Joint Roles and Responsibilities. DVR and the EN will establish Ticket liaisons who will work together as needed to ensure consumer's informed choice is respected. This will include informing consumers of the options spelled out under Section B, Roles and Responsibilities of this agreement.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities. 12.1 The parties undertake jointly to contribute towards mutual support and full collaboration in all areas covered by this MoU and in all activities undertaken jointly or singly in pursuance of the objectives of this MoU.
12.2 The beneficiaries, Steering Committee, BTC and BIRUDO will assess the activities under this MoU through site visits and holding meetings with concerned parties.
12.3 The parties shall ensure that access of resources under this MoU does not facilitate the undermining of the environmental policies and laws of the Government of Uganda.
12.4 The parties shall monitor the performance and impact of the activities under this MoU to ensure effective measures that protect the ecosystem and community livelihood.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities. A. The Sheriff's Office and the School Board agree that stated purposes can be achieved only through communication and provision of educational services to these youths.
B. To accomplish this goal, the agencies mutually agree to:
I. Assign staff to exchange pertinent information regarding youth under the age of 22 assigned to jail.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities o Acknowledge that the state government and local governments have shared and overlapping jurisdictions and the need to co-operate to achieve the most effective outcome. Where there are shared policy interests, agreements and alliances may need to be negotiated.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities a. Product Strategy and Features
b. Fairs, events, demonstrations and general advertising;
c. Training of Dealers
d. Service Activities Note: paragraph 7 b,c & d will be as appropriate for Heritage Products.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities. The Province and the City will be jointly responsible for:
i. Continuing to engage and collaborate throughout the design, procurement, construction, delivery and operation of the Program;
ii. Engaging throughout the procurement process, including through the development of procurement documentation and through the technical evaluation of submissions; and
iii. Engaging on the technical and non-commercial local site requirements related to XXX/TOC opportunities, while ensuring due consideration for City initiatives that are planned in the vicinity of the identified Stations.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities. 4.1.1 The Parties are committed to working together in the implementation of the Project which is outlined in a project document. (Annex1)
4.1.2 In the implementation of this agreement, the Parties will endeavour to cooperate with other development partners and relevant institutions in local government and development such as: Local Government Associations, Local Authorities, Civil Society Organisations and Ministries responsible for Local Government and Gender.
4.1.3 The Parties will further develop a mechanism to ensure that the outcomes of the programme are widely disseminated. This should seek to promote knowledge sharing and inform national policy making for local government.
4.1.4 The Parties will, on a regular basis, keep each other informed of, and consult on matters of common interest, which in their opinion are likely to lead to mutual collaboration.
4.1.5 Consultation and exchange of information and documents under this MoU shall be without prejudice to arrangements which may be required to safeguard the confidential and restricted character of certain information and documents. Such arrangements will survive the termination of this MoU and of any agreements signed by the Parties within the scope of this collaboration.
4.1.6 The Parties may invite each other to send observers to meetings or conferences convened by them under their auspices in which, in the opinion of either Party, the other may have interest. Invitations will be subject to the procedures applicable to such meetings or conferences.
4.1.7 Neither Party shall be an agent or representative of the other party.
4.1.8 Each party shall be responsible for its acts and omissions in connection with this MoU and its implementation.
4.1.9 In order to implement the specific activities emanating from this MoU the Parties shall at such intervals as deemed appropriate, convene meetings to review the progress of activities being carried out under the present MoU and to plan future activities, discuss and amend the agreement (where required).
4.1.10 In implementing the project, partners will generally be guided by the principle that the partner best placed to do so, leads in the implementation of key project activities, in line with their comparative advantage.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities. DVR and ERI PLUS will establish Ticket liaisons who will work together as needed to ensure client's informed choice is respected. This will include informing consumers of the options spelled out under Roles and Responsibilities of this agreement.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities. Each Party shall be responsible for the following:
a. Each Party shall assign a representative(s) (“Party Representative(s)”) to help prepare and participate in review of draft work products as provided by Commerce. The Party Representative for SeaTac will communicate any changes to schedules and other pertinent information in a timely manner so as to keep each Party apprised of the status of the Commerce’s work.
b. Time is of the essence for this Study. The Parties shall work expeditiously and in good faith to achieve the smooth progress of review and commenting. This includes allocating adequate staff time and providing all necessary data and other information or materials needed by Commerce to facilitate preparation of the Study.
Joint Roles and Responsibilities. Head Start and School District agree to cooperate and collaborate in the development and implementation of each of the following areas mandated by the Head Start Act of 2007 (42 USC 9831 et seq.):
a. Educational activities, curricular objectives, and instruction
i. Head Start and School District agree to implement research-based curriculum coordination aligned with the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework, the Head Start Program Performance Standards, and the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards.
ii. Head Start and School District agree to engage in ongoing communication for continuity of curricular objectives and shared expectations for children’s learning and development as the children transition to school.
b. Public information dissemination and access to programs for families contacting the Head Start program or the School District preschool program
i. Head Start and School District agree to coordinate to provide community/public information dissemination and resource development to support and improve school readiness.
ii. Head Start and School District agree to engage in ongoing communication between Head Start staff and School District staff, such as teachers, social workers, XxXxxxxx-Xxxxx coordinators, Family Resource Youth Service Coordinators, other federal program coordinators, and health staff that facilitate program coordination.
c. Selection priorities for eligible children to be served by programs
i. Head Start and School District agree to coordinate and engage in child selection, enrollment, and notification practices that will ensure all eligible children will be served by the program.
1. Both parties will meet annually to review eligibility requirements, selection criteria and recruitment lists to establish a system for determining the best placement based on characteristics and need for enrolling families.
2. This process will be coordinated, transparent and seamless for children and families served. A written document will be mutually developed outlining how this process will work.
3. Both parties will ensure 0 (number) four-year-olds will enroll in Head Start on September 1 based on the 1989-90 number of four-year-olds served, or a mutually-agreed upon target that maximizes federal Head Start funds in order to serve as many at- risk four-year-olds in the district as possible. It is mutually understood by both parties that full enrollment for Head Start must be met on the first day of instruction.
4. Both parties will confirm the number ...