Lead Mentor Sample Clauses

Lead Mentor. A Lead Mentor is a teacher assigned to coordinate the work of all Mentors to ensure support of REP-eligible teachers.
Lead Mentor. A teacher responsible for coordinating and organizing the Resident Educator Program. The Lead Mentor must meet the above-stated Mentor/RESA Facilitator teacher requirements.
Lead Mentor a. The Lead Mentor must be a trained mentor. b. In addition to duties described elsewhere, the Lead Mentor shall be responsible for implementing the Resident Educator Program administered by the Mahoning County ESC c. While efforts will be made to avoid assigning the Lead Mentor a Resident Educator, if it is necessary, the Lead Mentor shall receive compensation for both the Lead Mentor position and the Mentor position.
Lead Mentor. A teacher who has successfully completed required State of Ohio sponsored RE and IM training will be recommended for this position by the Superintendent. The Lead Mentor facilitates the Mentor (Resident Educator) Program and attends county meetings. This individual may assume both this role and that of Resident Educator Program Coordinator.
Lead Mentor. A bargaining unit member or administrator employed by the District who does not perform evaluations of any current Resident Educators, designated by the Superintendent with input from the Association, who is responsible for managing the District’s Resident Educator Program. The final authority for appointing the Lead Mentor rests with the Superintendent. Responsibilities and qualifications will be based on rules, regulations and guidelines established by ODE and the Ohio Revised Code. The Lead Mentor must have completed all training required by ODE to serve as a Resident Educator Mentor. The Lead Mentor will work with principals to assign a Mentor for each Resident Educator. The Lead Mentor will meet with each Resident Educator Mentor and Resident Educator once every three (3) weeks after the student day throughout the school year. Each meeting will last approximately thirty (30) minutes. The first ten (10) minutes of the meeting will be with the Resident Educators and the Resident Educator Mentors. Building administrators may join the meeting following the first ten (10) minutes. The Lead Mentor will be a bargaining unit member. He/she will be issued a supplemental contract with a pay range of 16%-25% of the supplemental base salary. If there are no Resident Educators in a given school year, then no supplemental contract will be awarded. If there is no bargaining unit member who accepts the position of Lead Mentor, the Superintendent may appoint an administrator to the position.
Lead Mentor. 2.25% of the Base Salary (BA Step 0)
Lead Mentor. The following are the responsibilities of the lead mentor: 1. Demonstrate commitment to the professional growth of the district’s new teachers 2. Oversee and monitor the district mentoring program 3. Serve as a district resource person 4. Assist Mentor Review Committee in pairing mentors with new teachers 5. Plan mentor and new teacher orientation programs, professional development sessions, and evaluation of the district mentoring program 6. Participate in professional development programs and activities planned by the local school district and ODE 7. Compile an annual district mentor list 8. Document the amount of time spent on lead mentor meetings and activities, and collect documentation from mentors (monthly checklists, observation forms, etc.) 9. Coordinate scheduling of observation and pre- and post-conference times with mentor teachers and building principals. The following are the criteria for selection of the lead mentor: 1. Minimum of five (5) consecutive years of teaching experience in the Western Reserve Local School District 2. Completion of state mentor training programs 3. Experience in mentoring one or more Western Reserve teachers 4. Continued commitment to the district’s mentoring program. The following are the compensation and release times for lead mentor: 1. The lead mentor shall be granted a limited supplemental contract and be compensated in accordance with the supplemental salary schedule. 2. The lead mentor will collect all forms. 3. Requested release time will be granted upon approval by the superintendent, and coverage provided by the administration to complete the duties of the lead mentor position. 4. Compensation for the lead mentor shall be in addition to that earned as a mentor.
Lead Mentor. An Association member of the bargaining unit providing professional support and developing programs for the Resident Educators in keeping with the Professional Practice Framework. This member will organize and facilitate the Resident Educator Program. The member shall receive a Lead Mentor stipend.
Lead Mentor. A Lead Mentor will oversee the REP and may mentor a Resident Educator. a. A Lead Mentor should have National Board, Master Teacher or b. Lead Teacher designation, if possible. c. MBUs who want to be considered for the position of Lead Mentor must submit an application to the Superintendent by April 1 for the next school year. d. Duties of Lead Mentor: i. Chair Resident Educator Committee. ii. Assign Mentors in conjunction with the Resident Educator Committee from the previous school year. iii. Coordinate the REP. iv. Schedule and preside over meetings. v. Keep Superintendent and/or designee informed of all activities involving the REP. vi. Monitor the Resident Educator and Mentor’s interactions and offer support and assistance as needed. e. The Lead Mentor shall be paid a stipend of 7% of the BA base.
Lead Mentor. The Board will pay Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00) for time spent on all activities related to Lead Mentor responsibilities.