CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. A. Evaluation and assessment The evaluation guidelines set forth in the Education Code will be followed. Employee competency will be evaluated as it reasonably relates to:
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. The Board of Trustees will have a policy for certificated employee evaluation in accordance to Idaho Code. District security cameras shall not be used as a means of input for evaluating instructional performance. Security footage may be used to address Idaho Code of Ethics conduct.
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. 1. Xxxxxxxx Charter School certificated staff shall be evaluated in a manner consistent with Education Code section 44660 et seq
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. In the Fall of 2019, the district will form a committee with KUTA to develop and pilot a new certificated evaluation system.
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. The primary purpose of evaluation is improvement of performance. Each employee will be evaluated in compliance with the mandatory evaluation provisions contained in the Education Code.
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. In the Fall of 2019, the district will form a committee with KUTA to develop and pilot a new certificated evaluation system.
A. Purpose:
1. The purpose of assessment is the improvement of instruction.
B. Prin ciples of Assessment: 1. Assessment shall be based upon cooperatively developed objectives.
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. 13.1 Every probationary certificated employee shall be given a summative evaluation by the District in writing at least once each school year by March 1 (Appendix D). As part of the evaluation process, each probationary certificated employee shall receive at least two
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. 20.1 The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that the evaluation of unit members shall meet the requirements of state law and conform in principle to the guidelines established by the State Board of Education to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a suitable learning environment within the scope of the unit member’s responsibility.
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. A. Entiat School District #127 and the Entiat Education Association (EEA) agree that for the 2023-2024, 2024-2025, 2025-2026 school years: