Oversight Activities. The Practice may disclose your PHI to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. Oversight activities can include, investigations, inspections, audits, surveys, licensure, and disciplinary actions; civil, administrative, and criminal procedures or actions and other activities necessary for the government to monitor its programs, compliance with civil rights laws, and the health care system in general.
Oversight Activities. 1. ADEQ shall have the right to accompany LA personnel on inspections and may review all records relating to the LA’s performance of the delegated Functions and Duties as set forth in this Agreement. ADEQ shall provide prior notice to the LA of its intent to accompany LA personnel on inspections. LA personnel may accompany ADEQ inspectors on inspections for purposes of training, information sharing or coordinating LA and ADEQ activities. LA shall provide prior notice to ADEQ of its request to accompany ADEQ inspectors on inspections.
2. Periodically, the ADEQ delegating program shall conduct an evaluation of the LA’s performance of the delegated Functions and Duties. Either party to this Agreement may request that the frequency of evaluations be increased. The initial results of all performance evaluations shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the LA and the Office of Administrative Counsel in a draft report. The LA is entitled to comment on the draft report. After ADEQ’s response to comments, the ADEQ delegating program shall finalize the report and transmit a copy to the LA and the Office of Administrative Counsel. The final reports of all performance evaluations are public documents pursuant to A.R.S. § 39-121 et seq.
Oversight Activities. Provide assistance to the Board in administering its ACO oversight responsibilities. Contractor(s) may:
Oversight Activities. FHWA provides ongoing support in development and implementation of the PMS. FHWA participates in various meetings to ensure that pavement related activities, including new and rehabilitated pavement design and construction, pavement management, research, technology transfer, HPMS, vehicle weight enforcement program, etc., are well coordinated among the functional administrative areas of the division office. FHWA will review and approve Mn/DOT’s pavement design/rehabilitation procedures, policy and guidelines on an ongoing basis. Additionally, by being a member of the individual task forces, teams, and committees, FHWA will have an ongoing involvement in the development, update and implementation of pavement design procedures. In general, FHWA will monitor the implementation, operation and effectiveness of the PMS and Mn/DOT’s pavement design through process reviews. The FHWA Division Office Pavement and Materials Engineer will conduct oversight of the PMS and Design of pavements. • 23 U.S.C. 303 (a) Management systems • 23 CFR 500.106 PMS • 23 CFRPART 626—PAVEMENT POLICY • AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures • Mn/DOT Geotechnical and Pavement Manual Pavement Management System (PMS) Develop and Implement Review, Comment, and Make recommendations for consideration PMS Approval and Implementation of the PMS Develop Budget Allocation Plan for System Preservation Develop Plan Review, Comment, and Make recommendations for consideration Rehabilitation Plan Implementation Project Selection for Annual System Preservation Program Select Projects Participate, Make recommendations for consideration List of Projects Selection of Preferred Rehabilitation Alternatives Prepare Alternatives and Make Selection Review, Assist, and Make recommendations for consideration Report Annual Audits of District Paving Projects. Conduct joint review of design and recommendations Prepare Report Review, Comment, and Make recommendations for consideration. Conduct process reviews. Report Pavement Design Guide, Policy and Procedures Develop Review, Comment, Make recommendations for consideration, and Approve. Conduct process reviews. Pavement Manual
Oversight Activities. A NBIS compliance review will be conducted with at least one Mn/DOT District each year. The reviews include the following major NBIS elements: inspection procedures, frequency of inspection, qualifications of personnel, quality of the reports and the inventory. The Division Bridge Engineer will also review the District’s underwater inspections, their program to deal with scour, quality assurance and procedures established to review, prioritize and track recommendations for repairs. The review includes a random sampling of bridge inspection reports and records and field reviews of selected bridges. Mn/DOT’s Office of Bridges and Structures (OBS) is responsible for managing its bridge inspector certification program and for monitoring Local Public Agency compliance with NBIS requirements. The OBS also maintains a statewide bridge management system, and the statewide bridge inventory. The Division Bridge Engineer will annually review OBS quality assurance processes and will participate with the OBS in at least two NBIS compliance review of selected Counties, Cities or other Local Agencies each year. Mn/DOT will submit a status report every spring on progress towards developing POA’s for scour critical bridges. Supplemental information will be provided as necessary to comply with FHWA policy provisions. A report is prepared annually of the NBIS review by the Division Bridge Engineer. A report is prepared by the OBS of the NBIS review for each County or bridge owner for the non-Mn/DOT bridges. FHWA will furnish comments to be included in the OBS report.
Oversight Activities. FHWA participates in statewide and MPO planning activities as necessary to ensure a positive planning finding as part of STIP approval. FHWA and Mn/DOT work together to provide guidance to metropolitan planning activities and for review of MPO TIPs, work programs, and plans. (See also separate sections of this document regarding programming and project authorization, NEPA, and research.)
Oversight Activities. If I receive a subpoena from the Maryland Board of Examiners of Psychologists because they are investigating my practice, I must disclose any PHI requested by the Board.
Oversight Activities. In Minnesota, oversight determinations are made as previously defined as soon as possible in the project development process. Title 23 U.S.C. requirements apply to all projects on the NHS regardless of oversight process. Non-Title 23 requirements apply to all projects and are subject to review regardless of oversight process.
Oversight Activities. Oversight of specific projects will depend upon the type of project and where it is located (Interstate, other NHS, non-NHS, or local public agency). Refer back to the flowchart on Basic Framework for Project Oversight Responsibilities to determine whether the project is Full Federal Oversight or State Administered. FHWA, Mn/DOT and State-Aid work together in the project planning phase to ensure funding eligibility and compliance with NEPA and other applicable laws before location approval. Project coordination is facilitated by frequent consultation and meetings. Occasionally, there may be a specific program solicitation from the FHWA Washington Office for projects where an application needs to be submitted. In such cases, coordination will occur between the FHWA and the responsible Mn/DOT personnel (OIM, District personnel) or State- Aid (DSAE’s, Central Office) as needed to ensure that applications contain all required information and that deadlines are met. Additionally, projects identified through these programs may have to go through an annual vetting process at the FHWA Division Office level where information on funding eligibility; “red flags” (i.e., environmental, political, or legal problems or any opposition); whether the project is at a stage that would permit obligation in the current fiscal year; and if there are any other issues. In such cases, coordination will again occur between the FHWA and appropriate MN/DOT and State-Aid staff to ensure a timely response. ⚫ SAFETEA-LU Authorization ⚫ SAFETEA-LU Minnesota Proj ⚫ 23 USC HPP Administer funds. Consult with FHWA MN Division, LGU as appropriate Administer and authorize projects; obligate funds Project is constructed. SAFETEA-LU Sections1702 TIMP Administer funds. Consult with FHWA MN Division, LGU as appropriate Administer and authorize projects; obligate funds Project is constructed. SAFETEA-LU Section 1934 TCSP Assist in application process when solicitated. Administer funds. Consult with FHWA MN Division, LGU as appropriate. Review and approve grant applications. Vet projects as requested by Washington office. Submit identified lists of funded projects to MN/DOT. Administer and authorize projects; obligate funds. Selected projects receive funding. Project is constructed. SAFETEA-LU Section 1117 PNRS Administer funds. Consult with FHWA MN Division, LGU as appropriate Administer and authorize projects; obligate funds Project is constructed. SAFETEA-LU Section 1301 National Corridor Infrastr...
Oversight Activities. SPR. FHWA exercises its oversight responsibilities through review of the annual program prior to approval actions, annual program certification, review of SPR Work Program amendments prior to approval, and ongoing participation of its technical specialists in pooled fund study technical panels. As appropriate, FHWA personnel participate in peer exchanges. The FHWA Division Research and Technology Engineer oversees the administrative aspects and coordinates with the Division Office specialists for technical aspects. FHWA reviews and approves an updated version of the manual when there are significant changes in the management process or new Federal regulation/policy are enacted. ! LTAP. FHWA exercises its oversight responsibilities through review of the annual work plan prior to approval actions, review of work plan amendments prior to approval, participation in the LTAP Steering Committee, and participation or planning of various LTAP-related activities. CTS and FHWA coordinate to process amendments to LTAP. FHWA also coordinates with CTS for program development, eligibility and fiscal issues. ! Experimental Features. Oversight for experimental features is handled through the approval process as outlined in the Programming and Project Authorization/Agreement Process. • 23 U.S.C. Sections 501-508, Research and Technology • 23 CFR 420, Planning and Research Program Administration Transportation Pooled Fund Program — Steps in the Procedures • FHWA Policy Memo of 11/3/1994 – “State Planning and Research Administration; Guidelines” • FHWA Policy Memo of 1/16/1997 – “Use of State Planning and Research (SPR) Funds for Tech Certification Program Course Development” • FHWA Order 6000.3A – FHWA Development and Coordination of the Research and Technology Program • Mn/DOT Research Manual • FHWA Guidelines for Construction Projects Incorporating Experimental Features A Guide to Federal-Aid Programs and Projects • LTAP Manual • State Planning and Research (SP&R) Guide • Local Technical Assistance Program • 49 CFR 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments • Mn/DOT Contract Administration Manual • RSS Research Manual • Mn/DOT Professional/Technical Consultant Acquisition Procedures for Federally Aided Contracts • FHWA Guidance Memo of March 11, 2004, - FHWA, State DOT, and MPO Right s to Copyrighted and Patented Items Developed with FHWA Planning and Research Funds Peer Exchange OIM sponsors event or parti...