penalty rates;
(iv) allowances; and/or
(v) leave loading; and
b) the arrangement meets the genuine needs of the Branch and Employee in relation to one (1) or more of the matters mentioned in subclause (a); and
c) the arrangement is genuinely agreed by the Branch and Employee.
39.21.2 The Employee may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedure in this clause 39.21, including the Union. Except as provided in subclause 39.15.1, the arrangement must not require the approval or consent of a person other than the Branch and the individual Employee.
39.21.3 The Branch must ensure that the terms of the individual flexibility arrangement:
a) are about permitted matters under section 172 of the Act;
b) are not unlawful terms under section 194 of the Act; and
c) result in the Employee being better off overall than the Employee would be if no arrangement was made.
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. This clause has been updated to provide better clarity regarding this provision where changes to employment conditions that aren’t available under the enterprise agreement may be entered into if the employee is better off overall, however these arrangements require the approval of the Commissioner for Public Employment. There was also an update to a perceived deficiency in the NTPS common clauses, this clarifies an agreement arrangement can be entered into that meets the genuine needs of the employee and employer.
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. 8.1 We and an individual Employee may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of this Agreement in relation to the Employee if:
(a) The agreement deals with 1 or more of the following matters
(i) hours of work (clause 6)
(ii) leave loading (clause 15)
(iii) purchased leave (clause 16)
(iv) allowances(clause 28)
(b) The arrangement meets the genuine needs of Us and You in relation to 1 or more of the matters mentioned in paragraph.
(c) The arrangement is genuinely agreed to by You and Us.
8.2 ANMAC must ensure that the terms of the individual flexibility arrangement:
(a) Are about permitted matters under section 172 of the Act
(b) Are not unlawful terms under section 194 of the Act
(c) Result in You being better off overall than You would be if no arrangement was made
8.3 The ANMAC must ensure that the individual flexibility arrangement
(a) Is in writing.
(b) Includes the name of the ANMAC and You.
(c) Is signed by Us and You and if the You are under 18 years of age, signed by Your parent or guardian.
(d) Includes details of:
(i) the terms of this Agreement that will be varied by the arrangement; and
(ii) how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms
(iii) how You will be better off overall in relation to the terms and conditions of Your employment as a result of the arrangement
(iv) states the day on which the arrangement commences.
8.4 We must give You a copy of the individual flexibility arrangement within 14 days after it is agreed to.
8.5 We or You may terminate the individual flexibility arrangement:
(a) By giving no more than 28 days written notice to the other party to the arrangement;
(b) We and You agree in writing — at any time.
9.1 A flexitime scheme is available to all full time ANMAC employees with the exception of the Executive level staff (refer definition). The flexitime scheme enables You to vary working hours, patterns and arrangements to provide flexibility to staff.
9.2 The flexitime scheme allows You to accrue flexitime credits or debits within the bandwidth hours up to a maximum of 10 hours per fortnight that may be carried over to the next fortnightly period.
9.3 With prior approval You will be granted time off to use the flexitime credit on the basis that the flexitime accumulation and absence will not impact on the operational requirements of the business.
9.4 A maximum of 20 hours flexitime credit can be accrued at any one time unless prior approval is sought from Your manager. Where the flex...
Individual Flexible Working Arrangements. There is no change to this clause and it is the same wording from the current clause 48.