Interim Positions Sample Clauses

Interim Positions. A. Interim positions are those positions in which the work is of a temporary nature and the duration is fixed by the length of absence of an employee on an approved leave of absence. The duration of interim positions shall not exceed thirty (30) days plus the length of the leave of absence. Current bargaining unit employees may receive internal interim appointments to another position within a bargaining unit covered by the terms of this Agreement; and shall be compensated as a temporary working level (TWL) pay supplement. B. Internal Interim Appointments to Non-Bargaining Unit Positions Bargaining unit employees may receive internal interim appointments to positions which are not covered by this Agreement; and shall be compensated as a temporary working level. Such employees will be considered members of the bargaining unit for the duration of the interim assignment, but shall not represent either the Employer or the Union in Labor/Management issues or the administration of this Agreement while holding the interim appointment.
Interim Positions. Interim positions are those positions in which the work is of a temporary nature and the duration is fixed by the length of absence of an employee on an approved leave of absence. The duration of interim positions shall not exceed thirty (30) days plus the length of the leave of absence.
Interim Positions. Interim positions meet short-term, less than one (1) year, workload needs and will be posted in accordance with this article. Interim positions are not to be utilized to replace vacant supervisory or management positions for any length of time. Nurses in interim positions accrue seniority and are eligible for all benefits associated with the position, but have no guarantee of assignment as a regular employee to the position. Upon termination of an interim position, the RN may take a vacant position as outlined in Section 19.4 or elect to be placed on the layoff list. The nurse may not bump another employee.
Interim Positions. When an employee fills an interim position and it ends, that employee will be returned to the same or comparable position within the same geographic area. If position(s) have been eliminated, the RIF procedure will be used for reassignment. If the individual on leave does not return, those placed in interim positions shallbe assigned to those positions. The time served in the interim assignment will count towards seniority and salary advancement.
Interim Positions. Resource nurses will be given the opportunity to apply to work or job share hours for the entire period associated with interim positions which remain unfilled after house-wide posting. A resource nurse transferring to an interim position will be compensated at an appropriate hourly rate of pay with benefits and will accrue seniority. The nurse may also opt to continue as a resource nurse while assigned to an interim position for all purposes (including compensation), except that the nurse will be treated the same as a regular nurse for the purpose of curtailment or cancellation.
Interim Positions. 25 Interim positions are those that exist and are filled for a specifically limited period of time and/or 26 during existence of specifically limited situations.
Interim Positions. Special Assignments shall not be considered vacancies for the purpose of recall.
Interim Positions. A. Interim positions are those positions in which the work is of a temporary nature and the duration is fixed by the length of absence of an employee on an approved leave of absence. The duration of interim positions shall not exceed thirty (30) days plus the length of the leave of absence. Current bargaining unit employees may receive internal interim appointments to another position within a bargaining unit covered by the terms of this Agreement; and shall be compensated as a temporary working level (TWL) pay supplement. B. Internal Interim Appointments to Non-Bargaining Unit Positions Bargaining unit employees may receive internal interim appointments to positions which are not covered by this Agreement; and shall be compensated as a temporary working level. Such employees will be considered members of the bargaining unit for the duration of the interim assignment, but shall not represent either the Employer or the Union in Labor/Management issues or the administration of this Agreement while holding the interim appointment. and such termination is considered for just cause. Employees in intermittent positions shall be hired at Step 1 of the appropriate pay range for their classification. The employees in the intermittent positions shall not serve a probationary period. The employees in the intermittent positions are not eligible for step increases or longevity or any contractual benefits received by permanent employees (e.g., vision, dental, life, health insurance, holiday pay, leave accruals, any other paid leave, shift differential, pay supplements, etc.). Those employees who are currently receiving steps and longevity shall be permitted to maintain them until they are separated. No contribution will be made to the UBT or UET for the intermittent positions. Intermittent positions are not subject to the layoff provisions of Article 18. Employees in intermittent positions shall be terminated before any full or part-time permanent employee in the same classification and work unit, as mutually agreed, is laid off. Employees in intermittent positions shall not have recall or reemployment rights.
Interim Positions. Interim positions meet short-term, less than one (1) 20 year, workload needs and will be posted in accordance with this article. Nurses in 21 interim positions accrue seniority and are eligible for all benefits associated with the 22 position, but have no guarantee of assignment as a regular employee to the position.
Interim Positions. Interim positions meet short-term, less than one (1) year, workload needs and will be posted in accordance with this Article. RNs in interim positions accrue seniority and are eligible for all benefits associated with the position, but have no guarantee of assignment as a regular employee to the position. Upon termination of an interim position, the RN may take a vacant position as outlined in Section 19.3 or elect to be placed on the preferential hire list. The RN may not bump another employee.