LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. The parties agreed to establish a process for job evaluation as follows:
1. Job classifications will be evaluated when the Corporation determines that there is a new classification or when the Corporation has made substantial changes to the job classification.
2. Job classifications will be evaluated by the existing Joint Full-time CUPE Job Evaluation Committee. One member of this local may participate in the Joint Full-time CUPE Evaluation Committee to evaluate job classifications covered by this agreement provided that they are not evaluating their own position.
3. If a job classification, through the job evaluation and appeal process is evaluated at a lower level, the employee(s) in that classification shall have their pay red-circled until such time as the rate falls within the new level.
4. If a job classification, through the job evaluation and appeal process is evaluated at a higher level, the employee(s) in that classification shall have their pay increased within nine (9) months of the date of submission of the Job Evaluation Request Form, which must be signed by the Department Head and the employee(s), if applicable.
5. The evaluation of a job classification is based on the actual duties of the particular position being evaluated and may not apply to all positions under a job title.
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. This will confirm our understanding of the above subject as agreed between the Company and the Union as follows: Where the content of a job has significantly changed and the job description no longer reflects the actual responsibilities of the job, a revised job description may be written for review by the Rewards team. The revised job description shall be prepared in conjunction with the affected employee(s). The job description shall be completed within 8 weeks of the initial discussion between the Manager and the affected employee(s). Revised job descriptions shall be submitted to the Human Resources Business Partner who shall arrange to have the job re-evaluated. All job descriptions submitted for re-evaluation will be evaluated within 8 weeks of submission. If there are any delays in processing the evaluation, the applicant will be notified accordingly. Any affected employee having concerns regarding a re-evaluation can contact his/her Manager for a debriefing. TEAM shall be advised of the salary band of the re-evaluated position prior to the affected employee(s) being notified. The Union recognizes the right of the Company to make adjustments to sales bonus/commission plans from time to time during the life of the Collective Agreement. Adjustments are to be made in good faith and in a fair and reasonable manner, and the Company shall meet with TEAM to review the Sales Bonus/Commission Plans prior to distribution. At the end of the sales year, the Company shall provide the Union with a report detailing the name of the employee, name of the plan, and the amount of bonus/commission paid. All eligible employees will have the option to continue to receive sales bonus payments in installments or elect to receive their entire sales bonus in the first quarter of the following year upon the actual sales figures being finalized. Where an employee resigns from the employment of one of the MTS Group of Companies to accept a new position within another one of the MTS Group of Companies, his/her Net Credited Service shall be recognized. 1 Employees must be Regular Full-time or Regular Part-time* Age 55 or greater plus years of service is equal to or greater than 80 30 week lump sum payment 2 Employees must be Regular Full-time or Regular Part-time* Age 55 or greater plus 10+ years of service with age plus service less than 80 30 week lump sum payment 3 Employees must be Regular Full-time or Regular Part-time* Age less than 55 however, age plus service is equal to ...
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. The Employer agrees to work towards converting the Job Evaluation process to an electronic format in consultation with the Union.
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. The Parties agree to establish a joint Job Evaluation Committee (JEC) to investigate, evaluate and make recommendations concerning a mutually acceptable gender neutral job evaluation system and methodology for bargaining unit positions that is compliant with the Ontario Pay Equity Act.
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. The Union and the Employer have been engaged in discussions concerning the need for change and/or resolution to problems associated with our current Joint Job Evaluation system. The Union and the Employer agree that the objective of the work being conducted is to ensure timely, accurate and consistent ratings are primary features of the Joint Job Evaluation System. The Parties are committed to either modifying the job evaluation system or developing mechanisms to resolve these, and potentially other, specific concerns while maintaining compliance with statutory requirements under the Pay Equity Act. It is understood by the Parties that the Joint Job Evaluation System is an organic whole, and must be studied and modified in a manner consistent with its overall purpose and effect. The Joint Job Evaluation Team (JET) is comprised of three (3) Union and three (3) Management representatives. JET will make best efforts to achieve joint recommendation concerning the issues. JET has entered into two (2) Agreements – Revisions to the Joint Job Evaluation System and End of Moratorium. The review and the Pilot Project include both questions of process and concerns with the System. Currently there are a number of sub-committees working on various aspects of the processes and the system and these sub-committees will table their information and proposals to JET. The Union and the Employer have begun a Pilot Project to test and evaluate changes to the current Joint Job Evaluation System Both Parties acknowledge that some modifications may be necessary to recognize the feasibility of implementing the proposed changes in certain areas and will use a Labour/Management forum to try and address any specific problem areas. During the life of the Pilot Project, and following any changes, JET shall continue to oversee the operation of the system. Following completion of the Pilot Project, it is the intention of both Parties that recommended changes shall be taken to their respective principals for approval. The Union and the Employer agree that the agreements previously signed by the Parties (Memorandum of Agreement – Revisions to the Joint Job Evaluation System and Memorandum of Agreement – End of Moratorium) will continue throughout the Pilot Project. Current provisions of the Collective Agreement shall remain in effect until such time as the modifications to the job evaluation system are ratified by the Parties. If a joint recommendation is achieved by JET, the Parties agree ...
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. Within thirty (30) days of ratification, representatives of the City shall meet with the President of Local 2998 and a National CUPE Representative to discuss the following issues:
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. Marine Atlantic agrees to implement a job evaluation plan using the Company’s current evaluation scheme which is Xxx, for classifications covered by this collective agreement. This plan complies with Section 11 of the Human Rights Act. Hay is a nationally recognized company in the field of job evaluation. The process shall use companies in Atlantic Canada as comparators The evaluation shall be completed during the term of the collective agreement and any required amendments to a classification rate of pay shall be implemented in the collective agreement commencing 1 July 2005 It is agreed:
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. A Job Evaluation Plan is a plan developed for the purpose of evaluating and appraisingjob categories according to the conditions, and responsibility factors by and contained in eachjob. The parties agree to the principles of a Job EvaluationPlan. A of three (3) representativesfrom each party to this Collective Agreement shall be appointed to review various Job Evaluation Programs and ajob Evaluation Plan to their principles by December Wages of the will be borne by the Employer. The approved Plan shall be incorporated into the language of the Collective Agreement. On Behalf of Buffalo Trail
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. Effective September 2005, the Board agrees to a cyclical review of job descriptions within the Bargaining Unit of CUPE Local 5200. Each job description shall be reviewed through the Joint Job Evaluation Committee on a five (5) year cycle. Refresher training will be provided to the Joint Job Evaluation Committee in the 2005- 2006 school year.
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING JOB EVALUATION. The parties agree to hire a mutually agreed upon consultant to assist in the modification of the current job evaluation system for YUSA/APUY positions. The parties agree to share the costs of the consultant. The parties agree that the Job Evaluation Steering Committee shall continue and shall oversee the modification of the Joint Job Evaluation system. The Committee shall be comprised of three