Job Review. Where an Employee applies for a full-time position at the University of Guelph (inclusive of jobs described in the Postings and Appointments Article 21) and does not get hired, the Employee may request a meeting with a member of the selection committee to receive feedback on their job application. The Parties understand and agree that this meeting is to be for pedagogical purposes only and does not include any right for the Employee to be accompanied by a Union Representative.
Job Review. 16.01 The Board shall maintain a Job Placement Manual that shall contain the descriptions of all Job Families and Phases pursuant to the Collective Agreement. The Job Placement Manual shall be made available to Employees upon request.
16.02 An Employee (or Supervisor) who believes that a Position is incorrectly placed in a Job Family, or Phase within a Job Family, may apply for a Job Review. The procedure for applying will be as follows:
(a) The Employee will make written application, dated and signed, to the Supervisor, that the Position be reviewed.
(b) Within two (2) months of the written application, the Employee and Supervisor will develop or update a Job Profile describing the work performed at the time of review. Should the Employee and Supervisor not agree on the Job Profile, either Party may involve Human Resources and/or the Union for assistance.
(c) The Employee will be permitted a reasonable amount of work time to complete the Job Profile.
(d) The updated and appropriately signed Job Profile will be forwarded to Human Resources with a request in writing to review the placement of the Position in the Job Family and/or Phase.
(e) Based on the Job Profile, Human Resources will review the Position for placement in the Job Family and/or Phase.
(f) Human Resources will give its decision in writing to the Employee and Supervisor within two (2) months from the date the request was submitted to the Human Resources Department.
16.03 The Job Review will be based on the work performed up to the time of application.
16.04 Where as a result of a Job Review, an Employee’s Position is reclassified to a higher Job Family and/or Phase, and the Employee’s current salary is below the Mid-point of the new Job Family and/or Phase, the Board shall grant a salary increase equivalent to at least one Salary Increment as described in Clause 45.02, retroactive to the first of the month following the date on which the Employee submitted the Job Review request to the Supervisor. Salary increases may be granted in other circumstances as determined by the Board.
16.05 When a Job Review does not result in a change to Job Family or Phase, the Board shall give the Employee the reasons in writing.
Job Review. If an employee or his/her supervisor believes that a unit job has substantially and materially changed, a proposal may be submitted to the Human Resources Officer. The Human Resources Officer shall review the position and issue his/her decision within 90 days of receipt of the proposal. If a change is approved by the Human Resources Officer it shall be forwarded to the President, Trustees and the Office of the Chancellor for their discretionary approvals. This shall be non- grievable.
Job Review. (a) The Employer agrees to review any existing job at the request of the Union when the Union feels that the job content has changed to the degree that an increase in salary is indicated. Individual members desiring a review of their own jobs must first submit a request to the President. If unable to achieve a satisfactory disposition at this level, they may after fifteen (15) days refer this matter to the Union for further action.
(b) General Duty Lists for all Clerical positions for which the Union is the bargaining agent shall be as presently agreed to by the Staff Union and the Employer.
(c) The parties will develop jointly agreed-to documents for all Clerical positions which will be completed no later than April 1, 1999. A joint dispute/resolution committee will be established to resolve any job content issues. Disputes on wage rates shall be referred to the grievance process or collective bargaining.
Job Review. 15 Any employee who believes their job has changed significantly may request re-evaluation.
Job Review. 16.01 The Board shall maintain a Job Placement Manual that shall contain the descriptions of all Job Families and Phases pursuant to the Collective Agreement. The Job Placement Manual shall be made available to Employees upon request.
16.02 An Employee (or Supervisor) who believes that a Position is incorrectly placed in a Job Family, or Phase within a Job Family, may apply for a Job Review. The procedure for applying will be as follows:
(a) The Employee may contact Human Resources and/ or the Union at any time for information related to this process
(b) The Employee will make written application, dated and signed, to the Supervisor, that the Position be reviewed.
(c) Within two (2) months of the written application, the Employee and Supervisor will develop or update a Job Profile describing the work performed at the time of review. Should the Employee and Supervisor not agree on the Job Profile, either Party may involve Human Resources and/or the Union for assistance.
(d) The Employee will be permitted a reasonable amount of work time to complete the Job Profile.
(e) The updated and appropriately signed Job Profile will be forwarded to Human Resources with a request in writing to review the placement of the Position in the Job Family and/or Phase. The Employee will be copied on this communication.
(f) Based on the Job Profile, Human Resources will review the Position for placement in the Job Family and/or Phase.
(g) Human Resources will give its decision in writing to the Employee and Supervisor within two (2) months from the date the request was submitted to the Human Resources Department.
16.03 The Job Review will be based on the work performed up to the time of application and the Job Placement Manual.
16.04 Where as a result of a Job Review, an Employee’s Position is reclassified to a higher Job Family and/or Phase, and the Employee’s current salary is below the Mid- point of the new Job Family and/or Phase, the Board shall grant a salary increase equivalent to at least one Salary Increment as described in Clause 45.02, retroactive to the first of the month following the date on which the Employee submitted the Job Review request to the Supervisor. Salary increases may be granted in other circumstances as determined by the Board.
16.05 When a Job Review does not result in a change to Job Family or Phase, the Board shall give the Employee the reasons in writing.
Job Review. Employees covered by this Agreement will be evaluated and informed as to their job performance by their supervisor and/or principal a minimum of once a year. The evaluation will be based upon their job description. If work performance is unsatisfactory, the employee will be informed and afforded an opportunity to improve. Three consecutive unsatisfactory performance evaluations of the employee, a minimum of 30 days apart, shall be sufficient for dismissal. Employees in disagreement with an evaluation by the supervisor or school principal may ask the Shop Xxxxxxx to schedule a meeting to review the evaluation with the Business Administrator, and after this meeting with the Superintendent.
Job Review. Employees who believe there has been a change in their duties performed may submit a written request for job review to their supervisor. The Employer shall review all such requests and shall respond to both the employee and the supervisor within twenty (20) working days.
Job Review. The Company agrees to review existing jobs that are not classified and newly-created jobs, and to establish rates for same during the terms of this Agreement.
Job Review. Reclassification requests for a position may be submitted by the employee and the supervisor only after an employee has been in the position for one year and the job responsibilities have significantly changed. In the event that the supervisor does not support the reclassification request, the employee may appeal to the next-level supervisor. A rationale, i.e., a completed position questionnaire, shall accompany such request and be submitted to the Chief Human Resources Officer. Both the Office of Human Resources and the Staff Council shall approve any proposed change to the position questionnaire. Such request shall be submitted for any individual employee’s position and shall be processed according to the following schedule: March 1 File with Office of Human Resources 20 Business Days Later College Job Review Committee reviews and makes a recommendation with full reasons therefore. 15 Business Days Later If the employee is dissatisfied with the decision of the College Job Review Committee, the Union Job Review Committee may file an appeal on the employee’s behalf. 10 Business Days Later Job Appeal Committee reviews the documentation that was previously submitted to the College Job Review Committee and provides their decision to the College President.