Mentors Sample Clauses

Mentors. The College agrees to pay $1,000 to faculty members selected to serve as mentors for new full- time faculty in each year of this Agreement. The mentors will be selected by mutual agreement of the Federation President and the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, who shall also mutually agree to the number and duties of mentors to be selected in each year of the Agreement. A proportional number of the College’s new full-time faculty for each academic year will be assigned to each mentor.
MentorsMentors will be compensated based on the number of novice teachers assigned and the experience of each novice teacher. Compensation will be at the following rates: • Category 1 or 2 novice teachers in the first year of $250 per each novice teacher employment in the District: • Category 1 or 2 novice teachers in the second year of employment in the District:
MentorsAll teachers new to the School District will be provided a mentor. Teachers involved in the Mentor Program as a mentor will be paid at the minimum rate of $300.00 for participation in program activities. Such activities include new teacher induction, new teacher professional development, new teacher consulting and/or coaching during the school year. Payment for documented participation will be processed in June upon completion of the Mentor Program.
Mentors. For the first three (3) years of his/her employment in classroom teaching, a teacher shall be assigned by the school in which he/she teaches to one (1) or more master teachers, or college professors, or retired master teachers, who shall act as a mentor or mentors to the teacher. Bargaining unit members shall be considered for such assignments. Any bargaining unit member so selected may decline. Mentors shall assist the probationary employee to achieve the goals of the probationer's individual development plan.
Mentors. Each semester, full-time faculty members within each division will recommend to appropriate administrators the faculty members to be appointed as mentors for full- time faculty and adjunct faculty members serving in their first or second semester in that division. The mentors will guide and assist the full-time faculty and adjunct faculty members as prescribed by the appropriate administrators. The mentors will receive a stipend of one hundred dollars ($100) for each full-time faculty or adjunct faculty member to whom they are assigned who are teaching at the College for the first semester and fifty dollars ($50) for each full-time faculty or adjunct faculty member teaching in his/her second semester. Nothing herein shall require the appointment of a mentor in each instance.
Mentors. Schools working in the Leeds Xxxxxxx ITE partnership will have teachers who have been trained as mentors in the Leeds Xxxxxxx partnership. The mentor is a teacher who would be expected to have strong experience in the age phase of the trainee’s course and, for secondary trainee teachers, the subject of the ITE training. Mentors share responsibility with the university’s tutors for the trainee teacher’s overall training and development and for ensuring the integration of the school-based and university-based elements to create cohesive and integrated learning opportunities and experiences. The mentor carries the main responsibility for the day-to-day learning and progress of the trainee teacher when they are in school; the university tutors carry that responsibility when the trainees are in the university. The mentor is responsible for securing the specific arrangements and programme of learning and assessment for their mentee in their school. They liaise with the ITE Co-ordinator and other mentors and host teachers and with the University Link Tutor and the trainee in setting-up the programme and in assessing the trainee teacher’s progress and achievements. The programme arranged by mentors will vary according to the specific school-experience placement that the trainee teacher is undertaking and additional guidance on specific expectations and arrangements are provided in the detailed Course Handbooks to which mentors and trainees should refer. The mentor is responsible for advising, guiding and supervising trainee teachers in school. They are expected to observe the trainee teacher’s classroom practice, and support and critique the trainee’s planning and assessment of pupils. Mentors are expected to meet weekly with the trainee teacher to provide critical feed-forward and feed-back on their professional development and their professional performance and to set precise and achievable targets for the trainee teacher’s self- improvement and development. Progress against targets should be discussed and monitored in the weekly meeting between the trainee and their mentor. The trainee should keep notes of the meetings and each meeting record should be signed by the mentor and trainee. Copies of the weekly meeting record should be retained, filed in the trainee teacher’s file and uploaded to University systems as necessary. These records must be up-to-date and be available for ITE partners to scrutinise at any time. The mentor will liaise with the university Li...
MentorsNew faculty members are to be encouraged to have a mentor. The mentor shall be a tenured faculty member with satisfactory evaluations. The mentor may not be a member of the new faculty member’s evaluation team. As mentoring is part of a team-building process, it is voluntary; therefore, a mentor may be assigned only one evaluee to coach to a satisfactory evaluation. Mentors become essential in the case of a Needs Improvement recommendation during the evaluation process for probationary faculty; they can also be instrumental in fostering improvement for tenured faculty with the Needs Improvement recommendation. 1. When a probationary faculty member requests a mentor, the Xxxx shall consult with the probationary faculty member and his or her Division Chair to identify and recruit an appropriate mentor. A mentor can be any tenured faculty member employed by Xxxxxxx or El Camino who volunteers to serve in that capacity, but he or she may not serve on the probationary faculty member’s Probationary Faculty Evaluation Team. 2. There are two distinct categories of mentors: one is sought by the evaluee, not as a part of the evaluation process; the other is recommended by the evaluation team as the result of a “needs improvement evaluation during probationary evaluations. 3. Mentors shall be trained in accordance with guidelines mutually agreed upon and developed by representatives from the Academic Senate in consultation with the Federation, and a representative from Academic Affairs. Training for mentorship and team building shall be provided by the district; Based on the number of hours required for mentorship training, the mentor shall receive flex credit for the hours completed. 4. Mentors may be recommended by the evaluation team and shall be assigned by the Xxxx and the Division Chair in consultation with the evaluee. When a mentor is recommended as part of the evaluation process, the committee shall produce a detailed list of specific issues that the faculty member must work on to achieve a satisfactory evaluation during the 90 day period following the fall semester evaluation. 5. Tenured faculty shall have one semester from the issuance of the evaluation summary in which to improve performance and complete the tasks assigned by the evaluation team. 6. A tenured faculty member may not serve as a mentor to more than one probationary faculty member, since effective mentoring often requires the investment of an extensive amount of time and effort, and the work ...
MentorsPursuant to Section 1526 of the Michigan Revised School Code, probationary classroom teachers will be assigned one (1) or more mentors. One (1) or more master teachers, college professors or retired master teachers shall act as a mentor or mentors to the classroom teacher. Tenured employees shall be considered first for such assignments. The right of selection of mentors is reserved to the Superintendent, or his/her designee. Any employee so selected may decline. In making appointments, the Superintendent, or his/her designee, will consider (by way of example), degrees earned, areas of certification, participation in professional development activities and performance record of internal and external applicants. Probationary employees may serve as mentors if significant experience, graduate degree(s) or other professional accomplishments recommend them as master teachers. The responsibilities of the mentor will be determined by the administration. In general, the responsibilities will include (again only by means of illustration) assisting the employee in fulfilling the objectives of the employee’s Individualized Development Plan and guidance in such areas as classroom management and instruction delivery. If an employee is appointed as a mentor, it will be a one (1) year assignment and the following provisions shall apply: 1. The employee serving as a mentor shall not participate in the supervision or evaluation of other employees. 2. Where possible, the employee mentor and the probationary employee shall be assigned a common preparation time. 3. Each mentor shall be compensated at the rate of two percent (2%) of the BA base per full year of his/her service. Mentor training activities outside the work day or school year shall not exceed five
Mentors a. Experienced, licensed employees may, on a voluntary basis, serve as mentors of probationary teachers or others who desire to participate on a voluntary basis. b. The role of the mentor shall be determined by mutual agreement of the evaluating administrator, the teacher and the mentor. c. The mentor shall not provide input for, nor be cited in, the evaluation. Neither party may use the mentor as a witness in any dispute arising from the evaluation of a teacher being mentored.
Mentors a. A mentor(s) shall be assigned to all resident educators for the first two