LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. 11.01 (a) When the Employer finds it necessary to lay off a permanent employee for a period of more than one (1) week's duration, the Employer shall give such permanent employee and the Union a notice in writing seven
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. (a) Employees who are laid off may choose to be put on a recall list; (b) Employees who choose to not be on the recall list will receive severance paid in accordance with the Employment Standards Act; (c) Employees will be placed on the recall list for a period of twelve (12) months, after which time the lay-off will be deemed to be permanent. (d) Sr. employees on layoff may choose to be recalled out of order
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. The employee shall have the option of first using accumulated paid sick leave and/or personal leave during the leave, but only for days scheduled as work days. In accordance with the FMLA, the employer may require an employee to substitute paid leave for unpaid FMLA leave, but in no case may the employer require that the employee's remaining accumulated paid sick leave and/or personal leave days balance drop below five (5) days of accumulation.
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. The provisions of Paragraph (4)(a) above shall not apply in case of transfers which are made pursuant to the layoff and recall provisions of this Local Seniority Agreement. In case of transfers which are made pursuant to the layoff and recall provisions of this Local Seniority Agreement, the seniority rights of an employee so transferred will be immediately established in the employee's new seniority group.
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. The provisions of Paragraph above shall not Agreement. In case transfers which are made to the and recall of this Local Seniority Agreement, the seniority- rights of an employee so transferred will be immediately established in his new seniority group. No Seniority Employee shall be laid off due to a reduction in force while Probationary Employees are retained at work, provided however, that a Probationary Employee may be retained in a Non-Interchangeable Occupational Seniority Group unless a Seniority Employee is available who is capable of doing the job held by the Probationary Employee. In the event of a reduction in force in a seniority group, adjustments will be effected by the sixth working day following the layoff so that those seniority employees with greater seniority will be retained in the group and those seniority employees with less seniority will be reduced from the group. Schedule “A” attached hereto sets forth the flow rights of seniority employees laid off from a seniority group. Displacements resulting from reductions in a higher seniority will be effected in seniority order. , Recalls to a seniority group will be in seniority order from among those seniority employees who have been removed from that seniority group. However, a seniority employee who is removed from a Non-Interchangeable seniority group pursuant to these layoff and recall provisions shall be returned in seniority order provided an opening occurs within a period of nine months from the date of the initial reduction in force. A seniority employee who is transferred pursuant to the of of the Master Agreement during nine month period shall forfeit the right to return. None of the above provisions of this Seniority Agreement shall apply to Skilled Trades employees except Paragraphs Pursuant to Paragraph of the Master Agreement; In the event of a reduction in force, the following procedure shall apply: Supplemental Help and Probationary will be laid off in that order from the classification affected. will be removed in line with their seniority from the Skilled Trades classification affected by the reduction. employee take a layoff subject to the provisions of Paragraph of the Master Agreement. or he may file an application at the Employment Department for work in a classification other than a Skilled Trades classification. Upon receipt of such application the employee will be given preference over a new hire or failing that shall displace a probationary employee working in a n...
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. (a) When the Employer finds it necessary to lay off a permanent employee for a period of more than one (1) week's duration, the Employer shall give such permanent employee and the Union a notice in writing seven (7) successive days before such lay-off is to occur. (b) Layoffs will be considered in the reverse order of seniority within the bargaining unit, subject to employees who are retrained being qualified and capable to perform the jobs to be carried out. Employees will be recalled in order of seniority within the bargaining unit, subject to being qualified and capable to perform the jobs to be carried out. (c) No full-time permanent employee shall be laid off prior to an Extra Board Operator, provided he/she has the skills and ability as demonstrated following a training period of up to fourteen days. (a) Laid-off employees fully employed elsewhere shall not be subject to recall for part-time work. (b) Laid-off employees shall not be subject to recall for extra work unless such piece of work exceeds one (1) hour. (c) When it is definitely known what extra work will be available, such piece of work shall be posted and laid-off employees shall have the opportunity to sign for such work according to their seniority. 11.03. A laid-off employee shall maintain bargaining unit seniority rights for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the last day worked. Such employees will be required to maintain on file with the Employer their correct address and telephone number.
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. 6.8.1. In the event IHSCA must reduce the number or type of teachers employed due to economic, programmatic, facilities or enrollment based decisions, those teachers who will not be renewed will be honorably dismissed and will be entitled to a neutral letter of recommendation from IHSCA. Reduction in force decisions shall be made based upon a holistic look at job performance, specialty/certification and seniority, with job performance being a primary consideration. 6.8.2. Teachers who have proficient or better performance ratings shall be, upon request, put on a recall list for one year from the date of layoff. Recall order shall be based upon a holistic look at job performance, specialty/certification and seniority with job performance being a primary consideration. In accordance with Sections 6.2 (a) and (b) of this article, probationary teachers who are recalled shall continue on probationary status until that status is completed.
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. Reduction in Force In the event that a decision is made to reduce the number of employees employed at PWC, those teachers who will not be renewed will be honorably dismissed. Taking into account specific teaching needs determined by PWC’s assessment of student needs, scheduling demands and subject matter needs, reduction in force decisions will be made based upon a specialty/certification and seniority.
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. In the event that reduction in force (RIF) becomes necessary because of financial necessity or other reasons as determined by the Board, employees with the most seniority will be given first opportunity for jobs for which they are qualified. Employees who have been RIF’d will be given the opportunity to displace the least senior member of the Association for which position they are deemed to be qualified. Questions of qualification shall be determined by a joint committee of association and district members. The District will make any reductions through attrition before considering any reductions or elimination of bargaining unit positions. If attrition levels are not sufficient to meet needed budget shortfalls the District will ask for, and consider, offers to voluntarily reduce hours or resign prior to considering any reductions or elimination of bargaining unit positions. No present employee shall be subject to involuntary layoff during the winter break or school vacations. In hiring new employees, the District and new employees may agree on a work period of less than fifty-two (52) weeks per year. The District agrees to meet with the Association prior to a reduction in force action and share information and the plan for reduction consistent with the terms of this Agreement. In all cases an employee shall be given thirty (30) working days notice prior to layoff.
LAYOFF AND RECALL PROVISIONS. In the event either School decides that it must reduce the number or type of educators employed due to economic, programmatic, facilities or compliance decisions, those Bargaining Unit Members who will be impacted will be honorably dismissed and will be entitled to a neutral letter of recommendation.