Procedure for Disciplinary Action Sample Clauses
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. The employee shall be given a written notice including a statement of charges. Such charges shall cite the specific cause or causes with sufficient detail to permit the employee to prepare a defense, and the proposed action. The employee shall have the right to respond either orally or in writing to the District’s designee in a Xxxxxx Hearing. The designee shall not have conducted the investigation or have made the initial recommendation for disciplinary action. The designee shall consider the employee’s response and recommend within fifteen (15) calendar days that the proposed disciplinary action either be taken, not taken, or amended. If the employee's presence would, in the judgment of the responsible administrator, constitute a hazard or disturbance to students, fellow employees or the public, the District may immediately suspend with pay the employee involved. An employee’s suspension, without pay, will commence upon his or her receipt of notice of recommendation of personal action after a “Xxxxxx” hearing or a hearing before the Governing Board if the employee chooses to exercise that right. The written notice shall include a statement of the employee's right to a hearing, the time within such a hearing may be requested which shall not be less than five (5) work days, and a form, the signing and filing of which shall constitute a demand for a hearing and a denial of the charges. The notice may be served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee's last known address. If the employee does not respond within the stated time limit for requesting a hearing, the stated intended action shall be imposed. Upon receipt of a Denial and Request for a Hearing, the District will arrange for a hearing before the Governing Board. The hearing date will allow the employee a minimum of five (5) work days for preparation, but shall not be more than fifteen (15) work days from the date of request. Time limits may be extended by mutual agreement between the District and the employee. The employee must appear in person and may be represented by anyone of his/her choosing. If the employee does not appear, the stated intended action shall be imposed. All such hearings shall be conducted in Closed Session, unless a public hearing is requested by the employee. The hearing shall be before the Board of Trustees unless the Board decides to have this matter heard by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) appointed by the Office of Administrative Hearing...
Procedure for Disciplinary Action a. The employee shall be given written notice including a statement of charges. Such charges shall cite the specific cause or causes with sufficient detail to permit the employee to prepare a defense, and the proposed action.
b. The written notice shall include a statement of the employee’s right to a Xxxxxx hearing; the time within which such hearing may be requested, which shall not be less than five (5) working days; and a form, the signing and filing of which shall constitute a denial of the charges. The notice may be served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee’s last known address.
c. If the employee does not respond within the stated time limit for requesting a hearing, the stated intended action shall be imposed.
d. Upon receipt of a Denial and Request for a Hearing, the District will arrange for a hearing before the Governing Board. The Hearing date will allow the employee a minimum of five (5) work days for preparation, but shall not be more than twenty
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. 1. The District may, for disciplinary purposes, suspend, demote, reassign, or dismiss any unit member holding a position in the classified service. Demotion may include reduction in pay from a step within the class to one or more lower steps.
2. For unit members suspended, demoted, reassigned, or dismissed, the District shall follow a pre-disciplinary action procedure as follows:
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. No employee in the classified service shall be suspended, demoted, dismissed, or in any way discriminated against because of his political or religious acts or opinions, race, color, sex or marital status.
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. A. No employee in the classified service shall be reprimanded, suspended, demoted, dismissed, or in any way discriminated against because of his/her political or religious affiliations or race, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, or marital status or pregnancy, subject to the provisions of Paragraph A.3.
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. 9.2.1 No unit member shall be subject to disciplinary action because of gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religious creed, marital status, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, age, or disability.
9.2.2 Generally, the concept of progressive discipline applies so that unit members are, depending upon the nature of the offense, to be given appropriate notice of any performance problems or other misconduct which may give rise to disciplinary action, and allow appropriate opportunity to improve. Progressive discipline, which would be appropriate for a minor offense, e.g., tardiness, includes the following: • Verbal counseling; • If the problem is not corrected within a reasonable time, an evaluative conference and one or more written reprimands/warnings indicating the nature of the problem and the consequences of a further violation; • If the problem persists, a suspension without pay for up to 5 working days, and an appropriate reprimand/warning; • Then if the problem persists, either a longer suspension, demotion, disciplinary transfer; or; • Termination of employment, if other means do not correct the problem. Any such suspensions, demotions, disciplinary transfers, or terminations shall (except in compelling circumstances) include a prior right of the unit member to appeal the recommended action to the Superintendent or designee, and the right to appeal subsequently to the Personnel Commission as provided in paragraph 9.3.1 below. It is understood that the above progressive disciplinary procedures (warnings and lesser prior punishments) may vary based upon the seriousness of the offense, and in the case of a serious offense, e.g., theft, are not applicable.
9.2.3 When a unit member is to be subjected to dismissal, demotion, suspension, or disciplinary transfer; specific written charges, including the specific acts or omissions upon which the cause is based, will be furnished to the unit member.
9.2.4 If the unit member desires to be heard by the Superintendent or designee prior to the charges being presented to the Governing Board, the unit member shall request in writing that an informal meeting be scheduled at which the unit member may present any information he/she may wish to in support of his/her position. It shall not be the unit member’s right at this meeting to confront or examine District witnesses. The request for a meeting must be received by the Superintendent or designee within five (5) working days after the unit member has bee...
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. 16.4.1 The employee shall be notified by written notice when disciplinary action is planned. Such notice shall describe the specific cause or causes for the planned disciplinary action and shall include dates, approximate times, and the general location where the chargeable cause or causes occurred. The proposed disciplinary action shall be stated. The written notice shall be personally served on the employee or mailed to the employee via certified mail.
16.4.2 The written notice shall include a statement of the employee’s right to a hearing, the time within which such a hearing may be requested, which shall not be less than five (5) days, and a form, the signing and filing of which shall constitute a demand for hearing and denial of charges.
16.4.3 If the employee does not respond within the stated time limit for requesting a hearing, the stated intended action shall be imposed.
16.4.4 Upon receipt of a Denial and Request for a Hearing, the Superintendent shall arrange for a hearing before the Board or its designated representative. The hearing date will allow the employee a minimum of five (5) days for preparation, but shall not be more than thirty (30) days from the date of the receipt of the request. The Board shall render judgment to affirm, dismiss the charge or charges, or modify the disciplinary action proposed.
16.4.5 The employee must appear in person and may be represented by counsel or a representative.
16.4.6 The hearing shall be closed to the public unless the employee requests in writing at least five (5) days before the hearing that it be open to the public. The Superintendent reserves the right to have any hearing before the Board presided over by an impartial person trained to conduct administrative hearings.
16.4.7 The decision of the Board shall be final.
16.4.8 Any disciplinary action shall be subject to the grievance procedure on procedural grounds only.
16.4.9 Time limits stated may be extended upon mutual agreement of the District and CSEA.
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. The employee shall be notified by written notice of the intended disciplinary action. The written notice shall be served personally or by certified mail. The notice shall include: a statement of the specific disciplinary action, a statement of the causes, a statement of the employee’s right to a Xxxxxx Hearing, and a copy of all relevant material upon which the disciplinary action is based. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx – a pre-disciplinary meeting with an administrator not involved with the investigation of the disciplinary matter.
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. When a Supervisor, Department Head, Principal, Administrator, or Assistant Principal determines that an employee should be recommended for demotion, suspension, or dismissal, such recommendation shall be made to the Superintendent. If the Superintendent determines that sufficient cause exists for disciplinary action, he shall recommend to the board the appropriate action to be taken. The recommendation shall include the following:
Procedure for Disciplinary Action. 22.2.1 No employee in the classified service shall be suspended, demoted, dismissed, or in any way discriminated against because of his/her affiliations, political (subject to the provisions of Article 22.1.1 C) or religious acts or opinions, race, color, sex, or marital status.
22.2.2 When a permanent employee is to be suspended, demoted or dismissed, specific written charges shall be prepared and presented for approval of the Board of Education. The charges must be so clear that the employee will know the exact complaints and may be expected to respond to them.
22.2.3 When formal disciplinary action has been approved by the Board of Education, the action and the charges shall be reported to the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Services, who shall immediately notify the employee and shall report the action to the Commission at its next regular meeting.
22.2.4 Notice to the employee shall include a copy of the charges and a statement of his/her right to appeal, if any, together with a copy of Article 22.3.
22.2.5 Notwithstanding the procedures prescribed above, an employee may be suspended prior to Board approval at the discretion of the Superintendent, subject to later ratification by the Board at their next regularly scheduled meeting. Requirements with regard to charges and notifications must be met when the Board ratifies the administrative action.
22.2.6 A regular employee charged with the commission of any sex offense as defined in Section 44010 of the Education Code by complaint, information, or indictment filed in a court of competent jurisdiction may be suspended as provided for in Section 45304 of the Education Code. Such a suspension will be processed as an involuntary personal leave in accordance with the provisions of this rule relative to suspension. The employee may receive compensation as provided for in the Education Code. Such suspension shall be reviewed by the Personnel Commission every 90 calendar days.
22.2.7 Dismissal shall cause removal of the employee's name from all employment lists.
22.2.8 Failure to appeal, as provided in Article 22.3 shall make the action of the Board of Education final and conclusive.