OAPSE LEAVE Sample Clauses
OAPSE LEAVE. The Board agrees to permit duly authorized delegates of OAPSE 727 a leave of three (3) days each to attend the OAPSE Annual Conference with continuity of salary up to a maximum of six (6) days. (Appendix I)
OAPSE LEAVE. The Board will provide paid professional leave of three (3) days with no reimbursement of expenses for Union Delegates to attend the OAPSE/AFSCME Delegate Convention. No more than one (1) elected Delegate and one (1) Alternate may attend such Convention.
OAPSE LEAVE. The Board agrees to permit a pool of up to twelve (12) days annually to be used for OAPSE business with the continuity of salary, excluding any overtime. Leave requests must be submitted in a reasonable period of time on the appropriate form. Conference expenses shall not be reimbursed by the Board of Education. Members may attend the annual District conference which falls on NEOEA Day, without loss of pay. Members who are not scheduled to work on NEOEA Day will not be paid for attending the District conference. All members will be permitted to attend up to four meetings annually for one hour without loss of pay.
OAPSE LEAVE. An eligible employee may take FMLA leave for;
OAPSE LEAVE. When the days of the Annual OAPSE Conference are scheduled on a working day, up to two (2) bargaining unit members, designated by the union, may attend such meetings. An employee delegate shall make written request to the Superintendent at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.
A. Attendance will be approved so long as substitute drivers are available to cover the employee/delegates' routes.
B. Attendance, covered by professional leave, at any and all such meetings shall be limited to four (4) total days per school year.
C. The Board of Education will pay salary of substitute(s) for said employee(s).
D. The employee delegate shall be entitled to the use of personal leave or leave without pay (Section 9.5) for such meetings.
E. The Board of Education will not pay any part of expenses of the said employee attending such a meeting.
OAPSE LEAVE. Section 1 Request for a paid leave of absence to attend the OAPSE Annual District Conference and/or the OAPSE Annual State Conference for two (2) duly selected delegates of OAPSE Local 361 may be made on REQUEST FORM, AUTHORIZED RELEASE TIME five (5) days prior to date(s) requested. A total of ten (10) days may be granted for these conferences. Any accumulated days may be used for other union activities which cannot be accomplished outside the regular workday.
Section 2 Expenses for delegates attending such conferences shall be reimbursed by the Local.
OAPSE LEAVE. A. The Board agrees to permit up to three (3) delegates of OAPSE Local #572 and any employee who is an elected State or District OAPSE Officer to a maximum of six
OAPSE LEAVE. OAPSE Locals 205, 378, and 568 shall each be granted a cumulative annual total of seven (7) employee work days release time to conduct Local business. Approval shall be granted upon three (3) day advance written notification to the Superintendent and his/her approved designee by the Local President using the appropriate form (Appendix H). Personal Leave or any other leave will not be deducted for the member(s) listed on the form. OAPSE Leave does not apply to attendance at negotiations sessions.
OAPSE LEAVE. The Board agrees to permit a pool of up to fourteen (14) days annually to be used for OAPSE business with the continuity of salary, excluding any overtime. Leave requests must be submitted in a reasonable period of time on the appropriate form. Conference expenses shall not be reimbursed by the Board of Education. Union members chosen by Local 579 may attend the NEOEA Day Conference, without loss of pay. Members who are not scheduled to work on NEOEA Day will not be paid for attending the District conference. Union members chosen by Local 579 may attend the NE District Conference, without loss of pay. Members who are not scheduled to work during the NE District Conference days will not be paid for attending the District Conference on those days. Union members chosen by Local 579 may attend the OAPSE State Conference, without loss of pay. Members who are not scheduled to work on the NE District Conference days will not be paid for attending the District Conference on those days. All members will be permitted to attend up to four local union meetings annually for one hour without loss of pay.
OAPSE LEAVE. The Board shall authorize a pool of up to six (6) days with pay per fiscal year for use by members of the bargaining unit who are elected to represent the Union or who are chosen to represent the Union in any official capacity for Union business. Such leaves will be granted upon written application from the President of the Local made not less than five (5) work days in advance to the Superintendent. The parties recognize that jeopardy to the orderly and efficient operation of the school system due to employee absence for other reasons such as illness, personal leave and/or vacation, may result in leave under the provision being denied. Leave requested from this pool of days to attend the OAPSE annual convention and district meeting shall be granted. Additionally, if requested by the President of the Local employees may be granted leave with pay for Union business provided the Union reimburse the Board for employees' wages and such absence does not interfere with the efficient operation of any department or working unit, Such request must be submitted in writing no less than five