Parent Conference Days. Local schools will determine the best use of Board-approved parent conference days. Leadership teams will determine the best configuration of conference times, with input from teachers and parents. Options may include flexible combinations of early release days, e.g., currently published two early release afternoons; early release days combined into one afternoon with continuous evening hours and no teacher service on the second afternoons.
Parent Conference Days. No employee is to work a double shift without prior written approval from his/her immediate supervisor.
Parent Conference Days. When the District schedules parent conference days, it may schedule conference days as one full day or two half days. “Half-days” shall mean, for this purpose, at least three and a three-quarter (3.75) hours without students. If parent conferences are scheduled in the evening, a designated dinner time shall be scheduled for employees. Employees shall be released from duty (1/2) day for each half-day evening parent conference scheduled.
Parent Conference Days. The Board shall designate a number of days, or fraction thereof, for parent conferences, equal to the number of days, or fraction thereof, necessary to meet the requirements of the Board and the needs of the SEDOL program, but in no event shall this be less than two (2) days in total. The Board shall not increase the required number of parent conferences without also increasing the number of designated days or fraction thereof. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the teacher to provide for addi- tional parent conferences, outside the course of a normal school day, when necessitated by changes in a student’s Individual Education Plan or as the need arises, and such conferences necessitated by changes in an Individual Educational Plan shall not be construed as “required” parent conferences hereunder.
Parent Conference Days. If parent conference days are scheduled outside the regular school day, release time shall be provided.
Parent Conference Days. Secretaries shall work scheduled Parent-teacher Conference Days in conjunction with the operation of the school.
Parent Conference Days. The District and the Association encourage teachers to establish close working relations with parents. To that end, the District will support parent conferences in the following ways:
Parent Conference Days. 1. Bargaining unit members may be required to attend parent conferences, which may be held during the evening hours, provided, however, that in no event shall the total time required of bargaining unit members exceed the length of the school day specified in Article V Section B over a two (2) day period.
Parent Conference Days. Each year, ten (10) days will be set aside for parent conferences, which shall be minimum days. The second conference shall be required for at-risk students and shall be scheduled but not required for all other students. If no conferences are held, unit members will remain on site until the conclusion of the normal work day except for the last working day of each conference week when unit members may leave school after their last scheduled conferences. All conferences shall be scheduled by unit members who shall make all reasonable efforts to accommodate parents.
Parent Conference Days. Parent Conferences will be scheduled for the days designated on the calendar. On the designated days, employees will be on site for at least seven (7) hours during the first day and for at least four (4) hours on the second day. In addition, employees will be available on site, for parent conferences, for three (3) more hours; these hours are to be scheduled following the end of the work day on the day preceding the first conference day or either of the scheduled parent conference days. Employees shall coordinate parent conference meetings with the principal. The parent conference schedule must be approved by the principal prior to the parent conference days. A portion of the parent conference time blocks may be used for other job role responsibilities if not needed specifically for conferencing with parents.