Instructor’s Pay Sample Clauses

Instructor’s Pay. When an employee is required to instruct beyond the requirement in the employee's job description or beyond what is part of the employee's normal job functions, that employee shall be paid one (1) hour's pay for each shift or part shift that the employee is so required to instruct.
Instructor’s Pay. On duty instructors will receive a 22% increase in pay. For the purpose of Instructor’s pay, on duty instructors must be working on behalf of the training branch and have prior approval. On duty instructors will receive premium pay (IWD) as outlined below: Employees providing 4 hours or less of instruction time will receive the premium pay for 6 hours. Employees providing more than 4 hours of instruction while on duty will receive the premium pay for a full shift (12 hours).
Instructor’s Pay. An Employee performing an assignment directly related to the Instructor's duties for his/her peers shall receive 110% of his/her base wages for each hour of instruction or part thereof. Assignments include preparation for classroom instruction, curriculum development, COL instruction, classroom instruction, on-road training, and route familiarization.
Instructor’s Pay. Certified Operator and Collector Student Trainers receive a flat allowance of 53¢ per hour, over and above their total earnings for the day, when in charge of trainees.
Instructor’s Pay. Approved and certified instructors will be paid as follows: (a) When employee is assigned to formal on-duty instructor-related duties, while working their normal regular shift, the employee shall receive payment at the Captain’s rate of pay. (b) Payment for time worked as an on-duty instructor shall be based on whether the hours worked comprises interrupted or uninterrupted periods of time. When an employee works as an instructor for an uninterrupted period of three (3) hours or more on a shift, the employee will be compensated with five (5) hours of instructor pay. Where instruction duties exceed an uninterrupted period of six (6) hours on a shift, the employee will be paid for ten (10) hours. (c) When an employee works as an on-duty instructor for interrupted periods during a shift, payment shall be hour for hour, in intervals of 30 minutes. (d) Time worked as an on-duty instructor, before and after paid breaks, shall be considered accumulated uninterrupted time but shall not include incident response time. (e) Off duty instructors will receive payment for the hours worked as an instructor at the Captain’s regular straight time rate of pay and will be compensated for all hours as an instructor, with a minimum of three (3) hours. (f) Time worked as an on-duty Instructor will be paid. Time for off-duty Instructors may be banked and replenished up to a maximum of 36 hours per calendar year and may be used as paid time off, at the employee’s base rate of pay. Paid time off shall always be regarded as a day shift or night shift. If not used by the calendar year end in which it is earned, banked time shall be paid out at the prevailing Captain’s regular straight rate of pay in the following year. (g) If mutually agreed, off duty instructors may request a lieu day (a shift) in lieu of payment as an Instructor, the scheduling of which will not attract overtime. This option shall be available for a scheduled full day on instruction, as scheduled by the applicable Chief Officer. A full day of instruction shall be a minimum of eight (8) hours. The lieu shift shall be scheduled immediately and taken within sixty (60) calendar days of the shift earned. The Corporation may cancel the scheduled shift with seven (7) calendar days’ notice. Upon cancellation by the Corporation, the shift shall be scheduled immediately and taken within sixty (60) calendar days of the cancellation. (h) When instructors attend instructor meetings, workshops or training, payment shall be in a...
Instructor’s Pay. Employees acting as instructors shall receive a 5% differential over their base rate of pay. Preparation time will be paid when new material is developed or when the instructor is new to the material. Preparation time will be paid at a one-to-one ratio for each hour of initial presentation time. Section 25.7. Contact Nurse Pay. Employees acting in the contact nurse role shall receive an additional $1.50/hour for all hours worked as contact nurse each pay period.
Instructor’s Pay. Approved and certified instructors will be paid as follows: (a) When employee is assigned to formal instructor duties, while working their normal regular shift, the employee shall receive payment at the Captain’s rate of pay. When an employee instructs for three (3) hours or more, the employee will be compensated with five (5) hours of instructor pay. Where instruction time exceeds (6) hours, the employee will be paid for ten (10) hours. (b) Off duty instructors will receive payment for the hours worked as an instructor at the Captain’s regular straight time rate of pay and will be compensated for all hours as an instructor, with a minimum of three (3) hours. (c) Time may be banked, up to a maximum of 36 hours and if not used (hour for hour) by the calendar year end in which it is earned, will be paid out at the prevailing Captain’s regular straight rate of pay. (d) At the discretion of the Fire Chief, banked instructor days as of 2012 December 31, not used by 2013 December 31, may be paid out at the prevailing Captain’s regular straight rate of pay.
Instructor’s Pay. Employees acting as instructors shall receive a 5% differential over their base rate of pay. Preparation time will be paid when new material is developed or when the instructor is new to the material. Preparation time will be paid at a one-to-one ratio for each hour of initial presentation time.

Related to Instructor’s Pay

  • Instructors 7.1 All instructors teaching COLLEGE courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must meet the minimum qualifications for instruction in a California community college as set forth in sections 53410 and 58060 of Title V of the California Code of Regulations, as required or hired as part of an Instructional Service Agreement. Instructor qualifications are consistent with requirements courses given by the WVMCCD. Cal. Code Regs., Title 5, § 53410. 7.2 Consistent with the terms negotiated between WVMCCD and the faculty union, WVMFT instructors for courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement shall be assigned as follows: • Courses will first be offered to regular faculty of COLLEGE that meet the above- stated minimum qualifications and have participated. • If courses are not filled by regular faculty, they will be offered to COLLEGE adjunct faculty who possess contractual rehire preference rights, and who meet the above-stated minimum qualifications. • If courses are still not filled, they may be offered to junior adjunct faculty and employees of CUHSD who meet the above-stated minimum qualifications. 7.3 WVMCCD shall be solely responsible for all salaries, wages, and benefits due to dual enrollment faculty who are WVMCCD employees. The CUHSD shall be solely responsible for the salaries, wages, and benefits due to the dual enrollment faculty who are CUHSD employees, unless otherwise agreed by CUHSD and WVMCCD. 7.4 The CCAP Agreement Appendix A shall specify which participating institution, either CUHSD or WVMCCD, will be the employer of record for purposes of assignment monitoring and reporting to the county office of education. (Ed. Code § 76004 (m)(1).) 7.5 CUHSD will assume reporting responsibilities pursuant to applicable federal teacher quality mandates. (Ed. Code § 76004 (m)(2).) 7.6 Instructors who teach courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must provide the supervision and control reasonably necessary for the protection of the health and safety of students and may not have any other assigned duty during the instructional activity. In the event of an emergency during the teaching of a course, instructors will act in accordance with WVMCCD policies, procedures and code of conduct and inform CUHSD as soon as reasonably possible. If the course is held on CUHSD property, instructors shall follow the direction of the Principal or his/her designee to coordinate the safety of the students in attendance during the emergency. 7.7 Instructors who teach courses under this CCAP Agreement shall comply with the fingerprinting requirements set forth in Ed Code section 45125 or as amended; the tuberculosis testing and risk assessment requirements of California Health and Safety Code section121525 or as amended; completion of training on mandated reporting as set forth in Education Code section 44691or as amended; and submission of a New Employee Data Input Form (i.e., Emergency Contact Information). In addition to any other prohibition or provision, no person who has been convicted of a violent or serious felony, as defined by Education Code section 44332.6 (c) shall be eligible to teach any courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement or otherwise provide services on a CUHSD site. The CCAP Agreement Appendix shall specify additional procedures for faculty under this agreement. 7.8 Prior to teaching, faculty provided by the CUHSD shall receive discipline-specific training and an orientation from WVMCCD at COLLEGE regarding, but not limited to, course curriculum, assessment criteria, pedagogy, course philosophy, testing and grading procedures record keeping, and other instructional responsibilities. Said training shall be approved by WVMCCD. In the event WVMCCD and CUHSD disagree regarding faculty training guidelines, the parties agree to meet and confer in good faith. If the parties cannot reach agreement within a reasonable time, WVMCCD shall make the final decision regarding the appropriate training and orientation for CUHSD faculty. 7.9 Faculty provided by the CUHSD may participate in professional development activities sponsored by the WVMCCD and shall be encouraged to participate in ongoing collegial activities address items such as address course content, course delivery, assessment, evaluation, and/or research and development in the field. 7.10 Faculty performance of all instructors, regardless of whether they are WVMCCD or CUHSD employees shall be evaluated by WVMCCD using the adopted evaluation process and standards for faculty of the WVMCCD. In conducting the evaluation, WVMCCD will provide CUHSD the opportunity to provide input. Such input will be given reasonable consideration. 7.11 WVMCCD shall determine the number of instructors, the ratio of instructors to students, and the subject areas of instruction, subject to approval by CUHSD. In the event of any disagreement, the parties agree to meet and confer in good faith. If the parties do not reach agreement, WVMCCD shall make the final determination.

  • Instructor Associated with the position of Instructor is a nominal workload of 195 hours per half-credit course. This nominal workload is normally made up of scheduled contact time with students and non-classroom time. The non-classroom time is made up of preparation of lectures, student consultation, marking or grading and course administration, including grade appeals and cases of academic dishonesty. In the case of a two-hour lecture per week, or the equivalent of a two-hour lecture per week, the incumbent shall also be responsible for the first hour of seminar in each course. Upon request by an Instructor, the Employer and the Instructor will review the workload for the course to ensure that assigned duties can be completed within the assigned workload of 195 nominal hours per half credit course (see Article 22.01 (a)). If it is determined that the work cannot be completed within the assigned time, the Employer may either 1) amend the contract to provide enough nominal hours to complete assigned duties; 2) provide additional resources (e.g. TAs, Course Coordinators, Marker-Graders, etc) to assist the member in completing the work within the assigned time; or 3) confirm the original workload assignment. In the case that the employer confirms the original workload assignment, the employee may request written instruction on how to complete the duties in the assigned time. If requested by the employee, the employer shall provide such written instruction.

  • Check Meters Developer, at its option and expense, may install and operate, on its premises and on its side of the Point of Interconnection, one or more check meters to check Connecting Transmission Owner’s meters. Such check meters shall be for check purposes only and shall not be used for the measurement of power flows for purposes of this Agreement, except as provided in Article 7.4 below. The check meters shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection and examination by Connecting Transmission Owner or its designee. The installation, operation and maintenance thereof shall be performed entirely by Developer in accordance with Good Utility Practice.

  • Longevity Pay If an employee leaves State Classified employment and later is rehired, he/she shall receive no longevity pay. However, once such a rehired employee has been in pay status for five (5) years, all previous service time shall be credited for longevity pay. The only exception shall be for employees rehired who repay severance pay received. (See Article 22, Section Q.)

  • What Forms of Distribution Are Available from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Distributions may be made as a lump sum of the entire account, or distributions of a portion of the account may be made as requested.

  • Payment of Wages With the agreement of the majority of the employees, the company may elect to pay wages weekly by electronic funds transfer (EFT) to up to two accounts of the employee’s choice.

  • First Aid Training In the interests of the occupational safety and health of employees, the Employer will undertake an in-service program of first aid training aimed at providing a first aid officer for each department.

  • Department’s Contract Manager The Department’s Contract Manager, who is primarily responsible for the Department’s oversight of the Contract, will be identified in a separate writing to the Contractor upon Contract signing in the following format: Department’s Contract Manager Name Department’s Name Department’s Physical Address Department’s Telephone # Department’s Email Address If the Department changes the Contract Manager, the Department will notify the Contractor. Such a change does not require an amendment to the Contract.

  • Longevity Payments Each July 1, the District will determine the eligibility of employees for longevity payments under this Section, to be paid in one lump sum payment during the following June. Amounts paid shall be as follows: Completed years of service as of July 1 Amount to be paid the following June 20-24 $300.00 25-29 $400.00 30 or more $500.00 The longevity set forth in this Section shall only be paid in the case where the employee has worked the full work year.

  • Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.